9V Batteries - Which One

Newbie Q …
Need to buy couple of 9v batteries for kid's Walkie Talkies set.
Was wondering how to choose good value 9v battery?
As I know Lithium batteries are expensive than Alkaline but how is the life of them?


  • +1

    Kids walkie talkies will burn through them. Get rechargeable lithium not just plain li or just plain old NimH


  • Nerd option is a small step up boost converter from two AA eneloops.

  • They all suck. It's probably more cost-effective to look for a cheap walkie talkie set and use NiMH AAAs. That particular one can recharge the batteries through its micro USB port.

    • They all suck.

      Amen, brother.

  • Most $2 shops sell alkaline ones for about $2 ea
    I bought 2 Polaroid brand ones for $2 last year at the Reject Shop
    For walkie talkies doesnt need to be anything special
    Kids will get bored with them in no time

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