Reasons are:
- The small carriers like Lebara doesn't support eSIM,
- I need one for home and one for works,
- Need to buy the iPhone from local seller with invoice so I can claim my tax.
Reasons are:
Did you read the OP?
- The small carries like Lebara doesn't support eSIM,
- Need to buy the iPhone from local seller with invoice so I can claim my tax.
But you also want to import from China?!
I think he's looking for a local seller selling iPhones made for the China market. OP's choice of words, with English clearly not his first language, makes the post a tad confusing
Haha, you got me. Thanks for making my question clearer~
They want an iPhone …
Oops! Use a Taobao agent.
Why couldn't you import it yourself and still claim it on tax if you are using it for work purposes?
Not sure if I can claim tax from NSW from a product not really been charged tax by NSW… Please let me know if you had managed to make it happen..
FYI I had an import dual sim with 2 physical sims and forever had network issues.
I put it down to the different band frequencies ie no B28 etc
Thanks for the information. Agree on the network issues might happen. I think we should double check the frequencies of our Australian carries and also the mobile's support frequencies before we buy.
Just get an Android DUAL SIM phone
So much easier
Plenty around
alot of the newer models have the esim and physical sim feature - you would have to check with your telco to see if they support esim function.