This was posted 4 years 8 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

43 Free Golden Keys for Borderlands 2


Original giveaway deal here, thanks to dealbot.

With the recent free Borderlands Handsome Collection giveaway from Epic Games I started digging into Borderlands 2 and also begun hunting around for some Golden Key giveaways.

These keys work as of time of posting:

(5 keys)

(5 keys)

(5 keys + Maya Skin)

(3 keys)

(5 keys + Zer0 Skin)

(5 keys + Salvador Skin)

(5 keys + Gaige Skin)

(5 keys + Krieg Skin)

(5 keys + Axton Skin)

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closed Comments

  • Thanks

  • All working. Thanks.

  • +9

    ZFKJ3-TT3BB-JTBJT-T3JJT-JWX9H came up as borderlands 3 as well hmmm…

  • 3 keys code work for anyone when redeeming?

  • I redeemed ZFKJ3-TT3BB-JTBJT-T3JJT-JWX9H for both BL2 and BL3

    • After the two games show then when you click the orange redeem button for each did it work or state failed?

      • I redeemed first for BL3 on steam, then for BL2 on steam, and as far as I remember, it succeeded for both.

      • Only worked for BL2 for me

  • Thank you!

  • The following keys did not work for me:

    (3 keys)

    (5 keys + Zer0 Skin)

    (5 keys + Salvador Skin)

    The others were fine.

    (5 keys + Zer0 Skin)

    Did not work for me.

  • +1

    (5 keys + Zer0 Skin)

    (5 keys + Salvador Skin)

    These didn't work for me, (maybe i'd already redeemed them previously)

  • +2

    Redeemed all codes fine with me!

  • +18

    Advice for new players, use the keys up asap.

    There is no point saving the keys for the end game because by the end game you will have better guns by then.

    The only value the keys hold is by making your game is easier/more enjoyable or for helping when you make new characters and want to speed up the process of leveling up. If you wait until you hit the level cap the keys will essentially lose all meaningful.

    Just as an extra note if you're new to the series and the kind of person that likes to do all the side missions as they unlock it's not that simple.

    Each time you beat the final boss/finish the final mission you unlock a new playthrough. The first time you unlock true vault hunter mode and when you beat true vault hunter mode you unlock ultimate vault hunter mode.

    In the first two modes (normal and true) the enemies level up independent to your character, meaning if you do all the side missions you will be seriously overlevelled and there will be no challenge, if you do no side missions you will find the main story missions a challenge. In the final playthrough (ultimate) all missions and all enemies will always scale to your level meaning you can't be overlevelled or underleveled.

    Essentially my point is if you're committing to trying to do all the side missions from the start you may fatigue yourself really quickly.

    Another point to consider is the Borderlands series is known for its fun and colourful side missions so if you find one that interests you just play it. Also the DLC in Borderlands 2 are really great but also scale independently to the character in the order they released, so you might want to research the order to complete them in (unless you're in ultimate mode, then it won't matter).

    Finally if you think this sounds confusing just wait until you learn about OP levels, enjoy!

    • As a new player I found this very insightful. Thanks!

    • +1

      +++ Really great advise for new players. I wish I'd known this first time around, it would have made the game much more satisfying. The side quests are great fun, but they would be best played on Ultimate Vault Hunter where the drops are far better and the challenge is scaled. When playing through the main story line, I found it better to farm bosses a few times for XP and equipment than doing the side quests

    • Do you earn these keys by playing? Or are they intended to be progression skips that ease the game up? Or just fun stuff is obtained from them? Easing up the game a little doesn't really make it sounds more fun to me ehh?

      • +1

        The keys give you random purple gear at your level. It could be a chest of pistols, or a chest of shotguns, or a chest of shields for example. Completely random.

        Purple is the second highest tier of gear, so it's strong but not overpowered.

        Part of the game is finding and trying out new gear, as your character levels up your equipped gear stays at the level you picked it up and quickly becomes underpowered. So if you get stuck with underleveled gear the golden chests can help you out or if you restart the game with a new character/class it can help you progress a little faster.

        Definitely redeem the codes for the skins, up to you if you want to use the golden keys or not though, they're definitely not game breaking by any means as purple loot is surprisingly common anyway.

  • All redeemed fine except for the last one (Axton) which gave me a "To continue to redeem SHiFT codes, please launch a SHiFT-enabled title first!" message.
    Not sure what that even means as they have always gone through fine before.

  • -1

    What do these keys give u?

    • -5

      Better than average loot from the Golden Chest.
      It's also entirely possible to Google it yourself!

  • Its odd that alot of people have issues with some codes and not others while some people say all redeemed fine.

  • Borderlands 2
    Discord Hidden SHiFT Code!
    MAY 30, 2020
    Your ability to find things we've hidden has proven to us that you are capable of great things! You are now worthy of this Axton Community Day skin and 5 Golden Keys!
    Krieg Community Day Skin
    MAY 30, 2020
    Are you ready to STRIP THE FLESH AND SALT THE WOUND? By finding this SHiFT code, you can do it with Krieg’s Community Day Skin and 5 Golden Keys!
    Character Trailer Hidden SHiFT Code
    MAY 30, 2020
    You’ve found the hidden SHiFT code in our character trailer! Your reward is Gaige’s Community Day Skin and 5 Golden Keys!
    Mask Teaser Hidden SHiFT Code!
    MAY 30, 2020
    Thank you for being excited enough to dissect the new bandit mask with the grace of Dr. Zed! As a reward, you have been granted Salvador's Community Day skin and 5 Golden Keys! There are more skins to be granted, so good luck out there, Vault Hunter!
    Developer Trailer Hidden SHiFT Code!
    MAY 30, 2020
    Not even the power of moving pictures can stop you in your quest for more information! As a reward for your tenacity, you have been granted Zer0's Community Day skin and 5 Golden Keys!
    3 Golden Keys
    MAY 30, 2020
    You have unlocked 3 Golden Keys! Use your Golden Keys to open the mysterious loot chest located in Sanctuary to receive rare and powerful items!
    Cover Art Hidden SHiFT Code!
    MAY 30, 2020
    CONGRATULATIONS MINION! You spotted the hidden code within our cover art! Your keen eyes might just help prevent you from becoming Skag food after all! As a reward, take this prized Maya Community Day skin and 5 Golden Keys!
    5 Golden Keys
    MAY 30, 2020
    You have unlocked 5 Golden Keys! Use your Golden Keys to open the mysterious loot chest located in Sanctuary to receive rare and powerful items!
    5 Golden Keys
    MAY 30, 2020
    You have unlocked 5 Golden Keys! Use your Golden Keys to open the mysterious loot chest located in Sanctuary to receive rare and powerful items!
    Borderlands 3
    Three Golden Keys
    MAY 30, 2020
    Your SHiFT code has been redeemed! Go to your Mail from the in-game Social menu to add the reward to your inventory!

  • Can you redeem the codes if you haven't played the game yet?

    • +1

      Yes as long as you have a shift account.

    • I just created an account and linked it with my epic games account. Applied all the codes fine. Haven't even downloaded the games.

      • +1

        Nice, thanks guys.

        I made an account.

        Linked all my gaming networks.

        I was able to apply the same code to all networks.

  • -4

    You may aswell hack the game for this content rather than consuming the media this golden key thing is designed around. Your being played a little don't ya reckon?

    • +1

      What media? Not that I had to look at any, and no one who's using this post would need to?

    • +1

      Consuming what media? These are freebies that unlock non essential in-game extras that people can take or leave if they choose.
      You enter a code, you get some decent stuff that can help you in-game. Who's being played?

      • -3

        Well im getting at the release of these keys is planned out, to keep people following their media accounts for "freebies" they've done this on purpose lol. These keys are nothing, you can hack/obtain them yourself without consequences, why wait for them to slowly ease out keys on their media platforms when you can just do it yourself? Why bother to get caught in their social media trap, that is only meant to get their message into you, and sell you stuff and make you think they are being generous with keys… Because they really aren't.

        Doesn't matter if no one here had to, you still have to redeem them, which is a pain and your going to end up doing this alot, when you could do it once yourself and be done with needing to mess around any more with code redemptions

        • +1

          Lol. You must be fun at parties.

  • I did them in-game, rather than through the Shift website, and they all worked, not sure if that matters.

    • A lot of them don't work even though the pages say they do. The ones listed in this post worked for me, haven't found any others. Let me know if you find anything else that works and I'll update the post.

      • +1

        Try claiming in game if they don't work directly from the shift site. Orcz is usually quite reliable in keeping codes up to date

        • Yea I tried ingame. For the Facebook links I was wondering if it might be my shift account not having any facebook account linked.

          • @donamique: Shouldn't need a Facebook account to claim the FB codes

            • @Cobalt_: Then I'm not sure why… tried again with the 20 keys and 25 keys that the site says works, still not working ingame.

    • The pre-sequel Shift codes were only for Steam.

  • the 3 keys one doesn't work for me.. keeps saying to select platform. all the others worked fine
    thanks OP

    3 keys one worked from shift site rather than

  • If it was on gamepass sure, ahh.

  • All codes work, thanks a lot!

  • All worked for me via the Shift website, thanks.

  • The first 2 codes don't work, rest seem fine.

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