Yes..another poll.
Maybe a wake up call to many.
Do you come to a COMPLETE stop at a stop sign (when there is no traffic in the way or cops)- obv you would stop if there is traffic)
Yes..another poll.
Maybe a wake up call to many.
Do you come to a COMPLETE stop at a stop sign (when there is no traffic in the way or cops)- obv you would stop if there is traffic)
il stop if there is traffic but usually its better to roll slowly while you are checking it. I can stop quickly and take off quickly so i think its safer than coming to a full stop
Even Taxi drivers stop, cops always pull you if you don't
During my drivers licence I did but seriously there are many Stop signs that should be Give way that I give way safely and rarely see anyone come to a full stop at these . I have no doubt you would have more chance of road rage annoying people stopping at them .
If I could be bothered I could photo 100's of people in my area crossing unbroken straight lines where of course turns are not permitted . School Zones especially .
Yes even if there's obviously no traffic either side for miles.
I feel like the real question would be who actually follows variable speed signs?
I regularly feel like an idiot on my drive to work down the Gateway when it says 80, 60 nay sometimes 40 and every man and his dog is going 100 past me.
I now don't actually know what to do here, as it doesn't always feel safe when slowing down and the ones placed for traffic accidents usually get ignored soon as they can't see roadworks or anything, but legally I'm sure you continue through until it says 100
Yes I do. Why not tho?
Some stop signs are there for very good reason as visibility is not good in the area so it would be prudent to stop at the intersection and check, but other stop signs are in areas where visibility is good and one could make a clear decision before arriving at the intersection, stopping is just holding people up with no real benefit. Some stop signs are akin to stopping at a roundabout to check before going, which I've also seen people do. You may call it cautious but I call it overly cautious. Personally I feel unnecessarily holding up cars can be more dangerous than driving efficiently and vigilantly.
I don't believe the results of this poll.
I live in a house that looks across a small distance to a stop sign on a quiet suburban road, for the past 25+ years.
The amount of drivers that come to a COMPLETE stop is somewhere around 20% or less.
The majority of drivers slow down then proceed to roll through when they see it's clear.
A reasonable percentage of people barely slow down, if at all.
i completely agree, every time i come near one, i rarely see people make complete stops
There is no way the poll is accurate. My instructor on my motorcycle Ps course made a point of sitting by a stop sign for 5 minutes and waiting to see who actually stopped. 1 in 25 actually stopped.
The way I do it is I just look straight ahead until I've stopped. Only then do I turn my head and look for traffic.
Totally agreemudb1234 the poll result is BS.
Park yourself at any stop sign and you will see at least 80 to 90% of drivers do not stop. That makes around 498 of the yes votes lies.
I do stop at every stop sign and like you look straight ahead till I'm stopped.
Many years ago a driver run into the back of me at a stop sign. His excuse… 'I didn't think you were going to stop. No one else does.'
I don't think Ozbargain has ever been a good representation of a cross section of the Australian public. It would not surprise me if the numbers are only a little exaggerated, if this was a general population survey then yeah I would agree the result is absolutely BS. This is a community that aims to save money every way we can, getting caught for such easily avoidable things is a stupid waste of money.
Yes, always. Someone T-boned me once and if I hadn't come to a full stop at that stop sign, I wouldn't be here to tell the tale. Neither would my kids.
Maybe if you hadn't stopped they would have missed you?
I knew the other person. I doubt it was an accident considering I had a protection order against them.
I'm not sure what this has to do with a stop sign?
@johnno07: The police was happy to rule it as an accident (she admitted she was stalking me but claimed she lost control of her vehicle) and said that the stop sign saved my life.
high chance that the ones that voted no don't use their indicators either
When there is clearly no car coming, I never come to a complete stop in all honesty. Never had any near misses let alone accidents. Never been caught either - touchwood. And even if I do, I pay the fine, lose a few points - life goes on
I consider traffic infringement fines to be a cost of driving nowadays like rego, insurance, servicing and petrol
Not the greatest attitude I know, but it is virtually impossible to obey the thousands of traffic laws out there absolutely. Those who claim they do are simply full of s**t
Depends… at home, rural? Slow down, but total stop no. Urban area - yes, no matter what.
Voted Yes even though I don't do it 100% of the time.
I do it in the daytime when there is cars around, pedestrians, etc.
That's when I am doing my duty as a driver on the road.
However, if I am driving at 1am in the night with a stop sign near my house in a place I have driven countless times before, I slow down but I don't stop.
I've witnessed twice people getting stopped by the police for which I believe not stopping at stop signs. and yes I do stop at them regardless of traffic conditions
In a democratic country, is there a way to vote for the removal of stop sign, leaving only give way?
Yes, vote with your feet. Emigrate to Libya or Thailand.…
I respect my wallet so I can waste it here on OZBargain.
Short Answer - Yes
It's amazing that there are still people who believe the 'stop for three seconds' myth.
Of course you stop. Unless you have total visibility of all roads for miles and maybe can tell no one is coming. even then I'd still stop. Can't wait for self driving cars that will obey the law.
most learn from pain - having received maybe 2 tickets costing me hundreds of dollars after being told - wheels must come to a complete stop - I now tend to pay attention to that
People on ozbargain that vote are so risk adverse, might as well not drive. Your chance of dying in a car is very high compared to public transport. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone come to a Complete stop unless it’s a blind corner for my whole life and no1 has ever been fined. All these I’ve been fined feel like a thinly veiled threat to make people follow some pointless law to the letter.
My office desk faces a stop sign, this poll is unequivocal BS. Ive never done an official count but approx 50% of people do not come to a fully complete stop.
I stop, but I count to 3 really quickly and then I go if it is clear. I've always been afraid of being pulled over by police and incurring a silly fine that is totally avoidable.
I lift my handbrake and turn off the ignition at every stop sign just to make sure I've come to a complete stop. Other people like to play Russian roulette.
I do this and I also exit the car and inspect the intersection from outside of the car. I will not enter the car again until there's at least a safe 5 minute gap. If a car starts coming, timer is reset.
I do because I don't like giving the government a cent more money than I need to (i.e. from potential fines). Same for speed limits…I use cruise control as often as I can.
I find that most stop signs in my area are placed where a full stop is needed. So yes, I will stop at a stop sign.
Only a matter of time before they catch ya mate.
Best if you stop, rather than pay an unnecessary fine you could have easily avoided.