If l make a deposit say 1k to my credit credit card account, confirm the credit showed up and pay bills via bpay of 1k credit, my understanding is there should be no cash advance transaction fee incur, is this correct?
Cash advance fee enquiry if l pay by BPay with credit card

LPetop on 23/05/2020 - 14:59
No. Read the pds.
From what you have written, there is no cash advance that's taken place. Anyways, from my understanding you can't use a CC to fund a Bpay payment.
Depends, the merchant decides what they accept.
Eg search 45435 (Sydney Water) here: https://bpay.com.au/look-up-biller-code-financial-institutio…
Cash advance is when you withdraw cash from the credit card account whether by physically withdrawing cash or transferring it to another account manually. Paying for goods and services is different.
You shouldn't pay cash advance for bills anyway? It's only certain things that are considered cash advances.