This was posted 13 years 5 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty for $50 Delivered from Dick Smith


Not much to say. Star craft II: Wings of Liberty for $50. Delivery is free (at least I paid none).

This is the cheapest I've seen it (where it has actually been in stock and available for purchase). Normally goes for $65-$100. Dick Smith have sold this at this price only once before to my knowledge.

Rough listing of current prices:…

Next nearest (that I've ever found):… ($65 inc delivery)

PLEASE NOTE: Sold out online, again. Stock may be available at your local Dick Smith (or it might flop back into availability online - it has done once before). You can check stock levels online.

Related Stores

Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • -1

    I thought it had been at this price point for ages (at least whenever advertised as cheap).

  • -1

    Urgh, still $50? Will wait until the next expansion come out before I jump the wagon and play this 1st one.

    • When?

      • God knows, I am still waiting for Diablo 3!
        But according to wikipedia, it's around April 2012

    • LOL I was downvoted for having patients to wait for a game? Gosh, kids now a days! So spoiled =P

  • Damn i got excited, when I saw SC2 in the thread heading. Thought the next one was out haha

  • Also available from gamestation in the UK for £25 + £4 postage to Oz which works out to about $50. Of course you're better of getting it from DSE as you'll get it sooner but if it sells out this is an option:

    • +5

      The gamestation copy will more than likely be the EU version though, SC2 is region restricted so you'd end up playing against Europeans with lag. The aussie version gives you access to the local (south east asian) servers and a free account to play on north american servers as well.

      • Indeed. I was tempted by the ozgameshop one for a little while ($55) but playing across 2 oceans and a continent (basically half the planetary landmass) did not suit me.

  • +1

    This is a very good deal, as OP has stated it has only been this cheap once before and all local places sell it for $65+.

  • For an AU copy. $50 is as cheap as it gets.
    (before the next expansion that is or 10yrs down the track).

  • +2

    Yeah, this is a great deal if you don't have the game.
    SC2 is a great game both singleplayer and multiplayer with continued support.
    As it's region specific, it's best to get an AU (SEA) version. It also comes with NA server access :)

  • +1

    As people have said, this is as cheap as it gets. You will be lucky to find a US/EU digital cd key for this price, let alone a SEA hardcopy. Blizzard online store sells this for $90, compared with $60 for the US copy.

  • +5

    Be warned. This game is digital crack cocaine… I play roughly 4hrs a night 4 nights a week and have done so since release… @_@

    • +1

      "One more game" I always tell my friend. It's never just one more.

  • I want this so badly… yet i know of the addiction…

    damn such a hard decision…

    …actually im sticking to Free2Play…<.<

    now just waiting for a decent RTS to be F2P

  • has left the game.


  • Lucky to score the last copy from Bourke St, but my box was pretty beaten up :(. Maybe those buying online might get better luck!

  • Picked a copy up on Sunday, just before closing time from Chatswood Chase. The night before the website said it was in stock at that particular store, and now it's set at limited stock.

  • +1

    Wow. Dick smith is keeping this going. They've gone from out of stock online to limited stock now.

    • They must have found a couple more boxes lying around somewhere?

      • +1

        Probably behind the couch when they were checking for the remote.

  • +1

    when you think about it..this is a cheapest game ever.
    played for 1 year.probably play for another 2-3 years for just $69 when i bought them :))

  • According to the DSE website, the offer will now end on 10-Oct-11. Still sold out online and based on stock quantities at least in and around my local area, there isn't much left as they are either noted as being out of stock or in limited quantities. That said, some stores are notorious for not keeping their inventory numbers updated on their website :P

    • I'll hit expired on it tomorrowish then as I can't edit the deal anymore.

      Mine came well packaged and in good nick. Tis a fun game, though I wish that the multiplayer games on the net were more evenly matched. :/

      • They pulled my box out from a draw under the counter. Stirred the draw a little bit to find it, could hear the boxes rumbling against each other :/ Little bit tattered around the corners of the cardboard but not too much of an issue if all you want is the disc to be intact and subsequently to play the game :)

  • The fun. She be over.

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