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Seems no minimum amount
One use per account
Limited to the first 50000 users who apply the promo code
$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.
Thanks, updated
does anyone buy this overpriced stuff from foodary or couchfood? seems crazy to me
Can be handy if it’s the middle of the night, the shops are shut, your pantries empty, but you have your munch on.
middle of the night, the shops are shut, your pantries empty, but you have your munch on.
Good reason to be ripped off. Being someone else's financial desert.
It is overpriced for a lot of items but i was surprised, i find some of the hot food better than the equivalent items in cafes which is a really bad sign of those cafes.
You must go to some grubby cafes lol.
nope, Been to some that are meant to be good ones in lane cove and other epping. Strange, I was really surprised. I am talking sausage rolls and meat pies. Bought some sausage rolls a few times from this bakery and every time i was like..hmm either my taste buds have changed or this is quite ordinary, that same day i was filling up petrol and thought lets try a sausage roll from here when usually i dont and i was surprised.
UberEats driver here: yes they do.
Frequently a couple of bars of chocolate or a soft drink.
Stoners with the munchies no doubt !
Howcome you're always late, the food is cold or f#€kd up and you can't navigate for shit?
Day after my birthday, I was house sitting at my uncle's, and felt like death. I needed lemonade but walking 15min to the shops in 35 degree QLD heat, I was more than happy to pay a bit extra to have it at my door.
Plus when I felt better, I had lemonade for my vodka!
Large Coffee $2 Delivered (from a machine of course).
Love it. Half the price of the BP deal.
it might spill on the drive over though
Mmmm, servo pies..
Geez this is the most ridiculously priced food. An attempt to apply a luxury sounding brand to a servo as an excuse to charge more for food.
It would be cheaper for you to call a taxi and personally go to your non Foodary servo than to buy Foodary food.
If you think that's bad, I remember getting an email from hoyts saying they were doin uber eats for their over priced popcorn and snacks which I thought was either the height of uselessnessnor indulgence.
How is the coffee delivered, is it just given to the uber driver with no protection so they can have a sip if they want, or do they put it in a brown paper bag like Maccas?
Should be brown paper bag and a coffee stopper to prevent spills.
They're put into an UberEats bag with a tray and a lid to stop spillages and the bag is stapled shut.
Literally ordered two items with this coupon and 0 of the items were correct. How do they fail at picking items from a shelf? Two items?
take a photo and make a complaint, they will refund and you get to keep items
Nope they only said they will pass on the feedback and that’s it🙄
Weird, my local Caltex is permanently free delivery with no minimum. I order an AM and a PM $2 coffee from them every day.
Does it arrive cold?
Arrives 10 minutes after I order, steaming hot.
I was just thinking I wanted a $6 pack of pods and a $4.50 600ml bottle of lemonade, thanks OP!
Can someone order me a coffee for 4:15am tomorrow I'll pay you $4
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