This was posted 4 years 9 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Buy 1 Get 1 Free on All Blu-Ray and 4K Titles @ JB Hi-Fi


Starting at 5pm, link is active but specials not available yet.

Starts instore tomorrow also

Cheapest one free. Trade not supplied. Maximum of 2 copies of the same title in the same transaction. Excludes pre-orders, devices and blank media

The 4K Skywalker Saga is excluded.

Special thanks to Cevolution at Blu Ray forums for the heads up

What are you guys buying?

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Damn wish Portrait of a lady on fire was out on bluray- best movie ever

    • Starring Nicole Kidman and Denzel Washington, directed by Jane Campion AND Tony Scott?

      • Sounds intriguing. What's the storyline mashup?

        • +6

          It follows the erotic journey of a woman from Milan to Minsk.

        • +2

          The Portrait of a Lady on Fire is the story of a spirited, young American woman, Isabel Archer, who, "confronting her destiny", finds it overwhelming. She inherits a large amount of money and subsequently is kidnapped. Hard-drinking, burnt-out ex-CIA operative John Creasy had given up on life until hired as a bodyguard to protect Isabel. Bit by bit, Creasy had begun to reclaim some of his soul, but when Isabel is kidnapped, Creasy's fiery rage is finally released and he will stop at nothing to save her as he sets out on a dangerous, revenge-fuelled rescue mission.

      • It's the Portrait of a lady on fire not The Portrait of a Lady, completely different films

        • +1

          The joke is Portrait of a lady + Man on fire

    • Yay female film-makers

  • Anyone know if it's in-store too?

  • I juuuuuuust bought one of those box sets yesterday! My bargain senses are so off lately :(

    • From where? Did you open it?

      • JB Hifi. Haha. Still unopened so I suppose in theory I could try returning and re-buying it.

        • +3

          They are used to it, do not feel guilty.

    • +15

      Because in some cases it is the only legal source of a movie or TV show.

    • +8

      I like to get the movies or series I like, and special editions if possible. I tend to watch them once or twice a year.

      I also have Netflix etc to watch all the crap I wouldn't pay to own :)

    • +2

      Whilst most content has low resale value, there are circumstances where you can buy a box set, watch all the movies and sell it for a decent amount on ebay vs having the content tied to your own account forever.

    • +4

      I have limited downloads so I have to get physical sometimes, but minimum I buy is bluray unless its only on DVD

    • I like to have a physical copy of movies I really enjoyed. e.g. JoJo Rabbit, Parasite & 1917. Whereas in the past I would just buy any movie even if I hadn't previously seen it and the oft chance I may not like it.

    • +2

      I agree with you Nick.

      Just moved house and had so many DVDs that I was never going to watch again and they take up heaps of space.

      Cash Converters will give you 5 cents per disc if you want to clear some space. That has put me off buying DVDs and Blu-rays for the future.

      • +2

        when I cleared out a lot of DVD's which I upgraded to Blu Ray I gave them to the local op shop it goes to a good cause unlike crime converters

        I mean cash converters :)

    • +1

      geez, just a geuine curious question, why so much hate?

      • +2

        What hate? You just had like 10 genuine answers, some with smiley faces. One guy even agreed with you.

        • +1

          I meant the negs.

          • @Nick K: I agree, why all the negs about a perfectly legit question. I too was curious about people buying DVD/blu-ray. I saw it similar to people who buy vinyls still lol.

      • I was wondering the same thing

      • Because some mook asks the same patronising question every time a deal like this comes up.

        And if you think just anyone can stream anything they want, with bluray quality at ease (let alone 4k) then you are actually the one who isnt in touch with the current state of technology.

        • I didn't think it was patronizing. He even started with 'genuine curious' …but it still hurt your feelings. Interesting.

          • @Cusack: Im happy to alter my statement. His question wasnt as patronising as the usual way this is expressed. It was equally as asinine though.

            My feeling werent hurt. I no longer buy DVDs. The extent of my reaction was a rolling of the eyes and then I helpfully explained to him that the reason why he was getting downvoted was because his question has been asked and answered countless times before to the point it is a cliche in any disc deal thread. Not to mention an illustration of an inability to genuinely think outside ones own small perspective.

            But apparently you were wondering the same thing as he so…sorry I 'hurt your feelings, curious, etc etc wank wank'.

            • -1

              @jacross: Toughen up sunshine. Life isn't so bad

    • +11

      Having physical copies means I can play them when I want as many times as I want.
      TV series and movies vanish off streaming services all the time.
      If I buy them digitally and that service shuts down, I loose them.
      Plus they look nice on a shelf :)

      • +2

        Nintendo wii eshop, ultraviolet streaming service, Scott pilgrim vs the world video game

        Plenty of examples where services stop providing you the things you paid for or changes in licensing means you can no longer purchase it

        • On the other hand Apple iTunes I doubt be going anywhere anytime soon, its just too big to fail!

          Plus nothing competes with iTunes Dolby Vision and Atmos streaming library.

          But no way I am putting all my movie-eggs in one streaming basket, this why I only buy iTunes movies when they go to $8 or less which is same cost of renting.

          And yes movies on the shelves look awesome but also looks strange if you had too many like a warehouse of movies!

          There must be a limit between casual collector, avid collector and hoarder with an addiction problem (that person who still has at least 100 vhs or dvds on the shelves with their plastic wrapping still on!)

    • +2

      This is a genuine curious question. Do people buy DVDs because they are not tech-savy? because to this day I still wonder why people buy DVDs, they take up space and you only watch a movie once (or more later in a few years or something), and they will only take up space.

      If you enjoy the movie or tv show, then why not? I don't have the capacity to remember every single thing that happens in movies and tv shows, so it's good to be able to watch it again (for those who ask about streaming: the content isn't always available to stream, or can be taken off at any time, and therefore it's more comforting to pay once than to pay a monthly subscription).

      Also, some people enjoy displaying them on a shelf, particularly any special editions or rare hard-to-find movies/tv shows.

      This could also be applicable to things like books, music, etc. You could ask why people don't just go to the library or listen to the radio - the same reasons I gave above would apply here as well.

    • +2

      You said take up space twice.
      If you mean actual DVD (not Bluray or 4k) then the answer is simple. There is an enormous population of people who don't give a toss about picture quality. They just want to watch a movie (multiple times) for a cheap price.

      I buy 4K because I find streaming a lesser quality and unreliable.

    • +4

      Genuine answer: streaming compression ruins 4k movies.

      No matter how good your internet connection is, when you stream 4k media at over the internet it is passed through compression algorithms that turn the picture to shit. Just watch anything on YouTube or Netflix with rain / grass / spatial texture and the limitations of compression become glaringly evident.

      4k Netflix / internet video streams at around 25MBps-45MBps, wheras Bluray 4k players can stream anywhere from 82MBps - 128MBps, that's already 3-5x as much bandwidth than Netflix will stream at.

      Blade Runner 2049 came out on Netflix the other day, full 4k version. Streamed it on my 4k TV with 45MBps internet speed and it looked like 720p horseshit. MPEG compression artifacts everytime there was rain or any spatial texture. It's bearable if you're watching on your Kogan 720p 24" backlit LCD in a brightly lit garage, but unwatchable if you're a film buff.

    • +1

      thanks for all the answers guys. appreciate it. It didn't appear to me at all.

    • 4k Blu-Rays look much better than streaming 4k, i wait for deals like this and pick up a few of my faves on 4k

    • You’re not a cinephile, clearly. There are some movies I’ve watched dozens of times.

      Sure, you’re not going to watch “The Fast and the Furious 12” repeatedly, but I’ve probably watched Rear Window, Close Encounters, and Lawrence of Arabia more than 20 times each.

      Plus, I’ve watched the West Wing box set once every year or two. In the 13 years I’ve had the DVDs, they must have been all been watched 10 times. Not a bad investment.

  • +10

    One thing I feel like I should note. Whilst Amazon have free prime delivery and will probably begin adding more titles when JB starts, if JB didn't do this sale Amazon wouldnt either so I feel JB deserve some support


    • +5

      They should have done it before amazon then hsha. Think most people already spent their money judging from how many titles are out of stock on amazon now

      • +2

        I feel like if they did that Amazon would have just done it even earlier lol

        I'm buying some from both haha

    • +4

      Amazon is cheaper on everything I looked at.

      $12-$15 from Amazon vs $25 from JB

      • +1

        Shame Amazon don't have the Star Wars movies or the newest batch of Disney/Pixar movies (Monsters, A Bug's Life, etc) :(

        • +1

          Yeah just went and bought all the 4k Star Wars movies I was missing, Very happy!

      • -1

        B1G1F makes most of these titles $15-16 each, Amazon is no where as cheap for titles like Bladerunner 2049 4k, or Joker 4k.

        What titles are you looking at?

        • Bad example

          Joker is $25 & Blade Runner 2049 was $15. So $12.50 each
          JB has them for $30 and $25 respectively. Or $15 each

        • As for what 4Ks I was looking at.

          Aquaman is $12.50 @ Amazon vs $35 at JB.
          Batman Begins & Dark Knight both $15 vs $25 at JB

          also grabbed Spider-Verse & Venom for $25 ($12.50 each) outside of the B1G1F offer. Would have been $35 at JB

          • @BargainEnjoyer2022: Before I completed my order with Amazon I compared prices with JB hi-fi.

            Aquaman 4k
            Joker 4k
            Sicario 4k
            Ghost in the shell 3d
            Blackhawk down 4k
            Apocalypse now 4k

            Amazon $72.47
            JB hi-fi $89.94

  • +5

    Stack with this 3D Blu-Ray movies deal Works out $2.50 each + Delivery !

    • +1

      Thank you, I bought 4 of those, have to put in 2 orders, otherwise will charge me $14 for the delivery.

  • Looks like the deal has already started.
    It applied the discount for me.

  • +2

    If you are like me and love to save a buck, local libraries often have DVDs to lend. They will often buy the DVD if you request it 🙂

  • pre orders, no good. sori misread the post.

  • +1

    Amazon 4k prices are better, esp if you have prime, honestly jbhifi prices are a joke, even with the b1g1F

    • +4

      While you're not wrong, Amazon tends to price match various retailers like JB Hi-Fi, Sanity and Big W, and sometimes stack their deals together which almost always end up with them offering the best price. In this case, many of the 4K UHD Blu-rays are cheaper at Amazon because they were price-matching Sanity's 2 for $30 deal, and adding on JB Hi-Fi's BOGOF. I agree with BenTheBargainer2013's comment that other retailers like JB Hi-Fi and Sanity deserve some of our support too. Without other Australian retailers having sales, Amazon would not have dropped their prices in the first place.

      Personally having missed out on some titles from Amazon (ironic considering I posted that), I will now be getting them from JB Hi-Fi.

    • Yeah, but you can walk in, look through the shelves, pick up some discs, and support local workers.

      And those workers get toilet breaks.

  • If anyone in Sydney is interested in Harry Potter 4K box set, please let me know. I will buy two to qualify for the deal and we can split the cost. It will cost only around $80 each. Thanks.

    • +5

      If you are a completionist and/or like special features, note that the HP 4K box set only has two discs per movie not three like the singular releases.

      • You are right!
        The descriptions don’t say anything, but when I zoom in, I can see ‘3 DISK’ for individual movies and ‘16 DISK’ for the box set. I think it’s worth paying $20 more for those.
        Thank you.

        • +1

          Good choice. HP is one of the few franchises that actually produce extensive special features worth watching.

      • Do all standalone releases have three discs? I bought some on Amazon this morning but they say "two disc special edition" on the cover?

        Edit - Just checked them all again and they all say "two disc special edition" on the cover but some say two disc and some say three disc in the descriptions. Hmm. I hope I haven't been jipped.

  • -1

    prices are crappy

  • +1

    I bought most of my wish list from amazon this morning as they are cheaper than JB Hi Fi

    I only picked up 4 titles from JB as amazon didn't have them on their B1G1F list for some reason\

  • Most movies I looked at say click and collect not available. Can't even check store stock.

    Added some to cart for delivery, then couldn't check out. Went back and looked again, some of the pages disappeared from the site completely and are now saying 404.

    What is going on?

  • do JB price match with the B1G1F sale?

    • Probably not as they will say amazon is online only

      Any excuse not to price match just like Officeworks

  • Just wondering what player everyone is using to play the 4k titles? Is it worth buying an exclusive 4k disk player as opposed to paying them using a console?

    • +1

      …. For a pretty box $499?

      Just buy all individuals with the same. Bundle $15 x 9 movies = approx $135/140 for the set

      or total cost of $160
      10 movies buy 1 get 1 free (last two movie has to be 39.99)

  • +6

    Seems most UHD items have had their prices jacked-up plus some Blu-Rays I've checked so far:
    (I paid $14.40 for each of these on 29Nov19 as part of 2 for $40 + Black Friday Sale 20% off + 10% members)

    Now $39.98 was $19.98 on 10Nov19

    • Glass UHD

    Now $29.98 was $19.98 on 10Nov19

    • Matrix UHD
    • Hunter Killer UHD
    • Hellboy UHD (2019)
    • John Wick UHD
    • Braveheart UHD

    Now $24.98 was $19.98 on 10Nov19

    • Lucy UHD
    • Gladiator UHD
    • Matrix Reloaded UHD
    • Matrix Revolutions UHD
    • Hancock UHD
    • Baby Driver UHD
    • First Man UHD
    • Hellboy UHD
    • Hellboy 2: The Golden Army UHD
    • Hulk UHD
    • The Big Lebowski UHD
    • John Wick Chapter 2 UHD
    • The Revenant UHD
    • Maleficent UHD
    • Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon UHD
    • Unforgiven UHD
    • Casino UHD
    • Split UHD
    • Blade Runner UHD
    • Blade Runner (2049) UHD

    Some of the Blu-Ray items I've checked:
    (I paid $10.80 for each on 29Nov19 as part of 2 for $30 + Black Friday Sale 20% off + 10% members)

    Now $29.98 was $19.98 on 10Nov19

    • Shazam! 3D + Blu-Ray

    Now $24.98 was $19.98 10Nov19

    • Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald 3D + Blu-Ray (I paid $10.80 on 26Dec19 as part of 2 for $30 +30% off)
    • Godzilla II: King of The Monsters 3D + Blu-Ray

    Now $42.98 was $19.98 on10Nov19

    • The X-Files - Season 11

    Now $34.98 was $19.98 on 10Nov19

    • The X-Files - Season 10
    • Gunpowder

    Now $34.98 was $29.98 10Nov19

    • The Looming Tower (I paid $16.09 on 29Nov19 as part of 2 for $30 + Black Friday Sale 20% off + 10% members)

    A lot of the older Blu-Ray items seem to be the same prices compared to previous sales except for recent releases.

    • Yeah during sales they usually take off whatever discount they applied and revert to RRP.

      • +1

        Just to clarify, all the (was) prices on 10Nov19 were the listed prices per item and not the discounted sale price for whatever sale was on at the time (ie, 2 for $40 or 2 for $30, Black Friday, …).
        I would normally expect prices to get cheap as the item gets older but lately, the bigger the sale the more prices seem to get jacked-up each time at JB on desirable items. It would be so much easier if there was a historical price tracker like 3xcamel for JB (remember mildsurprise).
        I just "hope" there will be an additional 20% sale during this BOGOF sale and then a 10% or 5% members one day only sale at the same time (those were the days).

        • +1

          Maybe you should start said website. I would but I don't have time to constantly flick through the many pages they have and keep a database of it and record on website nor am I any good at programming something to keep watch of webpages and refresh it everyday or every hour or even minute to check on the price for me effortlessly….

          • @Zachary: Would luv to but I'm more of a layer 1 to 3 type of person. You'd need a proficient layer 7 person to do something worthwhile. There was a pretty good attempt years ago by mildsurprise but that didn't last unfortunately.
            I have a butchered method based on JB's SKU numbering system but the way JB lists their items is a real pain to easily get data and almost impossible (for my tiny intellect) to automate a system to collect data. Even worse is trying to auto compare the same products between sites like JB, Amazon(AU, UK, DE, IT, US), Zavvi, EzyDVD, Sanity, Big W, …

            • +1


              Would luv to but I'm more of a layer 1 to 3 type of person. You'd need a proficient layer 7 person to do something worthwhile.

              We're talking about the OSI model, right….?

              There was a pretty good attempt years ago by mildsurprise but that didn't last unfortunately.

              I take it he didn't have time to keep it running and up to date because of jobs and life?

              I have a butchered method based on JB's SKU numbering system but the way JB lists their items is a real pain to easily get data and almost impossible (for my tiny intellect) to automate a system to collect data. Even worse is trying to auto compare the same products between sites like JB, Amazon(AU, UK, DE, IT, US), Zavvi, EzyDVD, Sanity, Big W, …

              They have the sku numbers in their url as well as the title of the bluray/dvd with dashes as the blank spaces between each word. HOw they assign sku numbers to their products, well I have no idea but if you know their sku numbers you could cross reference it to your database and the sku never changes bu title may or even the url changes making the links 404.

              Bah, what am i talking about? I don't know anything about this…ignore my pittiful blabba…

              • @Zachary: 👍 Ha, I try to get the info from the metadata (generally easier to sort out whether 4K, 3D or Blu-Ray or special edition)

                • @2getted: That bad huh? Well…I guess you could always find time(or get someone who has free time to kill) and do it the old fashion way….

                  So what did happen to that one attempt? Was I right he no longer had the time or just simply gave up because it became increasingly difficult and frustrating even when he had the time?

  • Thanks op

  • Expires 24th May, not 31st.

  • +1

    Prices are way better on amazon, Alita Battle Angel is $29.98 on Jb whilst on Amazon is $12.5 and so many more.

  • +1

    You can see more stars in space for starwars 4k original trilogy! 😁

  • I was looking at The Kingsman 4K last night and it was $25. It went up to $30 when the deal started lol.

  • +1

    Thanks for the heads up, just scored:

    Scarface 4k
    Logan 4k
    Apocalypse Now final cut 4k
    The Shining 4k
    Shutter Island 4k
    Hot Fuzz 4k
    Shaun of the Dead 4k
    World's End 4k
    Evil Dead 2 4k

    And Midsommar Director's Cut blu

    For the princely sum of $120. Pretty happy with that!

  • HI

    I'm planning to do the same for the MCU Blu-Rays but the information out there is quite scant. I know they are your sleeved kind of Blu-Rays but my question is, can anyone confirm if the 4K Blu-Rays for the MCU movies are HDR and include Object Based Sound format?

    I know the newer ones definitely have Atmos sound (not sure about HDR), but the older ones that have been re-released on 4K don't state Atmos anywhere.

    Can anyone confirm this? Amazon or JB?


  • +1

    just got all star wars 4k UHD for $150 a lot cheaper than the asking price for the box set which is $399. thanks OP.

  • +1

    My Mrs loves Harry Potter and when I showed her the price on JB which is $159 for 4k UHD she jumps with joy and asks me to get it. But when I showed her that BOGOF she says straight away get 2 for me I'll give the freebies away to someone special. Very happy OP thank you.

    • hate to break it to you but the boxset is not only more expensive than the individual blu ray, they lack the special features as well… the individual ones all up equate to $99 with discount.

      • When you buy a boxset of seasons and a bigger better boxset that accompanies the whole series comes along that includes all the goodies…

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