Are Fighting Games Boring? Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter etc? Suggestions? Mortal Kombat Rumble 10 players simultaneously.

Why are so many fighting games still only 1 vs 1 (2v2 team battle)

A pretty average game - Xena Warrior Princess for Nintendo 64 in 1999 had 3 players or 4 players fighting simultaneously.
Whats wrong with these game developers?

These fighting games seem very repetitive and stale to me.

These type of fighting games should also have a really slowed down mode (match that could last like 3-10 minutes) that play more like N64 wrestling games - slow movement, fighters take loads of damage to wear down etc.

What about a full violence mode that plays like Time Killers (fighters start with weapons and fighters lose body parts during the round - would give fighters extra armor to hit first or the match would be over too quick)

Mortal Kombat Royal Rumble style match at the Pit or on the bridge (fighter gets thrown over the edge - fighting is paused while it shows the fighter falling to his death and then back to the match)
Maybe the fighter has to have sustained a certain amount of damage to be vulnerable enough to be thrown over.

I mailed in a bunch of ideas to midway, Ed Boon, John Tobias etc back in the day.
I also sent in ideas for boxing games to have tag team boxing, triple threat, fatal 4 way, bare knuckle, fight with knuckle dusters etc but all we got was standard 1v1 game after game.

Mortal Kombat when a player (during a 3, 4, 6, etc man match) is beaten past danger the announcer would still say FINISH HIM and any of the other fighters would have a couple of seconds to perform a fatality on him or just hit him to the ground and then the match would continue until the last man is left standing. Multiple fatalities per match would be awesome.
Sure new fighting games graphics look awesome but I would scale that back for smoother gameplay and stable frame rate with extra fighters at the same time.

Mortal Kombat 10 player online Elimination Rumble with 10 players fighting simultaneously - No regular fatalities just the stage fatality when someone is (eliminated) put over the edge and dies.
- Always making new levels, on top of buildings, mountains, dead pool return from MK2 where eliminated fighter is hit into acid pool, moat with crocodiles? etc

Imagine all the best Mortal Kombat video game players fighting against each other at the same time online with all stats, and in tournaments etc Could be one of the best fighting games ever.

All the previous Mortal Kombat characters return to bring back fans of the first few games.

What do you think?


  • +7

    Are Fighting Games Boring?


    • +3

      Ummm .. no.

  • Perhaps these fighting games are a little too linear these days. People seem to be opting for more open world games where there are many elements rather than just fighting. I’ve also found a game that has a good story to be the most captivating but hey, each to their own.

    • You are certainly correct about being too linear - one dimensional really. Seeing all these other genres come so far and to have fighting games do basically nothing new year after year after year is why I have next to no interest in them.

  • +1

    Tried smash?

    • Yeah Smash Bros has always been a good game.

      Unfortunately the more violent fighting games only focus is on improving how the games look not how they play.

  • I still love a good game of Street Fighter, and get the new versions when they're on sale, to play when the mood moves me for something simpler than the big complex games I normally go for. I think I still like SF only because I've been playing since 1992. I can't get into any new games like Guilty Gear or anything, and dropped off the Mortal Kombat train with Trilogy. (I tried MK4 but hated it, and never got into it after that.)

    • Not a big mk fan but the latest ones have an amazing story mode.

    • Street Fighter Smash Bros style would be good (wouldn't have people falling off the edge though that wouldnt work well for Street Fighter - being smashed through walls, doors, glass windows could though, why is the sole focus still 1v1?

      • Except your suggestions of wall-breaking/cinematics are literally what you supposedly dislike, making the game look visually appealing, but not adding to the gameplay at all. If you've seen the new Guilty Gear Strive and its wallbreak mechanic, it gets really boring and stale seeing the stages transition over and over again, and resetting neutral/footsies constantly for no reason isn't fun. Why the focus is still 1v1 is because that's what makes it a fighting game in the first place. It's like asking why is basketball a 5v5 sport instead of 10v10, or 1v1. You could do it, but it'd just be relegated to a spinoff/pickup game compared to the real deal.

        • Actually most people prefer 2 on 2 or 3 on 3 for basketball video games - NBA Jam, NBA Street, etc

          1v1 is fine I'm not saying to scrap that or 2 on 2 team battle etc but why not more fighters at the same time that adds some unpredictability to the game?

          • @Pimpiticians 4 Life: I mean Street Fighter V is a great example of why unpredictability is not a good thing, it rewards mindless mashing, over sound fundamentals/practised execution. Not saying that any unpredictability at all is bad, but when the game becomes revolved around it (in this case, with lots of individually thinking charas/whatnot on the screen etc), it plays like the shitters.

  • Gave up on Mortal Kombat, crossed the line into Sadism in MKX. I still think Virtua fighter 5 is the best fighting game made. Street Fighter V is a expensive shitshow

    Tekken 7 is fantastic, other than that, I dont bother with the tired genre.

  • Back in the days people have friends to play couch co op style, now most only have virtual friends and even if you have friends to play with, do they want to travel to another friend place just to play games?

    problem 2 is of course the technology, if they can't get 1 v 1 smoothly, there's no chance they can make party fighting games playable at the level you expect them to..good fighting games require precise timing so lag is not an option.

    I reckon fighting games is slow burn, you will find it boring if you after some instant gratifications. you need to learn the ropes to fully appreciate it and only then you will find it enjoyable even if you're on the losing end.

    • The good old days of Double Dragon or Golden Axe.

      Regarding 1v1 fighting games, I don't like the idea of having a friend over and fight with him virtually. From experience, a friend stopped talking to another because he kept getting beaten up (frustrated).

      Devs need to bring back more co-op beat 'em up games.

      • 1v1 games just get boring after not long and when playing against someone who is better even more so. 4+ players simultaneously with computer bots changed the game.

        Definitely 2 player coop games are great.

        • I mean that "someone who is better" also had to start off somewhere (ie. not very good at the game). Based on what you've said, I reckon fighting games just aren't for you, as Tightpocket said, they definitely require much more time/investment to get any enjoyment out of them. That being said, if you can last that initial slow burn, the enjoyment of playing lasts for a very long time (lots of legacy fighting games still being played consistently today).

          • @Halsmich: I played the first 4 Mortal Kombat games to death - just sad to see the game only ever updated the graphics not the gameplay replay-ability.

            Have you played Xena Warrior Princess for Nintendo 64 (1999)?

            Why do think so many people like me still play WWF No Mercy/Virtual Pro Wrestling today - its not for the graphics.

            • @Pimpiticians 4 Life: I think also a problem is your choice of Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter, which happen to be 2 of the worst franchises out of the current-gen fighting games. Stale, catered towards newbies but kinda failing at it, and mostly milking the established name. Have you tried any other games like King of Fighters, BlazBlue, Guilty Gear or the like?

      • Good games back in the day for sure.

        Instead of Mortal Kombat giving a side scrolling 2 player co-op they delivered one the worst games ever (and the hardest) Sub Zero Mortal Kombat Mythologies (1 player trash). Hated that game.

        Gauntlet Legends (4 player cop-op) 1998 was great and what Mortal Kombat should have paid attention to.

  • Would Streets of Rage 4 entice you?

    • Yes its quite good, cant believe they made Axel so wide though he looks ridiculous.

      • Maybe he got turned down by Blaze and went on a binge. lol

  • +1

    Try Samurai Shodown.

  • +1

    Are Fighting Games Boring?

    Compared to what? Fighting in real life? Depends if you're getting a whooping or not.

  • Super Smash Brothers?

  • I do feel that MK and SF have lately become dial-a-combo games. As soon as someone lands a leading hit, you're stuck waiting for them to finish their dance while your health disappears (though I do realise there are combo break mechanics).

  • Mortal Kombat Royal Rumble style match at the Pit or on the bridge (fighter gets thrown over the edge - fighting is paused while it shows the fighter falling to his death and then back to the match)

    So you're in the middle of the sequence and the game stops so you can watch someone fall of the edge?
    sounds annoying to me.

    • You would have in the game options to watch each death during the match or not so the gameplay is not interrupted - only the last death over the edge at the end of the match would be shown with all the other dead fighters corpses impaled in spikes being shown in the position they would have landed too.
      At a stage like the deadpool where the acid pool is level with the ground each body would turn to a skeleton as the fight continues.

  • Are fighting games boring?

    They are if you don’t have the skills.

    Had you tried Marvel vs Capcom 2?

    3 vs 3.

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