This was posted 4 years 9 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch] Bastion $3.50 / Transistor $4.75 / Slay The Spire $25.42 / Gris $11.97 / Unravel Two $9.99 @ Nintendo eShop


A few quality games that have just gone on sale in the Nintendo eShop.
I've played all except Transistor and thoroughly enjoyed them.

Some recommendations from other ozbargainers:

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closed Comments

  • +9

    Slay the spire is so worth it. Perfect for switch and super addictive.

    • Gonna be on IOS soon for $10 so not a good buy on switch anymore.

      • +11

        Yeah, but buttons.

        Bigger screen… and TV screen.

      • It's already playable on iOS/Android if you own it on Steam, FYI. You can stream it to your phone and it has a touch mode in the settings

        • is this via steam-link?

          but not exactly "on-the-go" right? you need to be in the same network as the machine running steam.

      • Agreed. This game is so perfect to play on mobile phone. And lots of phones now have bigger screen than my Switch lite.
        And thinking of you can continue your journey on iPad when you come back home, while relaxing on sofa, drinking a coke, woooooo. : D

      • +1

        not everyone has iphones and wants to waste their phone battery gaming.

        Id still rather a decidated gaming device that has physical buttons.

    • Historical low, according to DekuDeals

  • +3

    this is a good selection of games, over 1000 games on sale on switch right now… how many are going to be posted over the next week I wonder.

    • +6

      I hope that people are only posting for games that are actually worthwhile buying. If that's the case, I enjoy seeing them as it narrows down the selection for me and I don't have to spend as long browsing the eshop (which isn't fun) and reading/watching reviews on everything.

      That being said, I don't disagree that it's a LOT.

      • I agree.. too many are on sale, and I haven't heard of most of these games.

      • +6

        The eshop is the worst part of the Switch its laggy and slow.. hard to find items (I like tower defence games - try and find those games)and its performance must affect sales .. I know its hung on me more then once and i've wander off to do something else.

        • have you managed to find any good tower defense games on the switch?

          • @Noophe: Defense Grid 2 is on the switch and is really good. Definitely worth picking up if it's on sale.

          • @Noophe: I've been looking at Hypercharge Unboxed today, it's a split screen and online co-op tower defence FPS.

            Kind of looks like some combination of Quake, The Engineer in TF2 and Nazi Zombies from CoD… Looks really good to me, has a Deathmatch mode as well. Only gotcha might be low numbers online, and the theme (Small Soldiers/Toy Story) might not be for everyone.

            And of course it's not exactly traditional tower defence lol. Also on special at the moment though.

        • +8

          Use instead. The digital download links take you straight to the web store page for the specific game, and if your switch is on standby and connected to WiFi when you purchase, it'll start downloading it.

          • +1

            @Jonzay: I use Dekudeals for my wishlist. Didn't known you could go straight to webstore from it to purchase. That's a great tip. Thanks!

        • +4

          Yeah like I've said a few times before, the eShop is the worst experience of all the game stores.

          Every time I comment some Nintendo fan boy comes out of the woodwork and defends that shit.

          It's laggy, crashy, hard to search and even harder to filter all the trashware.

          Use dekudeals.

          • +1

            @Telios: Yeah I browse Dekudeals and use it for my wishlist. I still like seeing people's posts though. There'll be some gems that someone out there loved or is excited by, but wouldn't be suggested to me by any algorithm for whatever reason.

            Eg. I want to check out What Remains of Edith Finch after seeing this post


          • @Telios: I hear people say it's laggy but you're damn right it's crashy. Gave up on buy a game once because it crashed twice in a row and then got hung up on the first screen loading. Easily the most frustrating online store out of all of them. Not to say PS store hasn't crashed on me before. Never that badly though.

    • +3

      90% of them are junk

      • So, you played them all and formed your own opinion have you? Or you writing junk?

  • +3

    Bargain for Bastion & Transistor.

    • +3

      +1 for bastion

      Never got into transistor but loved Bastion and perfect for Switch

    • Bastion is a fantastic game. At $3.50 is a definite bargain!

  • Bastion or transistor better?

    • They by the same studio, check our trailers and decide.

    • +1

      I preferred the atmosphere and combat of Transistor a lot more. It plays so well on the Switch!

      Bastion is great too but felt a little repetitive to me by the end.

      • Oh yeah the narration felt fresh at the start but everything somewhat kind of gets repetitive especially the combat. Great game still and definitely a great experience

    • I had to stop playing Transitor the incessant nattering of the autistic AI companion drove me to madness. Just killed all enjoyment.

  • +1

    Might be a stupid question, but does anyone know how I can see a list of games I've purchased / owned on the web? Nintendo is not making it easy to do this and I don't have my Switch with me.

    It's just that when I went to the Bastion page, it's showing as Purchased and I'm 99.9% sure I haven't done so. Maybe.

    • +5

      Visit and sign in to your Nintendo Account.
      From the profile settings, on the left side, select "Shop menu".
      Select "Information about Account Activity". You might have to scroll down a little.

      • +1

        Wooo thanks heaps!
        It does look like I've purchased Bastion last year for $2.54… o.O

        This abundance of games in multiple platforms is making my head dizzy

        • +1

          Me too. I seriously have to have the PS, Google Play, Xbox, Switch, EPIC and Steam apps open to make sure I don't buy the game 10 times on multiple platforms.

          Sometimes Origin too, and let alone my unused key library… easier not to buy lol

      • That's cool to see when and how much I paid for games. First thing I brought in 2018 was a rocket league dlc (nissan skyline)

      • +1

        I'd recommend (if you're okay micro-managing & playing with lists) getting an account on Grouvee or getting the GGAP and tracking your games manually. I rarely buy a game without checking my lists after a few "accidental" purchases of games I already owned.

  • +3

    Slay the Spire is great. Good fun and an easy way to waste a lot of time

  • Awesome, picked up Transistor - Bastion is a steal at this price, great game

  • Wish they'd put Pyre on the Switch

  • +1

    GRID autosports is on sale for the first time ever on Switch (30% off)

    • Completely worth it, I got it at $55 and it was worth it.

  • Thanks OP.
    Worth adding Steamworld Quest: Hand Of Gilgamech as well.
    New lowest ever pirce at $18.99.
    Really enjoyed Steamword Dig 2 and Heist so pretty keen on this one, reviews look good.

  • +2

    Ashen (Souls-like) is on sale for (40% off). Haven't seen it on sale before, this is the lowest price ever it seems.

    Also Vampyr is at its lowest too.

    • +1

      Very tempted to get Ashen. Hadn't heard of it until I saw your comment (I wasn't big into gaming until iso started)

      • I believe it’s been reviewed alright for a souls-like. This is the first time I’ve seen it on sale (but I think there was a special launch price). Considering it myself too… if I didn’t have other games I still need to finish.

        • Haha I'm in the same boat. Still kind of early into BOTW, have Child of Light going and just bought transistor… Maybe I'll decide closer to the end of the sale

  • +2

    "The Kid looked up … Bastion was on sale … even the calamity couldn't stop a good deal … the Kid smiled.

  • +4

    Not one comment about Gris. For shame people, for shame.

    • I bought this during a previous sale. Just played the first level last night - music and atmosphere is unreal!

      • +1

        Worth setting aside 3 hours to experience the whole thing at once. Short game, but really beautiful

        • I will definitely do that, won't be playing it sporadically from now on.

        • Its also on gamepass for people that have that

    • It's beautiful, but the gameplay is just dreadful.

      One of those games that might have been a better short film.

      • Glad I’m not the only one.
        Love everything else about the game but control could use some improvements.

  • Is there a way to browse the e shop on the web?
    Or can we only see this direct links?
    It is so slow and laggy on the switch it's ridiculous.

    • +2

      Go to instead.

  • Thanks OP! Got Bastion and Transistor :) Just need to finish BOTW now before starting these!

  • Any good co-op/multiplayer games on sale ?
    I have Unravel Two, which is excellent.

    • I bought Children of Morta and Hypercharge Unboxed, haven't played them yet but they look pretty cool to me.

      Diablo 3 is also on sale.

    • Some of the Trine series is on sale, although they had a better deal going for the complete collection a few weeks ago.

  • Thumper is on sale for a solid price and I can definitely recommend it, especially for fans of rhythm games, though it's unlike any rhythm game I've ever played. It also has, in my opinion, the best use of the Switch's HD Rumble.

  • Thanks! I've been waiting so long for Grid Autosport to finally go on sale.

    • Grid Autosport great value game. One of my Switch Favourites, and online multiplayer upgrade later this year

  • When Ski Lifts Go Wrong is also like 2.20, highly rated on steam

  • When will Cuphead & Mugman have a big big discount?

  • Just noticed that Mark of the Ninja (Remastered) is on there for $7.50 (75% off)! Been holding out for a good sale to buy it, and this is by far the biggest discount. Haven't played it, so can't comment on it but it looks awesome. Worth adding to the list.

    EDIT: Also, Wizard of Legend is lowest ever at 50% off ($12.99). Been meaning to get that one too.

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