Stories to make you laugh, scream, cringe, think, scratch your head, and roll your eyes. This collection has something to please every type of Kindle reader, and is an inexpensive way to get introduced to the author and his work.
On the Rocks - Jack Daniels solves a locked room mystery
Whelp Wanted - Harry McGlade becomes a dognapper
Street Music - Phineas Troutt hunts a prostitute
The One That Got Away - The Gingerbread Man's last victim
With a Twist - Jack Daniels solves an impossible crime
Epitaph - Phineas Troutt avenges a death
Taken to the Cleaners - Harry McGlade goofs off
Body Shots - Jack Daniels at a school shooting
Suffer - Phineas Troutt as a hitman
Overproof - Jack Daniels discovers what is stopping traffic
Bereavement - Phineas Troutt as hitman
Pot Shot - Herb Benedict gets shot at
Last Request - Phineas Troutt meets his match
Planter's Punch - Jack Daniels meets Tom Schreck's Duffy Domborwski
Truck Stop - Jack Daniels meets bad guys from AFRAID and SERIALCRIME STORIES
The Big Guys - flash fiction
The Agreement - very nasty noir
A Fistful of Cozy - a satire of the cozy genre
Cleansing - a crime of biblical proportions
Lying Eyes - solve it yourself
Perfect Plan - solve it yourself
Piece of Cake - solve it yourself
Animal Attraction - solve it yourself
Basketcase - hardboiled horror
Urgent Reply Needed - how to deal with spammers
Blaine's Deal - parody of hardboiled noir
The Confession - horrific noirHORROR STORIES
Finicky Eater - nuclear holocaust and cannibals
The Screaming - Van Helsing lives
Mr. Pull Ups - body modification horror
The Shed - some losers find the door to hell
Them's Good Eats - rednecks vs. aliens
First Time - a tender coming of age story
Forgiveness - the genesis of evil
Redux - ghost story noir
The Bag - what's in the bag?
Careful, He Bites - lyncanthrope flash fiction
Symbios - sci-fi horror
A Matter of Taste - zombie flash fiction
Embrace - gothic fiction
Trailer Sucks - gross out gore
Markey - psychological horror
Punishment Room - horrific suspense
Shapeshifter's Anonymous - funny paranormal
SERIAL - with Blake Crouch
Dear Diary - a dip into madness
The Eagle - early horror
A Sound of Blunder - with F. Paul WilsonFUNNY STUFF
Light Drizzle - parody of hitman stories
Mr. Spaceman - science fiction satire
Don't Press That Button! - essay on James Bond
Piranha Pool - comedy about writing
Well Balanced Meal - gross out humor
A Newbie's Guide to Thrillerfest - essay on writing conventions
Inspector Oxnard - parody of mysteries
Appalachian Lullaby - radioactive monkeys
One Night Only - humorous story
An Archaeologist's Story - satire
Could Stephanie Plum Car Really Get Car Insurance? - essay
Cozy or Hardboiled? - essay
Addiction - comedy about writing
Weigh To Go - humor column about health clubs
Cub Scout Gore Feast - with Jeff Strand
Hint Fiction - four super shorts
[eBook] Free: "65 Proof - Jack Daniels and Other Thriller Stories" $0 @ Amazon AU, US

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If something is free, you're ususally the product.
Thanks OP
Thanks op…I’ve read a few of the Jack Daniels series and find them quite good…
His words really whiskey you away.
Thanks :)