Hi everyone, first forum post.
My medicare claim got rejected from a place that was doing bulk billing. It was supposed to be all covered and now I am left with a $400 bill. Wondering if there is anything I can do at this stage. Contacted Medicare and the guy said no, there is nothing I can do about it and referred me to MBS online. Tried looking and don't even know how to navigate.
I've had a third heart sound and a lump on my abdomen and a piece of glass stuck in my thumb for couple of months from a small accident. I went to a GP end of last year and was referred to get an Echo-cardiogram as well as Ultrasound for the lump and piece of glass. Fast forward to April, I finally had the time to go to these appointments because the company that I worked in asked everyone to take a week off. I scheduled both appointment on the same day thinking I would start the week off with something productive and schedule a follow up with the GP end of the week.
Echo (Item 55113)
Had an Echo and it wasn't all covered by Medicare. From memory, it was $460 and medicare covered just under half. Turns out I have something that needs to be checked on a yearly basis. I don't believe this is related so that leads me to the final section…
Ultrasound (Item 55800, 55812)
I went to a bulked bill place to have it my ultrasound. I gave them a call asking to confirm if it is fully covered and they said yes. Did the ultrasound and both the guy that did my ultrasound and the receptionist confirmed there were no outstanding payments.
Fast forward now
I received a bill today from the ultrasound to pay $400 because my claim was rejected by Medicare and that was because another company has charged using Item 55113, the Echo that I did on the same day. They noted "for that reason, we've had to change your account to private".
What I need help with
I am not sure what I can do. While Echo and the ultrasound might be similar somewhat, they are for entirely different reasons. I feel that it is my fault for not checking the details of what is claimable but looking through the MBS Online now even with hindsight, I am still lost on how to even verify this. I've tried google-ing the items but I don't know how to connect this items to verify that they are the same thing at least from Medicare point of view.
Edit: I thought I formatted the link correct, but looks like messed it up. Link for MBSOnline is : mbsonline.gov.au
Edit 2: The glass in my thumb was something recent, the heart and lump has been there for years but finally had it checked.
Update after calling the practice
Spoke to the manager, she said they have tried multiple times to claim. While they are claiming it on different dates, they still need to state the date of the test (as stated by pineapples) and that's what Medicare is basing their rejection on. Fact is that the practice is not getting money from this procedure. We settled on half. While it is still a pretty big financial hit, it was better than the initial price.
Lesson learnt
Lesson learnt from all this was to disclose all medical procedures if they were done roughly the same time. Without proper knowledge on how the MBS online works, I would be more wary of the cool down period and just disclose more info just to avoid situations like this.
I would like to thank all the helpful comments given here. You guys managed to turned a what seemed like nothing can be done situation into something better. I am very thankful for that.
For any medical people here interested in my conditions as a case study, I am happy to provide the details in a private message. PM me and I just request to have it kept outside the forums.
In terms of resolution of this forum, I would like to keep this open a bit longer if someone can shed some knowledge on the MBSOnline.
Sounds like you cant do much given medicares advice. Seems the horse has bolted on this one.
Hope you stay healthy.