This was posted 4 years 9 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

ALDI Catalogue 17&20 June - 24 Marine Grade Stainless Steel Pegs $6.99, Thermos Slimline Flask 1L $14.99/Food Flask 500ml $9.99


Full catalogue for your viewing pleasure.

Marine Grade Stainless Steel Pegs 24pk $6.99 (20th June)
  • Resists rust and weathering
Thermos Slimline Flask 1L $14.99 (20th June)
  • Stainless steel, double wall construction
  • Keeps liquid hot for 12hrs or cold for 24hrs
Thermos Food Flask 500ml $9.99 (20th June)
  • Stainless steel, double wall construction
  • Retains hot or cold temps for 6hrs
  • Wide opening for easy use
Reusable Straws $3.99 (20th June)
  • 4pk smoothie or 6pk regular
  • Stainless Steel or Silicone
  • Includes Cleaning Brush
4.2L Laundry Liquid $12.99 (17th June)

Original image link

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Anyone purchased their cutlery sets for $6.99 before?
    I've been wanting some black anodised stainless steel cutlery for ages now, but it's pretty rare and/or expensive.

    • +1

      Not sure if anodised but we've got some of the black cutlery from Kmart. Not that expensive. Have had it for almost 2 years now. Going strong, no complaints.

      • +15

        Do you feel like goths or something when eating dinner. Like you're in a Tim Burton movie with your crazy black knives and forks.

        • +73

          I don't like your tone.
          Black Knives Matter.

        • +7

          Yes I feel like asterix and obelix eating wild boar at the camp fire

        • Easy to keep seperate at Covid 19 parties.

    • +2

      We've got some of the copper coloured cutlery and it's quite good.

    • +3

      I have some from Aldi, only a couple of years old - the black is wearing off the edges of the handles so they don't look that great anymore.

      • Same with my Aldi ones. They looked good for about a month, then the black started wearing off.

        • Were you putting them in the dishwasher or hand washing?

    • I have the gold set and they seem fine. Colours are fading slowly but it probably appears more on black than gold. I've been happy with mine.

  • What is ALDI's marine grade? 316 or higher?

    • What are people’s views on these for Sous Vide clips?

      • +1

        Been using bullclips, hasn't rusted yet.

      • -1

        The quality will at least be 316L grade steel, which is the steel used in Seiko watches and urinals. It will be less than the 904L used by Rolex.

      • Thx for the link.
        Visible evidence of corrosive attack in a marine environment is known as “tea staining”
        Hmmm tea staining could result on clothes 😳

        • +2

          don't hang your clothes under the sea then

        • +6

          Just don't hang your clothes up when they're wet…easy.

          • @dm01: just don't wash them in salt water

    • Somewhere between 316 & 904 I would presume.

    • +4

      I'll ask them via chat and post back with their response.

      For those that are wondering, here's a handy guide to choosing the best grade of stainless steel peg courtesy of Biome:

      "Standard 201 grade stainless steel pegs: if you tend to bring your pegs inside or live far away from any salt, or want them for indoor use, you would be fine with the 201 grade. Not suitable for anywhere near the ocean / salty air.

      304 grade: OK to leave on the line if you live no where near salt! If you have salty breeze, do not leave them on the line as they will be constantly hit by salty air. They may be ok outside if left in a bucket with holes in the bottom - that way the rain will wash the pegs, and, being inside the bucket they are sheltered from gathering salt from the wind. For best care, bring the pegs inside.

      Marine 316 grade wire pegs: Will last a lifetime. The best choice if you live near the ocean and want to leave your pegs outside. They will never ever rust and are perfect for boats or coastal use."

    • +1

      For a moment there, I thought they meant tent pegs. Which wouldn't work well, stainless steel will corrode when underground, it needs free access to air to maintain its corrosion resistance.

      Stainless steel laundry pegs are cheaper here:…
      20 for about AU$4.76 makes 24 worth about AU$5.72

      • +1

        No information there on the metal grade though, so if rather pay a dollar more for marine grade and Aldi's returns policy.

  • Anyone noticed things at ALDI gets sold out really quickly, or is it just me?

    • +1

      Depends what, most of the popular stuff like what's mentioned in OP will go quickly, they only seem to stock ~100 or so of each item per store

    • +1


      I went to get some cable management today that went on sale yesterday. But they were all gone.

      Looks like a lot of people need to organise their cables.

    • +1

      Depends on what ALDI you go to imo. The one I went to had plenty of stock of all the catalogue from Saturday but it might just be because it's a quiet area.

      • Which Aldi have you visited and it has plenty of stock? Thanks

      Try this to check stock availability.
      Then click the messenger link.

    • +1

      I feel it's gotten more "cultish". I think theres alot of fb groups that, given nothing else to do, they preach aldi products and all the group followers snap them up.

      • +1

        Whereas some people, given nothing else to do, they post ridiculous comment on ozbargain.

    • +3

      That's Aldi's clever business model, try to create scarcity via time limited and stock limited specials, to drive up consumer desire and impulse purchase, because it wont be there when you come back.

  • +8

    No deal. I insist all my clothes pegs are NASA grade. At a minimum.

    • NASA doesn't do any laundry.

      • +11

        sure they do. They have EVERYTHING on the line, even their lives so certainly they have their banana hammocks catching some deepspace rays.

      • +2

        They do now since SpaceX took over.

        • +1

          On a completely unrelated note, I'm still in awe every time I watch replays of Falcon 9's return landing on a drone ship.

          • +1

            @kacak: Yes, literally da fuq hey? My awe is that they can land a pencil upright.

            Imagine how many hours elon locked those engineers in that airtight room trying to flick pencils until one landed upright?

            Apparently, they attribute it to 3d printed engine parts?!?!?

    • But these are good enough for washing on my yacht.

      • +4

        yes, but wait a few days after they go on sale, because by then they also won't exist, much like your yacht.

  • +3

    Bought the food flask from last special buy time. Can confirm it doesn't work as well as you expect, I mean after all it is $10. But it does a decent job enough if you're okay with lukewarm food.

    • +2

      Thanks for the review. Was feeling a bit iffy because I bought the actual Thermos branded ones last week for $30.

      • How are the Thermos brand?

        • +2

          I have the thermos brand and they are awesome as long as you follow the instructions and preheat with boiling water for 10 mins before use.
          My soup/leftovers easily stays hot for 8 hours (I've never let it go any longer, have always eaten it by then).

        • If you're looking for the best - its stanley.

          thermos brand is good but I broke one already.
          Thats the issue with most of these flasks.

          they may work great on day 1 but after dropping them a few times = toast.

          the stanley ones are the ones built tough
          only issue is they are big/heavy

      • +1

        These are made by Thermos…

        • +1

          i think there is further emphasis on actual since these are incomparable to Thermos. honestly it's an insult to the company's reputation.

        • Made by Thermos doesn't always mean same quality as actual Thermos. Quite a few brands nowadays would make a cheaper version (often lower quality) than their actual line for "outlet" purposes, or push their stock which fails regular QA into another bucket where they resell as a "entry level" product so they don't just throw it out.

          I haven't used the Aldi version from Thermos but just saying this type of practice is quite common nowadays with everybody being more frugal and wanting to own a "premium" brand without the price tag.

          • @lplau: the cheap one has a 1 piece lid and is of much lower quality, I have both.

    • It says hot or cold for 12 hours. Not lukewarm.

      • Retains hot or cold temps for 6hrs

        as someone who actually has it, I can confirm it has only lasted 2 hours at best

  • Is the food flask dishwasher safe?

    • It said not to wash in the dishwasher when I checked last year, but I do anyway. Haven't noticed any problem

  • +1

    vegan food, black and gold cutlery and a cheap huskee mug oh my! 😍

  • +8

    But cheap caulilflower! Time to get some use out of all those air fryers, peeps!

    (If you don't know: 2:1 mix of EVOO + lemon juice with some minced garlic, pepper and a tiny bit of salt dumped into a bag of cauliflower… shake it… dump it in the air fryer… aim for around 200C… cook for a bit. Shake it / rearrange it a bit… dump a modest amount of smoked paprika on it … cook until it starts getting burnt, yes, really.)

    Remove from air fryer. Put in bowl, grab some hummous. Better than any chips.

    [ Added: NOTHING cooks cauliflower like an air fryer. it is amazing. ]

      • +5

        Plenty of people love chick peas. I mean I don’t eat them on their own, but they can be great in salads, for example. Lots of Indian dishes use them too.

        • -2

          Yeah but now remove everything but the chick peas from the salad. That's hommus :p

          This is my point.. Nobody eats them on their own. They are bland. So why the love for hommus?

          • @justtoreply: Garlic, lemon and tahini add the flavour… it’s like comparing milk to chocolate milk. “Der it’s got no flavour”

          • +1

            @justtoreply: Cause people like the taste of it I guess? I think you're overthinking it

    • Sounds delicious. Going to try. Thanks

  • Does anyone own the 1L flask? Wondering how s compare to… ?

  • -1

    Marine grade pegs??? Hahaha since when does salt come down with rain?

    Stainless steel is exactly that.. Stain LESS. Not Stain Proof. Even on boats/kayaks marine grade rusts.

    Consumers would be better off with plastic. These WILL get surface rust and that will rub off on clothes.

    • +5

      That's not how English works. Stainless is one word for a reason. Faultless doesn't mean less fault. Motherless doesn't mean less…mother.

      • +1

        Haha good pick up! Too bad it doesn't work in this principle, if only!

        If you live directly on the water it might be a product for you to last a little longer, but it will rust. You'd have to wash them after each use, like everything else.

        Ask any boatie or fisherman :) I could post about 10 photos of marine grade 316L screws, padeyes, bolts which all have surface rust. In the marine world it's StainLESS steel. Saltwater will corrode everything. But if you own a boat or live by the water you'll know this already.

        Which is why this product is pretty funny lol 0% thought went into it.

        Quote from various sources
        "It is also important to note that stainless steel is not stain proof; it is stain less. As such, regardless of whether you use 304 or 316L exposed stainless-steel requires maintenance. The addition of molybdenum (in marine grade stainless steel) only delays corrosion, it does not stop it."

        • But would this pegs be stainless if they were used within an environment which is exposed to very minimal salt, e.g. if you pegged clothes which are wet, and you are not leaving the pegs outside in the weather and always bring them back in.

          I think plenty of thought went into the product when they advertised it though, because most people won't know what you described… Haha thats how advertising works, as long as you can "mislead" 90% of your customers then you are winning.

          • @lplau: If there was no salt and brought them back in then they should be fine. But ditch the claims "marine grade" etc. That's bollocks. If they come in contact with bleach like substances then they will rust.

          • +1

            @lplau: The advertising makse sense to me. Regular pegs you don't know how good they are, some may rust very easily there is no way to tell until you've actually used them. With marine grade my expectation is they should not rust even if I feel lazy and leave them outside for a day or 2.

        • yep, live on a boat here and any steel will produce surface rust which will stain clothes. Any real boaty worth his salt will be using fully plastic pegs on dynemma lifelines. Only way to get clothes not covered in rust stains. These should be fine for anyone living on land and should last a whole lot longer than normal pegs but not suitable for marine environment.

  • +2

    I have stainless steel legs like these, not from aldi, they're strong and I use them for keeping opened snacks closed as they work better than elastic bands etc

  • The 1l $14.99 slimline flask is identical to one Woolworths used to sell (still occasionally see them there but it's old stock).
    I picked up one for $5.99 a couple of years ago and they are surprising good for keeping drinks warm (or cold) and surprisingly tough unless you hit the side just right.
    If you get one (unless its changed) the pop-top can unscrew and I would recommend this for cleaning as liquid can get trapped in it.

  • clothes pegs,
    I bought their clothes dryer,
    now I must have their pegs,
    How to use pegs in dryer??

    • +1

      duh they're metal
      so they don't
      melt in

  • Any experience with the Huskee reusable coffee cups?

    • Enjoying mine, no problems

  • +1

    They only had like 12 packs of the pegs at my local aldi…. haha

  • I was looking for stainless steel pegs after reading that things that last a lifetime thread, Ain't Pincinox but for 7 bucks I think they'll do

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