Recommendations for a walkie talkie for kids + adults

Which walkie talkie do you recommend for a family of 2 kids and 2 adults ?
The only criteria I can come up with is - should be easy to use, come with a clip/lanyard and work in a 2 km radius.
Uses will be when out for bike rides, on a cruise, on a vacation (local/international) etc. Basically, just be able to communicate with each other within a 1 to 2 kilometer radius.


  • On a cruise?
    International vacation?

    By the time those are possible / viable, your children may have grown enough that these will not be required.

  • +1

    Our offroading club recommended this cheap and cheerful unit (used to be $99) which works fantastic over huge areas. There's a long range antenna which is well worth it.

    Uniden's 5w version is more than double the price:…

    • We have a couple of the AUSCB one that someone has gifted to our kids. It works a treat although its been mostly used indoors during the lockdown. My 3-year old's bedroom is next to ours while all his siblings are upstairs. He uses it to organise the next mutiny. He defo the ringleader.🙄

      • I'm willing to bet good money that your car has those stick-figure families stuck on the rear window.

        • Lol, nope. I try not to let people know how many kids I have because I have a scary number of them. I also don't have enough space on my rear window for the whole menagerie.

  • +2

    We got a pair of Target brand ones real cheap. Works well but the unit doesn't automatically turns off on its own. Drains the battery fully every time the darned #&!@# kids forget to switch it off.

    Also PSA: just be aware that Channel 5 and 35 are the designated emergency channels, and are not to be used except in an emergency.

  • Not sure how common adjustable squelch is among cheaper options, but if it doesn't have adjustable squelch don't get it. Ongoing background noise output gets very annoying very quickly.

  • Samsung Galaxy A71

    • yeah, but that will require at least a voice service. and if you move out of a service area, you're S-O-L.

  • We have a pair of cheap Unidens. Paid $68 from 2010. They still work darn well. We've used them in theme parks and on the snow slopes. They're also fun to use if driving in a convoy of cars amongst family and friends.

    • +2

      Well, speak of the devil. Look what shows up on my feed.…. It's down to $39 but is only 1w. Still should work within your stated desired radius.

      • Thank you for your reply. I will need to buy two of these, isn't it ?
        I am just wondering who ever buys a single walkie talkie - who is listening at the other end ?
        Sorry I have never had to use one before.
        I think I am going to have to decide between these three :……

        am leaning towards the last one as its a 3 pack. But if a good guys concierge coupon comes up in the next few days, I might go the tgg way.

        • +1

          I suppose the single unit is for anyone wanting to add another device/user to their existing capability.

          As long as you put them on the same channel anyone can talk and receive from anyone else. They don't even have to be same brands.

          I remember my brother-in-law purchasing a very affordable Chinese one online that had all sorts of bells and whistles and a higher transmit power. It worked just fine with our units. The kids in the back of the car had a blast chatting with their cousins and saying stuff like "come in" and "over"

          It's also amusing hearing snippets of conversation of other users who happen to be on the same channel transmitting within the vicinity of the receiver.

  • +1

    I'd advise for any 2w unit. I'd say down to 1w ok. But the half a watt ones aren't worth it. They suffer from poopoo range and.

    I think Uniden make a 2w that uses AA batteries or the included lithium and can charge from USB

    Forget about using overseas as the frequencies used here may be illegal to use for this purpose overseas

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