This was posted 4 years 9 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Free - Lemmings @ Microsoft Store

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Lemmings is a puzzle-platformer video game originally developed for the Amiga by DMA Design and published by Psygnosis in 1991.

The basic objective of the game is to guide a group of humanoid lemmings through a number of obstacles to a designated exit. In order to save the required number of lemmings to win, one must determine how to assign a limited number of eight different skills to specific lemmings that allow the selected lemming to alter the landscape, to affect the behavior of other lemmings, or to clear obstacles in order to create a safe passage for the rest of the lemmings.

This version for Windows 8 has a rebuilt game engine and some new graphic elements, but the focus has been to preserve the look and feel from the original version(s).

Mod: Marked as long running deal, not suitable for re-post in future.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Great game

  • +33

    Ahhh, takes me back to my Amiga 500. Those were the days!

    • +9

      …still got mine! :)

      • Still working?

        • +10

          …havent tried it in decades but its till complete and has been stored inside the house with a bunch of old games on floppies. purchased from myer 1990 ..for homework and 'assignments' is what i told my folks :D

          • +6

            @[Deactivated]: You might want to pull it out and remove the battery
            Majority of them leak and kill the board around it

        • +5

          The 500s are pretty resilient - the most common problem with them is a dud floppy and that can (and probably should) be sorted by a Gotek Floppy Emulator. 600s and 1200s have early surface mount capacitors which tend to leak and destroy PCB traces - not unrecoverable but best to get fresh caps put on them ASAP.

      • +2

        I had to downsize my hoard… but I still have my close-to-minty SX64 :) Couldn't let go of that one plus due to its excellent design it stores really nicely.

      • +1

        Me too!

      • +1

        still got mine too. Been watch some "retro" videos lately. Thinking I'll put an SD card adaptor in to load up games from, plus add some USB ports :-) Also I think you can get a HDMI video output too. They look pretty easy hacks, plus the capacitor replacement, which is cheap to do.
        Mine powered up a few years ago, but then built a mame arcade cabinet on a raspberry pi. It will play Amiga games but usually need to plug a keyboard in.

    • +2

      For me it was on the Sega Master System back in the 90s, truly nostalgic :)

      • NES

    • Wow, memories. A friend had one (I had the Master System) and I recall some of the best were Eye of The Beholder, Ruff n Tumble and a space version of EotB. Good stuff.

    • +1

      I used to have one too, until someone spilt paint on it 🤬 and a load of other stuff 🙄
      Insurance paid for a replacement, but the company they ordered from went bust. They had to order the 1200. It arrived whilst I was away on holiday then promptly got nicked along with every single piece of other electricals in the house…..apart from the telly 🤬
      The damn thing never even made it out of the box.

    • +2

      Still got mine with a HDD and a few hundred floppy disks. Get them out each few years for a huge gaming night with old geeks. Great fun. I have the monitor, even a genlock for video effects.

  • +2

    Even though its a dupe many may have missed since it was only forum posted and not as a free deal. Also looks like a long running free game.

  • +18

    ….oh no! * explodes *

  • +2

    reminds me of people sometimes.

    • ozbargain

    • social justice warriors

  • -1

    Lemmings is a puzzle-platformer video game originally developed for the Amiga by DMA Design

    Ah yes, little known fact, it was originally going to be called Grand Theft Auto: Midget Town Stories. I think they were right to go with the safer bet of calling it Lemmings though, awfully presumptuous when the first entry in a series comes out with a subtitle, assuming they'll be getting a sequel no matter what.

  • +9

    71Mb download… did this come on one or two floppies? :)

    • That’d be about 50, Hope the loading music was something good like Martin Galway, Ben Daglish or Rob Hubbard

      • +1

        Amiga floppies were 880kb so more. What are they doing with data these days? There's no efficiency

    • +1

      3 and 1/2. 5 and 1/4 or 8 in floppies?

      • I'm guessing a

    • 2 from memory.. But that's testing me

    • I'm looking at it now. One 3.5 inch floppy… Don't know if it's a 720 or 1.44mb disk?? Don't have disk drive anymore

    • Modern bloatware. Shows how well people used to program/code.…

      • Shows how well people used to program/code.

        Kinda reminds me of how it takes high specs CPU power to best-but-still-not-quite emulate something ancient like a NES (always mentioned in those NES Mini deals).
        Or the specs needed for some of those "pixel" fad games.

  • +5

    Makes me wanna dig up my XTree system with a very totally legal version of lemmings in it already.

    • +2

      I just ARJed it myself over multiple floppies.

  • +5

    Is this a game about Apple users?

  • Oh yeah I want this game.

    Oh yeah can people explain why people play Microsoft card game in their garage I mean really really old people.

  • +3

    i played this in the 90's

    • +8

      …who didnt!? it was ground breaking gaming!

      • +5

        And the company that made it went on to become Rockstar North, and create Grand Theft Auto. Pretty cool history.

        • +1

          Damn, didn't know this.

  • +12

    This game came with our new Soundblaster card.
    Enabling SFX and music on a 286 was a glorious time.

    • +1

      The experience to have a sound card was nothing short of amazing and wow back in the days.

      Kids these days don't appreciate anything on what they have and have no idea on the evolution of gaming nor care about sound cards.

      All they care is fast internets

      • +2

        I remember the amazement when my sound blaster "spoke"! Before that just adlib card and pc speakers…

        • +2

          Wasn't it a glorious feeling going into a game and Changing the setting away from "PC Speaker"?

      • +1

        Some of those sound cards cost as much as an amiga and still didn't sound as good

  • Oh man, I remember my friends in HS used to always talk about this game.

    Time to find out whats so good about it.

    Cheers OP

  • +1

    Love this game. Used to play it in my primary school computer hour once a week. None of us ever figured out how to get past the level where there are 5 trap doors separated by pink columns and a path underneath full of traps

    • +4

      Stack all of them on top of each other in one clump, accept the losses. I have the game memorised lol

      • A couple years back I tried to do a 100% lemmings saved run. Gave up around level 3 or 4.

        • Is that even theoretically possible? Lemmings would be a pretty satisfying game to watch pro gamers play on youtube

          • +1

            @rorypitt: Yeah not possible. On level 3 you would fail. You need multiple stoppers

            • +2

              @4agte: little known quirk, stoppers can be freed if the ground they're standing on disappears (miner at just the right angle)

              • @rorypitt: How does this quirk help at level 3? I stand by that it's not possible to save them all

                • @4agte: I don't remember the levels by number, more visually. I still don't think a 100% saved run is possible as I said earlier. Blocker saving comment was more of a general aside

          • @rorypitt: No, blockers usually end up dead

  • +9 browser & free. this should take care of the next couple hours…

    • +1

      Very cool!

      • ..having a play now. seems to be the real deal ;)
        …still addictive as all hell.

  • +1

    All the pieces are there, but it just feels… off. Some of the graphics updated to hi-res (the explosions, for instance), some obviously resized, making them blurry, the numbers being razor-sharp.

    In a world where retro games are a thing (a thing that I don't enjoy, I lived through it the first time), this is a situation where retro graphics for everything would work far better.

    It's free though, so…

    • That's some serious boomer energy you have there, old man.

      • I wish you were wrong.

        Not a boomer, but that is some boomer energy.

        Better go play some BL3 and shake it off.

  • That 'Select Level' screen is…not well thought out.

  • +2

    Uuuh - I don't know if this is licensed?

    The website listed on the store page doesn't seem to exist

    Lots of negative reviews talking about the game not functioning correctly due to game bugs

    • It appears to be a knock off. Sony hold the rights to Lemmings from what I know, and as this does not have Sony's name on it, I am sure they are not licensing this.

  • ohh , good old memories :)

  • +3

    Microsoft store reviews suggest it's pretty buggy. Anyone given it a go yet?

    • +1

      Noticed one on level 16, graphics glitches with animated parts of the level

    • +2

      A bit slow, and missing FX. Definitely worth the price (i.e. free!) - though better to play on a real Amiga (or Emulator)!

    • Yes, it worked fine for me!

    • A later level (I think 18) seems to have a bug that makes it difficult to complete the intended way. I looked at a YouTube video and the Lemmings in this version definitely don't behave the way they're meant to on this level.

  • +4

    Amiga 500 for the win, absolutely loved this game growing up.

  • +4

    God I loved this game back in the day. The Amiga is one of the all-time great gaming platforms (although it was officially a computer, I never used mine for anything other than gaming and writing the occasional essay for school :P). Lemmings is right up there with the best of the Amiga classics.

  • +3

    Let's Go!

    • +1

      Oh no!

  • +3

    thanks OP. First computer was a C64 and then an Amiga. Played this game to death back in the day. Anyone else have issues with SFX (i get music but no sound effects).

  • +1

    yeah doesn't look like an official port. The person who developed it is also a security programmer so kind of strange. The source code is available, so anyone can do this. Official new game is here Android and Ios with nicer graphics and other additions.

    • +3

      Call me a stickler for tradition, but that ain't Lemmings

    • I'm kind of surprised it hasn't been subject to a takedown request, given that Sony owns the IP.

  • +3

    How has no one mentioned the Lemmings "uh oh!" being the ICQ notification yet?!

  • Very retro, 1991 or 29 years old.

  • +2
  • I found Lemmings 3D quite entertaining, especially how they did the videos and marketing.
    Went much better than when they tried to make Worms 3D that's for sure, although it was an understandable next step attempt.

  • I love this game!
    Oh fond memories.
    Those were the good days.

  • If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would y… never mind.

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