Free - Virtual Tour of The International Space Station @ Google

Moved to Forum: Original Link

A deal that is literally out of this world. Get a 360 degrees tour of the ISS without needing to float around.

PS. Similar deal to TA’s virtual tour deal (also from Google).

Mod: This has always been free, July 2017 and is not available for a limited time. Moved to free software/websites forums. Ref.

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  • +2

    This is straight up OH&S

  • +1

    Thanks OP. I can now tell people I've been in the international space station!

  • +5

    From the posting guidelines:

    There are so many useful free multimedia content (e.g. ebooks, videos, photos, software, apps etc.) and websites out there that if we listed every great one, then we would be inundated with deals. Feel free to discuss any of these in one of our forums. Alternatively, add the freeware to its dedicated free software wiki page – Useful Free Software.

    In general, multimedia content that are always free and available to everyone should be posted in the forums, but if something that was not previously free is offered free temporarily or permanently, it qualifies as a deal. In some cases, decisions on whether a post should stay as a deal or be moved to a forum post is at moderators discretion. As this is an evolving subject, community feedback is welcomed in our Site Discussion forum.…

    • +3

      Agreed, while I appreciate the majority of the deals dealbot posts, this is a bit low effort. My street is on Streetview, should I post it here?

  • wow messy room there

    • they need cable organiser 😂

  • that thinkpad is legend

    • I still use one like that, the case just cracked on it today :(

      • they brought thinkpad to space for a reason back then :)

  • +1

    Free - Gmail Account @ Google

  • Where's the toilet?

  • +3

    Fun fact: the ISS is the second brightest object in the sky after the moon and is visible from Earth. Use this map to find out when and where you will be able to see it.

    That white line in the sky is what you're looking for.

  • +1

    which side is the ceiling?

    • +1

      There is really no up or down in the ISS, but there is a direction we think of as the floor and a direction we think of as the ceiling in each module. Most of the labeling on panels and equipment is written so that it is right side up assuming this orientation, and also most of the lights are on the "ceiling" so they cast light "downwards".

      If you can read the sticky note that says "Peggy" for example , then you're standing on the floor.

      Edit: And this is who Peggy is.

      • +1

        She went 3 (profanity) times. Thats insane.

        • +1

          She did 10 space walks: 10 times when it was just her out there in the vastness of space. We call her the 'space ninja'. She's incredible.
          Chris is my favorite astronaut though.

        • While we are on the topic of amazing women , look up Dr Kathy Sullivan. She is a hybrid astronaut and oceanographer.She was the first woman to walk in space AND is now the first woman to have been to the deepest known part of the ocean:

          While she was down there, she called her old mates from the ISS:

          Expedition leader Rob McCallum said about the achievement: "It was amazing to set up a conversation between two 'spacecraft'; one operating as a platform for research in outer space, the other an exploration vehicle for 'inner space'.

          "Two groups of humans using cutting edge technology to explore the outer edges of our world. It highlighted the vast span of human endeavour while at the same time linking us close together as fellow explorers. "

          The two crafts couldn't be more different. The ISS works in zero gravity, while the Limiting Factor operates at a crushing pressure equivalent to having 2,200 tonnes of pressure pressing down on the hatch.

          Dr Kathy Sullivan is the only person who has been both to outer space and to'inner space'.

  • Thanks.

  • +2

    The epitome of engineering. Function over form.

  • +1

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought this was always available… a few months back I was looking at this for free… I remember seeing the Thinkpad, and being so bored I actually decided to research and find the exact model which they used

  • oh wow, I suddenly felt very claustrophobic. What an experience

  • Great place to be for the current crew (2 Russians, 3 Americans) with SARS-CoV-2 down here and the George Floyd fall-out (for the Americans).

    • What a nightmare - just imagine them thinking everyone is gonna die and they are left up there to be the only survivors… what movie was that?!

      • DEFCON-4?

      • Aniara?

        How terror blasts inward,
        how horror blasts outward.
        How grim it always is, one's detonation.

        The inspiration for the movie is a scifi poem by Nobel laureate Harry Martinson. It is relentlessly depressing and I felt trapped when I first saw it, as unable to escape as the would-be colonists on the Aniara. At times, the commitment to bleakness in the film feels artistically admirable: it unblinkingly faces the void, and it refuses to console the audience.But mostly, this is a movie that simulates the experience of losing the will to live, a daunting premise, even for the bravest voyager. Hard to recommend but also hard not to recommend.

        • Easy to accept your recommendation, but also not easy ;)

  • With fake computer generated earth below

    • +1

      So hard to tell what's sarcasm and what's not these days…

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