Hi guys,
Just wondering if anyone has any experience with extending a novated lease contract.
Basically I'm at the end of my 4 year lease and I have the option to pay it out or extend for another year.
Unless my Maths is wrong, it seems like it may be slightly beneficial to keep it going for another year.
However, I'm getting stumped around the ECM and pre/post-tax contributions.
Currently, the portion I'm paying is about 900 for lease rental and 100 for running costs.
I've been told that going forward, the lease rental would drop to 500 but my running costs would be upped to 500.
I'd still be paying $1k but I guess the rate of repaying the car would drop quite a fair bit.
Is this right?
at the 4 year mark you can reduce the value of the asset - hence lease cost reducing.
The car may be harder to sell if you say had a 5 year warranty and there is none left after the extension.