First post! Be nice :)
$16 for 6000 text (or $1500 worth of text) which includes both national and international SMS and MMS, $650 talk to any other number (including 1300 and 1800), $900 to other Live Connected numbers and 2 gigs of data, Unlimited Social, iPhone Tethering/Personal Hotspot activated. What more can you ask for?
LiveConnected Pioneer+ $15.99 = 6000 Free Text, $650 Talk to Anyone + $900 Talk to LC + 2GB Data

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You sleep for 14 hours everyday?
Sucks that I went to the 19.99$ Version of that.. I dont want to pay another 16$ to go to that plan :(
Same! Only signed up Friday and BAM this one came out ah well. Ordered Friday SIM arrived today!
Dam thats even worse :( Well I guess its worth it if im going to stay with them for more than 4 moths. Sighhhhhhh may as well :(
Dam thats even worse :( Well I guess its worth it if im going to stay with them for more than 4 moths. Sighhhhhhh may as well :(
Nice got a reply saying they moved me to a the new plan :D
Yeh, I'm glad I didn't get tempted into the 19.99 deal. I wonder what crazy deal they'll bring out next after this one…
Post Deleted.
….I can't even change to this plan from my current plan and It also cost $16 to change plans.
….that makes no sense.
i am with vodafone, when i change my plan, i will just go tpg, having more value to call that i dont use. i rather have lesser credit so i can call overseas and consume the extra credits i cant use every month.
I think the real deal on LC is the new ZEN 35. At $34.95 p/m with 4000min/3gb of data its the pic of the plans. Im looking forward to the ZEN getting to <$30 p/m, but alas still have to get out of contract before i get LC plan. TPG plans are ok, especialy if you have internet with them but LC plans are way better for the money!
Why? Yes, 4000mins is nice, but really, I hardly see anyone using more than $650 credit on calling alone (Text are practically free :)
Unless you're a really heavy caller and want an extra 1GB of data, this is the best overall plan IMO.
I'm sure I can use $650 in a month. 20min a day is totally doable. I regularly go out of Credit around the 20th on $200 and that is when all the heavy talk is done on skype with my team members.
I'm sure $650 won't be too hard with 1 hour sessions every week. Thats $200 alone. But yeah only for heavy callers or people who need 2GB instead of 1.5GB. For most people the regular Pioneer will be much better
Well I was on the 400$ Cap before. I was always on the limit. Once goingo n the 6000 text + 650$ credit, I only could use 400$ credit (calling whenever/ as much as I want) haha and 2000 texts. So well worth it D
You should show your self to scientist,and says "you're FAIL Mr".
Coz according to them, your brain is cooked by now ( using to much phone ).
I used to be with TPG, the biggest issue I had with them is the absolutely poor customer service. When I sent an email to change plans they sent an email back saying "With regards to your interest in our service in Moranbah QLD…" I'm in the ACT, I don't know how they messed up so badly.
Got out of there quick smart. Having said that, still had to send 3 more emails and spent a week before I got everything sorted.ha…LC will disconnect you if you complain. TPG service> LC service even though I am with LC for phone and TPG for interwebs.
Really, negging me for saying LC has bad CS?
Is there anyway to avoid the $20 shipping charge?
Otherwise, I would jump on this plan.+1
if you order two, they charge you $40 shipping. it's ridiculous
Is there anyway to avoid the $20 shipping charge?
Otherwise, I would jump on this plan.It’s not really a shipping charge, it’s a connection fee for sim, porting and a little postage.
Can't wait til my Vodafail plan ends…
I sent them a message about changing plans and not paying the fee :p Do I have a chance? I only changed last month :(
Haha I've been there, tried that. No love unfortunately!
6000 txt messages csan be used on international texts too … even better!
Is data charged per kb or per MB? I can't seem to find that in the T&C's makes a huge difference if your phone is set to auto download emails every hour or so when on the road/out of office.
I though they charge in kB?
No. It appears that they charge in kB.
ok, so they charge in kb. hmmm…
So is anyone going to answer this? Kevin Bartlett is not an answer… although he is a great radio presenter
Ha ha thanks everyone, makes it a better deal :)
These clowns need some stability in their pricing plans. They change them every week.
stability would mean they are holding the profits of providing a lower cost service.
lowering the price of the plans passes those saving immediately to the consumer.
i would rather them keep lowering than holding the price higher.
surprised no one has negged you to buggary over the "1st post be nice" intro… is ozb becoming a happy place again???
Was just about to!!
Is this plan suitable for iphone 4 in terms of network/3g speeds etc?
gf uses one in her iphone 4 around sydney city weekdays. gets ~3-5mbits, so pretty decent for fb, youtube, safari, etc. :D
I'm not with LC or on the optus network as I use my iphone mostly around the suburbs (sydney north/west), speeds get a bit sketchy on optus outside the city for me
if credit could be used on international calls, i will get one.
How long will this offer be up for?
So is this on a contract or pre-paid? Totally can't see it specified either way, feeling totally blind :S Pretty crazy prices if they are offering the same coverage as optus, only have a few months left on my plan (currently with optus) :)
Not really pre-paid.
Its pre and post-paid. You pay the monthly fee at the start of the Month plus any extra you went over last Month. no contract.
@dfitzpatrick: contract.
Disappointing that existing users on grandfathered plans need to pay the $16 fee to upgrade to a current one with better value.
Is it a 1 year contract?
Contract as in postpaid as opposed to prepaid. Billed per month and you can leave at any time.
I have been on LC for a while now and they have upgraded my plan twice to the newer ones for free, without charging any fees, and the new plans represented better value for money. I am fairly confident that in time they will do the same again.
Lol really? I have been with them since the beginning.. >.< and they said no to me? Let alone I refered 4 people :p
These guys are Optus, yeah?
I'm pretty tempted, currently on TPG's $18 plan.Please give us a plan with more Data rather then text/sms :)
- Is this prepaid or contract? 2. Does it include international calls? 3. Does it work on the Optus network?
- see above
- no
- yes
Thanks Tycn.
What's the data speed like?
Optus speeds..
usable but much slower than wifi. Then again I get 24Mbps on ANU wireless so can't really say. You have to be more location specific to tell. Just buy an optus prepaid SIM and try it out yourself
Do they allow tethering?
nvm it was there in plain text!
This plan is not that good as the TPG ($17.99 worth $550 calls)for me, as I mostly used my cap limit for making international calls, and LC cap don't include International calls, but TPG allows users to user there cap for making International calls as well. Not a deal for me.
How many inter calls can you make typically? Say to the UK
currently I am with three mobile on $49 cap, out of $450 worths of calls they give, I use around $400 for making international calls.
If you complain to LC about customer service they will take you out the back and cap you.
RIP Waladare and Camelgrass.
Can I upgrade from my existing plan?
Just something else to note - LC are migrating directly to Optus instead of there wholesaler - apparently some of the pioneer plans will get twice as much data. It's in there FAQ's somewhere.
I get around 1.2 - 1.6Mbit/s - but Optus can be very congested in my area and sometimes I only get 30KB/s
I think they already have migrated. It was from last month
interesting to note the normal pioneer medium has dropped to $10.99…worth changing and paying the $16 change fee as within 4 months you will have broken even, and then continue to save thereafter. I will be moving myself and all those close to me to the new pioneer medium at the end of the month to take advantage of this fact :)
Assuming they don’t reduce the price again on us in the next 4 months.
What's the best why to contact these guys?
"Way"- Email (4 business days)!
"Looking for a call centre number?
Do you really need one?
If you are, we're probably not for you" - Contact Us PageYeah thanks. Will see why happens to my "free" upgrade request. ;)
Send them an email from a Telstra Mobile… It makes it all the more sweeter.
To all: please excuse my ignorance but: I'm still using the 'good old mobile phone' and a Virgin broadband schtick for my laptop (both unlocked). I am aware this is a bargain. Now my question is, no probs with the sim in the phone but to utilise the data, do I just remove the sim from my phone and put it in my schtick? Or is this pointless? I'm with Crazy Johns for phone and more than happy-the data included craps all over virgin. Any replies would be more than helpful.Thanks
how do you check your data limit / call limit / and change settings? is there an online account page?
when are they gonna include international calls in their caps??
The Zen series does but not much :\
Well done LC.
Looks like they've done a reshuffle. The old $15 plan is now $11, $900 of Total Value, 1.5 GB of Data, 13, 1300, 1800 included, Video Calls included, Unlimited Facebook, Twitter
That's a pretty good deal as well for $11
qUESTION: im using optus number, can i enter this plan and till keep my number ?
Yep, you can get ported over :)
ty, will those txt,calls … roll over next month if im not use them all in the previous month ?
No they won't.
Imagine rolling over 6000 texts..I send 500 txt a month max. I'd have 66000 free texts by the end of the year
6000/30 days =200, 200/10 hours = 20, that means you have to send sms almost every 3 mins when you awake continually. I guess those teens will love this plan.