• expired

[PS4, XB1] Game Clearance: Battlefield 1 - $1, Assassin's Creed Odyssey/Kingdom Hearts 3/Far Cry New Dawn - $10 + More @ Target


Target is clearing out a bunch of games. Limited stock obviously.

Fallout 76 $1 deal

Full list here: http://press-start.com.au/bargains/2020/06/14/target-is-clea…


Fallout 76 – $1
PlayStation VR Worlds – $1
That’s You – $1
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – $10
Far Cry New Dawn – $10
Call Of Duty: Black Ops IIII – $10
Just Cause 4 – $10
Battlefield V – $18
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds – $10
Shadow of the Tomb Raider – $16
The Crew 2 – $10
Kingdom Hearts 3 – $10
Watch Dogs 2 – $10
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection – $10


Middle-Earth: Shadow of War – $1
Battlefield 1 – $1
Forza 7 -$10
Devil May Cry 5 – $10
Crackdown 3 – $10
GRID – $10
NBA 2k19 – $10
Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare – $5

Kingdom Hearts 3 - $10
Far Cry: New Dawn - $10
Madden NFL 19 -$10
Steven Universe Save the Light - $10
Ugly Dolls - $10
Watch Dogs 2 - $10


Go Vacation – $10

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Can the $1 games be traded for a higher price at EB?

    • Yep. Or at least at CEX, if you have one nearby. Chances of finding any stock are very low, though.

  • Just Cause 4 XBOX One I just picked up for $10
    Not in initial list for xbox

    • You got a receipt as a certain store i try on a few titles to price match always say its a clearance from target so they dont match it. I just missed this today from a target store not too far away and i dont fancy call stores further away and driving there.
      But i know the store does match as i have seen another title someone got from them price matched. Maybe a receipt will help me.

  • +11

    I wonder if they’re getting out of gaming altogether given how the gaming/AV sections of the stores have continued to shrink in floor space.

    • I think they definitely are

      • +4

        Many stores are getting out of Target 🎯 or retail altogether

      • +9

        I hope they're not getting out of gaming. Like Big W, they occasionally have some good deals. The more competition, the better it is for gamers as I would hate for one company to have a monopoly and charge $99.95 retail for new games.

        Edit: Devil May Cry 5 for $10 is an absolutely steal. I bought this close to release for $35, also a great Target deal.

        • +3

          If you are talking about EB.

          The key is to wait for them to have a sales.

        • well, you are headed that way with digital editions of consoles anyway, it's a matter of time unfortunately

          • @Jackson: Yeah ironically buying the cheaper digital edition of consoles is actually more expensive due to digital games being much more expensive than their physical counterparts.

            I think we're ok for the PS5 / XSX generation which is apparently the last generation of consoles. Gaming will probably follow the cloud streaming services of netflix and spotify.

    • I think they are too. Costco have completely gotten rid of their games

    • +10

      I guess it’s too competitive with Amazon around now
      Hopefully Amazon doesn’t monopolise the video game market

      • +6

        Amazon did it with shoes in the US, undercut most of the competitors and they went out of business. Once the competition dries up they can set the price.

        • +4

          This is exactly why alternatives need to be posted. Everyone needs to not buy exclusively on Amazon. It's bad for business and the customer.

          • +4

            @Valowick: happy to support other brick and motor stores, it a sad state of times. Back in the last gen. PS3 and XBOX360 almost every department store carried games.

  • Also Overwatch is $10 on Xbox, and FIFA 19 is $10 on switch.

    • +1

      Overwatch for $10 is very well worth it imo.

  • +13

    AC Odyssey for 10 bucks is an absolute steal

    • does buy season pass ac odyssey still got ac 3 n ac liberty for free???

      ac odyssey gold version given them both for free

      ne1 knew this??

      • +3

        wanna repeat that in english?

  • +1

    AC Odyssey, monster energy supercross 2 and fallout 76 for $21. I happy

    • Just curious did the Fallout 76 have any leaflet or manual in the case? Thanks

      • Not sure it's still shrink wrapped

  • I take you guys are picking stuff up as already in store or close by? How does one find stock of stuff? I know one game shows online but its full price and not available anywhere near me unless a different version

  • +1

    Picked up PUBG for $1. Its the digital copy of the preview edition.

    • +8

      Preview Edition gets auto upgraded to the full edition as soon as you redeem the key. So you're right with that one.

  • Does anyone know if there’s stock for AC Odyssey in southland?

    • +15


  • +2

    Is there a way to check stock online and a fist of what's available i just feel most of the stores here will have already sold out or have none.

  • At Warrawong NSW there was
    [PS4] Fallout 76 $1, but not much else in the $10 range on display.
    [XB1] Kingdom Hearts 3, Crackdown 3, Devil May Cry 5, Far Cry New Dawn, Madden NFL 19, Steven Universe Save the Light, Ugly Dolls, Watch Dogs 2, all $10ea.

  • +5

    If there is no stock on the shelf, go and ask if they still have the disk.
    I found that my store ran out of AC Odyssey cases, but had the disk and old label in their draws. It still scanned through for 10 bucks

    • +1

      They should give you a discount if it doesn't come with the case. At least, that's what JB Hifi does.

      I wonder if it's theft that they're missing boxes or just bad inventory management. Last time I tried to buy Mass Effect Andromeda for $5 but they had the box and was missing the disc.

  • +1

    Where the flop are PCs 😤

  • +3

    Man.. at the end there will be only one place where you will be able to buy a console game and I am not liking this at all.

    • +4

      Sony and Microsoft have showed their hand. Both are pushing digital only versions of their consoles. The next gen after this is absolutely digital only. No way will they won't take advantage of these stores calling it quits.

  • -3

    Kingdom Hearts 3 & Far Cry New Dawn not even worth it if they were in the $1 bin.

  • Still a decent amount of games in Marketplace Leichhardt (NSW). I count 4 FC: New Dawn (PS4) for instance.

  • It seems AC Odyssey and Fallout 76 are already out of stock in many common Target stores. RIP

  • -1

    Picked up Anthem for $1, too.

    • -3

      That game is not worth it even if it was free.

  • W2K18 Wrestling on Xbox One was $1.

  • Rouse Hill NSW:
    Got Fallout and Crackdown for $10 each
    No $1 items in stock (i asked to look in the drawer) a couple of fallouts and crackdown left for $10.
    No other titles available from the list

    Castle Hill NSW:
    Got Grid for $10 - Last One
    No other $10 titles in stock
    Metal Gear Solid Survive for $15
    Hitman 2 for $20
    No $1 items
    I scanned pretty much everything there lol

    • You overpaid for Metal Gear Survive. It's meant to be atrocious and not in a so bad it's almost good kinda way. I would only buy it for $1 to use as a replacement game case. Can't fault your other games though!

      • +1

        Sorry only bought grid from castle Hill.
        Others were just fyi

        • Ah I misreaad. All good!

  • Just picked up LA Noir for $1 for Xbox one at chermside qld. There was one copy left. Decided to leave it there for another ozbargainer to come along. There was also a bunch of destiny 2 for $1 also but seeing as though that is free (I think) on marketplace I decided to leave it. Didn’t see too much for PS4 that look like a bargain.

    Happy hunting.

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