This was posted 4 years 9 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XB1] Far Cry Classic $1.20, Far Cry 2 $0.89 (Xbox One/ Xbox 360 Compatible) @ Xbox


Three Far Cry titles for less than a fiver!

  • Far Cry Classic (Xbox 360 game, playable on Xbox One) - $1.20
  • Far Cry 2 (Xbox 360 game, playable on Xbox One) - $0.89
  • Far Cry 4 (playable on Xbox 360 only) - $2.69

Oddly enough, Far Cry 3 is not on sale. Far Cry Classic and 2 are playable on both the Xbox 360 and Xbox One, whereas Far Cry 4 (listed) is only playable on the Xbox 360.

As with all Xbox 360/ Xbox Original games bought online, Xbox credit (from a gift card, etc.) can only be used on the Xbox 360 console itself. If purchasing from the website or Xbox One console, a payment method (either PayPal or Credit Card) must be attached.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Farcry 2 has a lot of problems but man it had some cool ideas.

    • Lol. An open world game that has a time limit with limited Malaria drugs totally destroys enjoyability.

      • What time limit?

        • +4

          Spoiler You get Malaria and you need to constantly get Malaria shots to overcome it.. or you die. There's only a limited amount of it around and you spend much of your time trying to find them.

          • +5

            @bchliu: I’ve played it. Iirc it doesn’t actually kill you. Just has negative effects like unable to attack during a malaria attack and low stamina so can’t sprint for long

        • +2

          You had to re-administer malaria drugs every few hours otherwise you'd die. Would involve going to a certain place to retrieve the drugs each time. If you like that thing it's pretty cool but otherwise it was a nightmare.

        • +7

          The bigger annoyances were the respawning enemies and weapon degradation. Personally, I look at FC2 a bit more fondly than FC3 though Vaas was an awesome antagonist.

          • +3

            @Caped Baldy: Just the fact that you had to fight at every single outpost was annoying. You could never outrun because a couple of bullets would damage your car, slowing it down and I think they drove faster even when the car was undamaged.

          • +2

            @Caped Baldy: I couldnt persevere with it precisely because of that. Having the enemies respawn instantly as soon as you left an area robbed you of any sense of achievement. I think if Far Cry 2 hadnt ridden on the coat tails of Far Cry 1 (which was awesome) we all would have written it off as a mediocre game.

            • @cannedhams: It was such a big frustration. The world felt more real to me, FC3 was a bit too arcady (I did love Blood Dragon)

  • Right, I don't even have a 360 anynore and I bought 4… Ugghhh

    • +7

      Never. Sell. Your. Old. Consoles.

      • +1

        Nah, only kept Switch, Switch Lite and 3DS atm, given new consoles will more or less play everything….. And I'm full digital.

        Mind you I sold the 360 too cheap, was one of the last ever new ones I purchased more for collecting.

  • +10

    Far Cry 2 still holds up amazingly today, so much care and attention to detail which slowly started to disappear as the game series went on.

  • Same problem I had with Daytona. Can’t purchase even though it says playable on xbone.

    • I've updated the OP, which now reads;

      As with all Xbox 360/ Xbox Original games bought online, Xbox credit (from a gift card, etc.) can only be used on the Xbox 360 console itself. If purchasing from the website or Xbox One console, a payment method (either PayPal or Credit Card) must be attached.

      Microsoft have never clarified why this is the case, but I imagine it's web-related as the Xbox 360/Original store is separate to the Xbox One side, which may cause some coding issues.

      • Tried to purchase using PayPal through the xbone and the link provided. All I get is the green spinning circle. Same as Daytona and even Microsoft don’t know why it won’t work. Frustrating.

  • I’m on an iPad and I go to click on the purchase while logged in and I’m stuck with a spinning green wheel….

    • Yep. Perhaps iPad is the issue as it’s what I’m using.

      • +1

        Ok tried on my mac in browser and it went through fine - appears the spinning green screen needs to go through a device security check and emails a code to your phone. Think the ipad has troubles getting to that screen to verify the device/browser.

  • do i need to be an active membership to purchase?

    • Nope, no Xbox Gold membership required. Otherwise the webpage will say so.

  • Why no Far Cry 3?

    • No idea, but I'll do one better - the Xbox One version is cheaper than the Xbox 360 at $24.97 and $29.95 respectively.

      • +2

        I only have a 360, no xbone.

        I prefer hardcopy versions of all games as i can't bring myself to pay full price for digital copies… except ofcourse unless they are .89cents! :)

        Pre lockdown i was slowly building my collection as games were all $5 at my local cashies. Ofcourse they were all wiped out during lockdown :(

  • Far Cry 1 and 2 seem to be on the old style store, so is it still playable via Xbox one? I thought the XBox One store (the newer style store) was the only place for xbox one games and the older style / Xbox360 store only had support for xbox 360?

    • +1

      Yep - I logged in via browser and purchased both to my account. Logged into my Xbox one X, searched the games in the store, they were both showing as ready to install, clicked install and they installed and loaded on my machine.

      • How does the engine/ graphics hold up on the xbox one? I only played it on the PC many years ago.

        • +1

          Don’t have time to play it until the weekend unfortunately

        • +1

          I got Far Cry 2 free with gold a while back and was playing far cry 5 at same time, and controls/gameplay hold up ok and a few graphical effects do well for an xbox 360 game but… it's a great 2008 game and shows it's age most of the time. It did some really cool things 12 years ago, but that was 12 years ago, most shooters after it (especially far crys) do as good or better. It can't wow us with it's graphics any more and Ubisoft copies and pastes it's games so it's not a unique game anymore. So if you like far cry games and don't care about dated graphics get it.

          • +1

            @sealedjono: damn…
            "Far Cry Classic is a remake of the original Far Cry for Xbox 360 and PS3, released in February 2014."
            "…despite the ten-year gap, high-spec recommended settings for the original game still ask for over double the available RAM of the Xbox 360 and PS3"

            well that makes sense, a high end 2004 gaming rig should beat 2005/2006 consoles on a pushing the boundries/look what our game engine game can do, which also has the advantage of having multiple video & game settings so most people can play on normal setting now ultra setting years later.
            real pitty they didn't make it for xbox one and ps4!

            "Almost all in-game physics have been removed; the vast majority of physics objects are now completely static.
            Walls have been added to certain areas to block lines of sight or slow down progress in order to give the game time to load. For example, a large fence with a locked gate in it has been added to the room where Jack first contacts Doyle."


  • +1

    Thanks. Grabbed original to complete my series collection:-)

  • Thanks Op Picked Up far Cry Classic Have the others.

    If buying an Xbox 360 digital game its best to buy from the microsoft store app on your xbox console (All) as they install direct.

    Just search for the game title in the store.

  • This will be cool when series X comes out we should get higher frame rates and resolution which would be awesome.

  • +2

    Played FC2 a lot on my PC. I didn't mind the malaria bit but the replenishing outposts were a bastard. It became semi-pointless to clear them out, better to avoid them or try and just barge through.

    I used to drive a jeep with rear-mounted machine gun through the outpost at top speed, try and run as many possible over on the way through, then get halfway up the road and leap into back to man the gun, pulverise anything charging down the road after me. The outposts were pretty tenacious.

    But the best part was the atmosphere, very evocative. Never played a sandbox game like it at the time. I went to Africa in 2011 and my immediate thoughts on going into the countryside were of FC2, how accurate it was in many ways.

  • +1

    Are you kidding me? I paid $4 for Far Cry Classic yesterday lol

    • +1

      Ripped off, man. Hand in your badge.

      • +1

        Hahaha yeah after I posted this comment I thought to myself 'Dude, it's $4 instead of $1. Get over it.'

  • +1

    Damn, I got confused and thought this was Crysis. I was about to jump on the deal :(

  • Far Cry 2 had the best healing animations of any game.

  • Thanks got all of them except for Far Cry 4. Feels redundant when you can get it for X1.

  • +2

    I also am a big fan of Far Cry 2. Playing on the hardest difficulty, taking out a whole area with the bolt action hunting rifle that sounds amazing or stealthing it with a silenced pistol is just so satisfying. Very immersive game. Much easier to play on PC with quick saves, on console you had to go to save stations. Much prefer replaying it over FC3 though. But Vaas and the main Far Cry 3 theme is also great.

  • Why do I already own Far Cry 2? I don't remember buying it, has it been 89c before?

    • +3

      It was on Gold at some point a year or two back.

      • So if I have it on gold but I want to be able to play without a subscription on my xbox one, how would I do it?

        • +2

          360 (and Xbox original) games included with Gold are actually owned permanently. When your sub ends, you still own it, so you can play it whenever you want.

          • @TheDukeOfNukem: Really? I thought on xbox one you only can play if you have a current sub? Or is that just xbox one games

            • +1

              @Jackson: Only for Xbox One games - they require an active subscription to be played.

  • Thanks for sharing, OP! Loved these games, especially FC1 as a kid.

  • Thanks OP. Dont usually go for these types of games as im generally not that great at them but for a touch over $2 for the first 2 i cant go wrong. Plus Xbox One compatible, win win.

  • Ubisoft and EA really don't like Gamepass.

  • The prices have changed now?

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