2 Year warranty
150,000 flashes
Free pick up or delivery.
RRP $399.95
This device can be used on skin types I to IV but should not be used on dark brown skin (type VI) as too much light energy will be converted to heat in the skin (instead of the hair).
HoMedics Duo One IPL Long Term Hair Removal @ Shaver Shop $115 & Free Delivery $105 with Welcome Coupon (Subscription Required)

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closed Comments
Not really. Pigment equals heat, that's how it burns the hair under the skin without heating the semi translucent white skin too much.
Dark skin or freckles will suffer from the actual skin getting too hot.
Can you use it for your crack?
Missus is tired of waxing my area every few weeks.
you must be a plumber
Close, I clean pools…
“I’ve come to clean ze pool…”
Been reading up on home IPLs and it seems none are powerful enough for male facial hair…
Don't waste your money guys these things are useless.
You go corona 👍
Lol I am here to stay. Even if I am not here Daniel Andrews will make sure I am living in Victorians minds for long time to come.
I think you must work harder if you want them to remember you.
Is it pronouced HomeyDicks?
I'm guessing this can't be used on dark brown nipple skin? Asking for a friend.