This was posted 4 years 9 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] PS Plus June 2020 - Star Wars Battlefront II


The remaining PS Plus games for June have been announced.

Meet your destiny as Luke Skywalker on Death Star II. Get boots on the ground in massive Clone Wars conflicts. Lead the First Order to dominance as Kylo Ren. Rebel against the Empire. Crush the Resistance.

Join the action and enjoy more than 25 free game updates since launch – including online Co-Op, massive offline battles against AI foes in Instant Action, and the non-linear, multiplayer tug-of-war between planetary surfaces and capital ships in Capital Supremacy. Be the hero in the ultimate Star Wars battle fantasy.

Star Wars Battlefront II will be available from Tuesday, 2nd June.

Note: This is the base edition of Star Wars Battlefront II

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closed Comments

  • +13

    No farming or truck or pogo stick simulator this month?

    • +8

      I'm cutting the shit out of this wheat!

    • +11

      I'm actually more likely to play the simulators than the same generic FPS games.. But to each their own.

    • +2

      A long time ago, in an office far far away, I played a simulator everyday, cutting down the number of emails in my inbox and getting paid so I can live my dream of farming, on my PS4……

    • You guys got pogo simulator?!?

  • Does this have a load of paid DLC like the first game or was it free this time?

    • +7

      all free :) they’ve put a lot of work in to it since launch

      • That’s a shame, I was hoping for a sense of pride and accomplishment from playing…

  • Neat, but I bet I can't claim it since I have it through ea access.

    • +1

      Yeah, I'm in the same boat. Kinda sucks because I'm not looking to renew my EA Access.

      • Same, it's a damn nuisance. Ah well.

  • Is the single player campaign in this game worth playing?

    • +2

      Not that long, but enjoyable IMO. I played on PC though so can't comment if PS4 has any issues but I'm glad the games this month are decent.

    • yes

      • I paid $12 and juuuuuust about got my $ worth from the campaign. So for free (not actually free, subscription cost, etc etc), I guess?

        It's not great.

    • +2

      It's no Fallen Order, but it's fun and adds more to the universe. Considering the amount of free DLC that's been pushed out, getting this through PS Plus is pretty damn good considering the releases from the last few months have been pretty weak. The offline content is jam packed now so definitely worth the download IMO.

  • +1

    I just bought this in the PSN sale a few weeks back. It's a great piece of Star Wars merchandise, it nails the look and sound of the movies (well, except for the major characters - I assume there are licencing issues with using the actors' likenesses… if not then they just did a sh*t job of them).

    The game itself is just a whole lot of meh, though. Single player campaign is mediocre ,which is actually better than what DICE usually manage with their single player. At least it's short enough that it doesn't really start to drag at any point. The multiplayer is just an average multiplayer shooter, although the Star Wars skin on it helps hold the attention a little longer than it otherwise might.

    • +1

      My exact thoughts tbh. I got this game on sale, shortly after Rise of Skywalker came out and I was on a Star Wars binge. As a Star Wars game, it's pretty cool. But as a shooter, it's just… meh. I got bored of it after 5 or so hours.

  • Honestly Battlefront 2 has come leaps and bounds since launch and is such an enjoyable experience. I hope by it being free now that the player base takes a bit of an increase. Off-peak wait times continue to be a slight issue, but other than that it is fantastic!

  • lol fk i just bought BF2 like in Jan and havent even played it yet…

    • +2

      Haha I bought it on Amazon for $5 a year ago, played it for five minutes and didn’t bother until I got ps+ to try it online. Still kinda mediocre? It’s also like 110gb and the update after install was something like 40gb. It’s insane.

      • -1

        Are you saying the whole overrated over-hyped POS is 150GB!?!?!
        That can't be right

  • +2

    I'll give the single player a whirl. I heard mixed things about it, but it's short and free so win win.

  • +1

    Man I was hoping for Bus simulator

    • +1

      Thought you were being sarcastic until I realised it's actually a real game with decent reviews, lol. People actually play that?

      • Theres also truck simulator and thats rated even higher

        • +1

          nothing beats GOATS simulator tho! the beast…

  • This and COD WW2, what a great month compared to May lol

  • WW2's campaign is FANTASTIC imo…
    BF2's campaign is unfortunately average…

  • best online game ever, im still playing it since a day 1 purchase for me. nothing beats it, glad to have newbs join the online gaming platform for easy kills :)

  • +1

    Time to farm some June - Christmas Noobs…lol

  • +1

    damn was hoping those rumours that spider man would be the other game were true

    • -5

      LMAO!! Ruffled quite a few feathers here, can't handle the truth eh?

      If Sony can revise PES Football 2020 PS+ then Sony should swap this month trashes for PES2020 and any indy game!!

      Agreed y'all? oh wait…nevermind

      • +2

        People disagree with what you said, maybe not your point, I don't know. Get over it though.

      • Just buy pes 2020 it’s $8 right now. Great value

  • +1

    This game is worth like 5 bucks

    • +2

      more like $0

  • -2

    A pity it's dead in Oceania though :(

  • +5

    It hasn't updated in PS Store, still showing May 2020… :-(

    • +2

      Still showing $30 :(

      • I tried right now and still not free :(

  • +2


  • Doesn't look free to me right now.

  • I hope people like online coop, because MP community for 20v20 modes is getting thinner than Peter Garrett's hairline (at least on Xbox One)

  • Can't claim it currently

  • +2

    Can finally download it for free.

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