Ever since the whole pandemic and working from home situation. I've found myself looking at a new keyboards in my spare time and have been tossing between MX Cherry Brown/Red/Red Silent. I'm leaning towards Red Silent switches as I've used them in the past and was pretty happy with them for those late night gaming sessions. However, I'm currently using brown switches and have found them to be quite enjoyable to use but just a little noisy at times. Keen to hear what everyone's preference is.
Which Mechanical Keyboard Switches Do You Prefer and Why?

May I ask which brand you use? I got daskeyboard blue, but it doesn't work properly(I think), bit too hard to press.
Kingston HyperX
I noticed that they have both cherry switches and also hyperx switches. Which one you use?
@samzhao: Cherry Blue. If you're finding it hard to press blues are probably not the switch for you :P Go for reds/browns
I found them to be so annoying, could hear friends blue switches through discord haha.
They are very loud indeed :)
I have a couple of keyboards but find that nothing compares to my Topre (Leopold FC660C).
I have a couple of other keyboards such as Cherry Brown and Gateron Yellow, but have honestly enjoyed my Leopold so much over the past 5 years I not find myself looking elsewhere.
I'm a fan of browns. Have a set of holy pandas that I'm keen to try out.
Razer oranges
Agree with this. I also quite like the Romer-G linears
Have the brown switches (Kogan) in the office and blue switches (LingYi) at home and I find the blue ones are more satisfying to type with (I find the clicking sounds more therapeutic!)… but it drives my partner nuts lol. I would have gotten the blue switches for the office as well but I don't want to be hated by my colleagues!
Using Outemu browns, but kinda wish I had reds at times trying to be quiet. Browns are as loud as I thought blues would be in reality.
Cherry reds for home, browns for work and clears waiting in a box for my eventual pc build.
Currently using Outemu Browns on my kogan keyboard. But looking for either a 60% or TKL keyboard to replace it.
Spoke to Tecware regarding the Phantom coming back in stock and they said "This will not be in stock in Australia anytime soon" - so thats promising haha!
Anyone have any recommendations on TKL or 65% for a reasonable price (i.e not $200 Ducky)
I'm using Ducky with brown switches, pretty happy with them, I heard the Hyper X keyboard and their own switches are pretty decent. I'll probably give them a shot next.
I'm new to mechanical keyboards and went with the Keychron K2 with Gateron Red switches. I thought it would be noisier but for the most part it's fairly quiet, especially as I'm not a hard typer. Only seems to make a loud clacking if I press down harder on the keys. Otherwise I seem to be able to type just by depressing the keys about halfway. It still registers fine, which surprised me.
Whatever is in the Logitech G910, not those. Cherry browns were the best I've used.
MX Black
They have strong springs making the keys harder to push. It does hurt my fingers a little bit but it is nice pushing down on the keys in a forceful way.. Idk it's like the opposite of a bungee cord
Blues because its so satisfying