Who Still Has Windows Phone?

I am still using an old Nokia Windows Phone. Who is in the same boat??? I am holding out for the Surface dual-screen phone.


  • +1

    My parents both have one, a 640 and a 950. Still going well and perfect for them because of the large font & high contrast white on black UI.

  • Yes. Battery won't let me use it as a mobile much longer. Such a nice OS and camera.

    • +1

      if youre preparing to replace it anyway, might as well try changing the battery. if you can DIY, itll cost around $20 and probably be easier than you expect. usually just a few screws, they are just small so they seem intimidating

  • +1

    Windows phone is still the best mobile OS by far. I miss the regular updates and new apps popping up there on a regular basis.

    Microsoft should have held out with it

    • +3

      Windows phone is still the best mobile OS by far.

      Normal people don't stare at tiles all day, 99% of their screen-on time is within apps. A mobile OS is only as good as its apps and WP didn't have any.

      Microsoft should have held out with it

      They already blew billions dollars on WP, not including the Nokia purchase, with no tangible return since WP7's launch in 2010. Any responsible business would have made the same call.

      • They were making plenty of money with it in countries such as Brazil where it held a dominant market position.

        As an example of the high level games I played on it (among other genres) were high quality, well integrated versions of Angry birds and Jetpack Joyride.
        The developers did a great job with these and had Microsoft persevered and better integrated it with their popular pc operating systems it would have been very profitable for them.

        • They were making plenty of money with it in countries such as Brazil where it held a dominant market position.

          Nope. They were trading profit for market share by selling Lumia 520s and 640s below cost. They were actually losing money per handset sold. They were 'selling' cheap Lumias as loss leaders, assuming they would recoup the money via app/media purchases… which never happened, because people who buy $50 phones don't tend to spend $50 on apps and games, and nor could they compete with Google in ads. And almost none of those 520 or 640 owners actually bothered upgrading to more profitable 9XX or 10XX series handsets either.

  • My burner phone is a Nokia/Windows 1320… A seriously great phone. I use it when buying and selling on eBay/Scumtree/Fartbook. I buy a SIM, charge it for 30 days use and pop it in my 1320.

  • I've had Windows Phones for a while now. Still using an HP Elite X3, with a 950XL in the drawer as a spare.

    I'm not looking forward to having to give them up.

  • +3

    I still have a Lumia 630 but only use it as an alarm clock as I have varied start times and its simple to use. They have such a nice operating system, I still prefer it to Android.

    Its a shame they didn't stick with it.

  • Still using a 640 I bought from Kmart back in 2015-and yes, the original battery still charging up like a charm.

  • Using an android phone now, just need the WhatsApp and other Android/iOS only apps.

    My 950 XL is still going strong, but only used as a back up device.

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