This was posted 4 years 9 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[PS4] The Last of Us Part 2 $69 @ JB Hi-Fi & Big W


Equal cheapest pre-order price.

Big w:…

Lots of negative issues with the game so buyer beware.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    What negative issues apart from the leak?

    • +31

      Here's what the criticism for the game is (not my view, just providing info)

      • Game's design heavily influenced by feminist frequency's Anita Sarkeesian

      • Game made by SJW Neil Druckmann (mod: edited inappropriate wording)

      • Plot doesn't do the game justice and spits of the relationship built from the first game

      • Plot is spoiler all over the internet

      • When people twit / youtube about the spoilers (not even showing it but just talking about it which is fair us), Sony copy-right strike the videos to ruin these youtuber's channels

      • Game was complete but delayed due to Coronavirus cos the game is also about virus and they think the people are stupid and will link the two together and not buy the game.

      • Naughty Dog making workers work to hard to complete game where one of them got disgruntled and leaked all the info on the game then they try to cover it up saying it was a haxor who leaked.

      • Staff asked for bonus early due to the virus and the delay (with video games after the sales come through they get big bonuses) but was refused. Then they find out the executives (like Druckmann) asked for and received their bonus. (mod: edited inappropriate wording)

      You can google these issues to get more info.

      • +9

        Pretty good summary.

        • +10

          Yea some people care while some won't…. at least you know what you paying for.

          Lol getting negged for providing info.

          • +5

            @Bryanalves: Yeah. It's tough one… A lot of excellent dot points here. A lot of intelligent stuff to think about. I spend all my days and nights wondering if I should be upset here… But I think I'm gonna have to say that at the end of the day I don't care… Maybe that makes me a dummy. If I think hard on it, I guess I checked out of 'gamer controversies' when people were up in arms that the medic in Battlefield 3 was a black guy and you didn't have the option of changing him to a white guy.

            • +2

              @garworsby: yeh maybe Im the dummy as well ….. def getting this day one cant wait

              the first was generally rated as close to perfect as this style of game gets partially because of game play and partially because of story……the gameplay in the previews still looks great so even if the story is half as good it'll get 7.5 out of 10 ….. still a solid score and game.

              I have a feeling a certain youtubers are becoming the people they hate…..bitching and moaning about everything…..let the game or movie or tv series come out and review it accordingly.

          • +1

            @Bryanalves: From sales of other games and purchases from companies that have done far worse, this game will sell well.

      • +12

        As I read it these may be some ethical and extrinsic issues but none really relate to the game itself

        • +5

          What rock are you living under?
          TLOU was a hit because of the story and plot. This story is not credible and makes zero sense.
          Neil basically said (my words), a lot of the existing audience won't like the game. It will be confronting and some nonsense about being taught lessons about the circular nature of violence.

          Sorry but I tuned out, when I could hear the diatribe coming out of his mouth.

          • +1

            @UltimateAI: I'm still convinced that it will be just like the Endgame leaks where everyone complained about the story but when the movie came out it was executed well.

            • @Bombasaur: I hope you are right, but this seems to be a legitimate leak showing actual footage (gameplay and cut-scenes) and from the actions of Sony and Naughty Dog who are copyright striking youtube videos of anyone even talking about them… It's a bad sign that it's accurate.

          • +2

            @UltimateAI: Damn. I've been out of the loop for the past few months. Here I was expecting the greatest single player game ever made. By the sounds of it, TLOU 1 will retain that title :/

          • +1

            @UltimateAI: Isn't this every game? Sorry, I don't live under a rock, but I feel every game pushes something similar to this. Just like every book, movie etc. Are you implying the first game didn't have any lessons in it's writing?

          • @UltimateAI: This right here. Everything that made the first one good, from characters to the main threat… has all taken a back seat and deviated towards something out of left field, just for the sake of it.

          • @UltimateAI: From the very first actual trailer of the game released years ago, I questioned what the story was about? To me it was clear that it wasn't a journey to find a cure for the virus, and looked more like a war between factions. And further trailers kinda hinted it was more about Ellie's revenge, and obviously more Ellie gameplay than Joel.

            I've not watched any leaked footage, but I already felt the game lost its direction when it feels more like a spin off from the real story of the first of the last of us.

            So unless there's a massive twist in Part II about a massive search for a cure for the virus, I won't feel a rush to get this game any time this year.

        • Unfortunately there's also a leaked major plot point that wasn't mentioned above (which is fair enough, as it's a heavy spoiler) that has made me go 'not spending my money to play that'

      • +3

        You won't be popular, but you are correct.
        Can't wait to see peoples reactions when they learn the storyline, not the leaks \ speculation but the storyline elements confirmed by Naughty Dog already and the "lessons" and "cycles" they say will be taught.

      • +7
        • +8

          Yep, good links.

          I thought OzB was better than the average GAF or 4chan thread, but these last two preorder threads have me wondering

          • +7

            @LaTerrible: Yep I notice that the very same member has curiously been very vocal about the negative aspects of this game, yet chooses to post it as a deal… Which makes very little sense to me.

            Also when you review the supposed "negative" aspects, they appear to be highly questionable in origin.

            Edit - in summary, it looks like some people are upset because their YouTube clips were taken down.

            • +5

              @clandestino: Yep LOL, doesn't like a game because of the way a company acted, then buys stuff off Amazon….

          • @LaTerrible: ozb is a far right hellhole

      • +2

        wow thats enough for me to wait it out and see the real reviews come out
        and see how angry angry joe flips out about it

      • And here is an actual example of someone pushing their own agenda on others.

        • Is interacting with the world based on your ideals something to be frowned upon? And are you saying naughty dog is free from this curse of ideals but this ozbargain poster is not? I don’t understand your point.

          • +2

            @Valowick: How can you produce content without it being biased - any books, movies, games have an ideal that is shown in it, it's not being pushed. Amazon overworked employees to death, yet OZB still buys from them. The ideals of OZB are purely emotional and not logical.

            • @onlinepred: Yeah people don't live up to their ideals often. That is why they're called ideals and not standards.

              But I don't think it's reasonable to conflate ideals with bias. One is a principle in which to live. The other is an unfair, preconceived or unreasonable inclination. Is all media unfair, preconceived and/or unreasonable?

      • I dont even know what is this game about. But that sums it up Kappa

      • so you are telling me there is feminists shit in the game? after that bf1 bullshit again?

    • -1

      It contains LGBT characters.

      Needless to say this makes gamers very, very angry.

      • +19

        LOL, no one cares if a character is LGBT.
        Although I didn't like how Uncharted tuned into a lesbian affair and ensured Nathan would not have a son. For goodness sake, it was Nathan Drake Uncharted. Way too forced to be credible.

        Big fan of any game with female leads, Horizon Zero Dawn ect… and don't care if they are LGBT, or look like a fridge. But please don't force agenda's on me.

        Actually one of characters was Gay in TLOU and that was not an issue for anyone, it was a non-event.

        • +1

          Don't force agendas on me, lol.

          The worst kind of argument

          • +4

            @LaTerrible: I understand what he is trying to say. And in simpler words it probably translates to. Don't just change the story for the sake of adding in token characters. If the setting/story doesn't have a place for it or it wasn't allowed for don't try to squeeze it in just for appease a group of people. It ends up benefiting no one.

      • +5

        Lol no you're twisting the argument, its because of the plot points

      • Care to expand this? Go on…

      • +5

        Some MRA types might be annoyed, but generally nobody cares. Even the click baity YTubers.
        The story leaks are trash and that's really sad because the original means so much to so many.
        Hopefully it'll all make better sense after release.

  • what negative issue?

  • +4

    Issues or prejudice?

  • +2

    Crunch culture.

    • Now this is a legitimate concern. The industry still has a long to go on this front

  • +3

    Bet this will hit the bargain bins real soon.

    But if for some reason you want it early (or, at all) then yeah, nice deal for a new game.

    • +1

      only few people think this game is trash, many didn't like gta 5 when it came out, loads of controversy, overworked employees, people weren't paid etc, now top selling game

      • GTA 5 IS trash. The only GTA I couldn't bother bringing myself to finish.

        I'd say a great deal of its sales were more people wanting access to GTA Online which is the only part I miss. But yeah, any controversy towards it is a wee bit different than what's being leveled at LoU2.

        If for nothing else but doing mah boi Joel rotten. LoU will remain a standalone title for me, no DLC or sequel. But that's me, yeah. Will certainly keep an eye on the general consensus over time.

  • +7

    Negativity is by haters, wait and judge the game when is out.

    Reviews embargo is on June 12th.

    • +2

      No quite the opposite. Fan Girls and Boys perhaps, but wouldn't say haters.
      Apart from the crazy storyline, this would have been a non-issue, if Sony and Naughty Dog didn't go on the attack resulting in many You Tubers losing their revenues and even channels cancelled, just for talking about the leak. (not sharing any details, or screen shots, just talking).

      The game is gold already, but their actions have lost a lot of supporters.

      • -2

        Makes me laugh when I see these youtuber's post their angry copyright strike rebuttal videos and threatening shit on YouTube claiming, YouTube's unjust action has cost them their revenues, oblivious to the fact that they would not have those revenues or profiles if not for YouTube the company. The same company that is legally required to operate and ensure that they adhere to the laws and judicial system of the country they are doing business in . Something that seems to be prevalent in the generation of copy, share and actually produce nothing themselves social media crew, is that they are oblivious to the fact that copyright and intellectual property laws still exist for a reason, apart from your self centered view of what you see is fair or just. Companies and people spend a lot of money, time and resources to produce a game, that hopefully ends up a winner, both financial and creatively. So if someone steals (leaks) a significant characteristic of their product, the last thing they care about is the financial loss someone who's only creative contribution is to comment on others people works, especially if they are using stolen intellectual property to talk about it. Like them or hate them Naughty Dog and Sony had every right to go after people who have used stolen imagery and story to gain financial gain.(subscribers and ad revenue) The work and creative talent of 1000s of people was illegally leaked, potentially causing the company significant financial loss. Instead of treating the leak as reason to pour shit on their perception of the story and claiming it will be flop, they should have talked about the dick move by the disgruntled worker who leaked it and ruined the hard work of many. The game might suck big time or actually work when played as a game, only time will tell, not some clown on Youtube thinking that YouTube,Sony and naughty dog work for him.

        • +4

          They've copyright struck videos which claimed they used no imagery or video (not like I can check the claim, the video's obviously unavailable to watch) - they were just discussing the leaks not showing them. The copyright strikes have been extremely heavy handed.

      • as far as I know, google did that. I don't think naughty dog runs YouTube

        • +2

          Sony and naughtydog file the copyright strikes. YouTube doesn’t do anything. They usually don’t even have people involved at all since it’s automated.

          • @Valowick: Who's fault is that? Is it a broken system ready for abuse

  • +8

    This will be the biggest attempts to push an agenda in modern history. I won't elaborate as I hate spoilers.
    But, really can't blame people for cancelling their pre-orders.
    Keen to see some honest reviews, to know if it is worth playing.

    • +1

      Agreed. We're essentially about to see the moon landing but, like, in the form of a video game form. It's crazy that more people don't have moon fever right now.

  • +12

    Hell hath no fury like a gamer scorned.

  • +5

    I'll wait till it's a PSPlus freebie in 2025

    • -1

      I made the same joke about RDR2 and Epic Games and got downvoted hard.

      • +3

        But RDR2 is a good game

        • +3

          TLOU2 isn't even out yet so you can't definitely say it's not a good game.

        • +1

          It also had controversy though. People forget about that…

          • +1

            @onlinepred: So did No Mans Sky and that's a good game now.

            • +2

              @NeggerOfDeals: Yes, people are just getting emotional and overreacting. Play the game without this bias and get back to us hey.

    • Haha. Already got too many games to go through. Most likely will do this.

  • +1

    I’m gonna wait til it’s very cheap. I still hope the story some how works, but I doubt that can happen after the leaks.

  • does anyone think they will bring out a special edition?

  • +3

    So much noise before release.

    I just want to enjoy it and be wow'd like I did in the first TLOU.

  • +3

    I love it how people call it out for pushing the companies agenda, while the posters are pushing their own agenda on us

  • +6

    I'll be purchasing this game day one, June 19 without a doubt. The first game was such a revolutionary experience for me and I enjoyed it across two console generations. Without a doubt there will be a PS5 release for this game and I'll pick that up too. Enjoy a game for what it is, don't get too caught up by the politics and just have fun. Stay safe out there gamers. :)

    • +3

      Couldn’t agree more. Story and narrative aside for just a second (and frankly, I don’t disagree with a lot of what is being said here) the gameplay looks absolutely amazing. I believe this game will set a new benchmark in fluidity and mechanics for a 3rd person game. That alone, is more than enough of a reason to give it a chance.

  • I don't want to spoil my fond memories of TLOU. Even the trailers and gameplay footage that were previously released officially paint TLOU2 as a very very dark game exploring human vs human and less of human vs infected.

    • +1

      Don't let this be a reason for not picking up this game. If you enjoyed the first so much, you at least owe it to the memory of your past self. I remember finishing the first game 7 years ago and desperately yearning for a sequel.. now with the game releasing in just over 3 weeks, I'm beyond excited.

      • Neil basically said, it's nothing like the first and not targeted at the existing audience… so worth exploring what it is you are getting.
        This is a departure from 12months ago when Neil assured fans LOU2 would honour the existing game.
        Not saying don't buy it, could be a great game (albeit different), but assuming it will be great like the original is putting a lot of faith in a publisher while at the same time ignoring what the publisher is saying.
        The last uncharted was an interesting experiment, sure wasn't advertised as a full game, but the end product wasn't the best. Controls, theme and story.

        • Did you watch the State of Play this morning? No? Cool. I know what I'm buying..

  • do you guys think ill be able to walk in and pick it up on 19th or should i pre order?

  • It’s $79 not $69

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