Olympus OM-D E-M10II - Assistance with USB Cable

Heya, would someone be able to identify for me what is the USB cable used for the above camera? Having a hard time finding it and have already bought the wrong one once :c an eBay link to one so I don't screw up again would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance!


  • +1


    I had a look at mine and it seems they are specific ones, rather than common makrs

    • Ah this would do, thank you! 🙂

  • Is it this one?


    I think it was this I bought for my E-M5, and it fit. Never really use it though to be honest.

    • That's the one I originally bought, and it's not the slim one, all good, the link above is good, thanks!

  • Looks like Ted’s cameras sell the Mk3. Maybe give them a call?

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