Riot has launched this f2p FPS in OCE. Makes me interested since they make the biggest game in the world. Any thoughts from early players?
Valorant Any Good?

they make the biggest game in the world
Are you referring to League of Legends?
In what way is it the biggest game?Just playerbase on PC I think. From here:
Another boring live service intent on making the game shit until you spend money.
In what way? Most PC games these days are pretty f2p friendly , with spending optional for cosmetics/skins. I can't take mobile games seriously because most are p2w
They are big time sinks though, and most shooters are somewhat similar, overwatch on release was a breath of fresh air and destruction mechanics in r6 siege is my favourite.
Quite fun actually. Seems very polished, small download/install size, runs well on even low-end hardware. It feels like 60% CS:GO, 40% Overwatch to me so far - if you're a fan of that Counter-Strike feel, give this a go.
I'm liking it a lot actually. I think if you like competitive games and eSports in general its a fun one to get into. Best played with a few friends who can be convinced easily enough with it being free.
Been playing CSGO, OW, EFT and RS6 the last year and Valorant isn't interesting IMO
Played all those except for EFT, just the price of EFT put me off, and no discounts available, we are Ozbargainers after all.
Got burnt with DayZ early access and struggle to put down much for an unfinished product.
Csgo , ow have run their course for me. Still fun ish but not the same rush as when first playing/improving. Looking for something new
Free GTA V on the 1660 for me
I like it, great with mates. And generally people in solo queue are friendly too
Smashed out some Valorant tonight and it's very nice. Got that easy to learn hard to master feeling. Players were pretty chill as well, not much toxicity yet
Awesome to hear mate. Yeah it's a great feeling when you get good at the game and make plays haha.
It's counter-strike x overwatch.