Review/demonstration -
Now I know this won't be everyone's cup of tea but I bought one of these last Friday and it's strangely hypotised me at home while I've been working. He's spinning endlessly behind me as I write this.
The magnet that keeps this little guy suspended over the base is quite strong and the whole figure is very visually appealing. However, the base's surface can get scratched up as you'll inevitably hear Snowball's bottom and the base smack together if he's not positioned properly before he can suspend himself.
Pricewise, Snowball is only really available overseas for $300+. He's still currently available for home delivery/click and collect at a lot of EB/Zing stores. If you're an Overwatch (Mei) fan like me, then I'd recommend little Snowball at this price.
This is the stupidest thing in the world. It doesn't look like the flaps even move. But yolo, I bought one and will pick it up on the way to my STI test tomorrow.