Your choice of:
Foxtel upgrade offer
- iQ2 Upgrade Fee = $200
- 3 x $14.95 HD Complete = $44.85
- 3 x $10 monthly IQ2 Service Fee = $30
Total value: $274.85
Blu-ray BD-P1500 Player
- $35.00 postage charge
- Allow 90 days for delivery
- RRP $699, street prices sell for around $470.
with a purchase of Samsung's new range of HDTV.
Specifically those models included are:
Offer commences 1/7/08 and closes 5pm EST on 31/7/08. All claims must be fully completed and received by the Promoter within twenty one (21) days of date of purchase and no later than 5pm on 21 August 2008.