The aud$ has been rallying & almost hit $usd0.70 which is strongest it's been for a long time, which makes many overseas holidays cheaper not just to USA as many are costed in USD then converted.
Aussie peso very strong - makes overseas cheaper

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Not sure why. Is usd$ weaker? Good time to buy USD or pay for something in USA.
Iron ore price.
Looked at xe website & hasn't been as high since end of last year.
why do you say "no" @tshow?
it's now close to 72 cents. Highest it's been in a long time.
Election coming. It will be in our favour slightly moreso in the coming months. Cyclical.
we watch the rates almost everyday. Slightly less than 72 cents today.
Even if not buying from or going to USA, many prices around the world are based on US$
Many contracts written in US$, so the US$ has a big bearing on many things, especially things like fuel.
With U.S. election later this year, there's probably going to be a bit of movement in exchange rates.
Thanks OP
was planning on buying stuff from overseas and now is such a good time with AUD being at 0.69
The riots happening in the US right now probably has something to do with that.
and unemployment and lack of tourism. When those tourism numbers come out, and the unemployment increases even more, the usd will probably level some more.
Don't forget the Fed printing over USD8+ trillion in a few months.
But the rest of the world is also busy printing.
Fed printing over USD8+ trillion in a few months.
And why would that make the dollar weaker?
I don't really call 5 months a long time but ok
AUD still hovering just under 70 cents U.s.
Hit 70 cents yesterday. bought a few 1000 in USD.
Might get some more when have more cash.
Also paid for some accommodation in USA, cheap as it's ever been in real terms. Much cheaper than when AUD higher.
USA looking really good for January.
"cheap as it's ever been in real terms"
Please explain? I think you have a VERY short memory and/or chart.
The AUD was .70-.80 for the 5 years until mid Jan 2020.USA looking really good for January - Depends. infection is actually increasing considerably in 20 states week on week (prior to protests)
Forget the exchange rate, in AUD$ getting to USA & prices for Australian s who seem to pay much less than American s make it cheapest ever.
The last time I saw return fares under $1000 in high season was during GFC & that's about 13 years ago. To be same price 13 years later is amazing.
thinking of going to U.S. in January so might get some U.S. dollars now. It seems those in the know are saying all restrictions on air travel & quarantine will have to be over very soon, like in a month or 2, because the economy needs them to be.
January is wishful thinking. Make sure they are bookings you can easily change.
I can recommend revolut for aud>usd then just send to a citibank global usd account.