Nudge Black $39
HIJACK $49β¦
Don't forget cashback.
- Shipping/ free shipping if spend $99+ while stocks last.
Nudge Black $39
HIJACK $49β¦
Don't forget cashback.
Agree. Quality has dropped over the years. Florsheim are my go to now.
$30 shoes i bought at kmart have lasted me longer and are as comfortable as JM
Leather vs plastic ? How is that comparable?
Crystal sole range is pretty good.
I remove the crystal and sell them on ebay
Cool story
JM have garbage soles. Allow $45-70 (heel; heel and toe) for re-soling. These are NOT cheap shoes to own when you factor that in.
Wear them normally and in a few months the heel will wear down to the wood. Replace under warranty two or three times for a new pair. Then resole once when out of warranty. This was my experience.
JM have garbage soles
Put Windsor Smith in that category also.
Yeah there are many examples. The industry has many brands acting shamefully.
Calvin Klein too.
Haven't found a good brand yet but am reluctant to spend $200+ knowing I might get the same kinda crap
Edit: tbh $39 is very cheap and these are worth a resole at that price. Generally they are $60-70 plus resoling and that's bad value.
Any coupon code?
I bought a pair of JM shoes at the end of 2018 for my 2019 final school year, they started to break down after about 3-4 months (Nothing major just felt thin at the base), slightly past half way in the school year , the right shoe had a hole in it and I was walking to school with a hole that gets filled up by the rain and I didn't bother buying another pair because the school year was only a few months away from finishing, so maybe it was because I was using them everyday (5 days a week or me carrying all my textbooks and writing books) but I wouldn't buy them again and ill probably be looking for a better brand soon
Shoes last a lot longer if you give it at least a day to rest/dry out between wears. Ie, you could alternate 2 pairs of shoes and you'll find that they both last longer. Crazy, but works!
Most things last longer the less you use them … loll
I lol'ed at "crazy, but works"
Lol, I meant each pair lasts longer when you alternate, given time to dry out every second day. Eg, each pair of shoes previously with a total working life of 300 days of use will last longer than 300 days. I'm not saying use them less, just space out the usage.
That said, dress shoe quality has been going down for years, including JM, Windsor Smith and Florsheim. Nowadays I wear comfortable walking shoes for commuting and leave the dress shoes at work. Office floors are not as hard on soles.
@aoiro: Haha Yeh knew what u meant but depended on how you read the comment… You coulda been going for the sarcasm angle.. Loll I know I would :p
He is absolutely right, you missed the point though. Feet sweat a lot, you wouldn't wear the same tshirt two days in a row in a hot climate would you..
This is true. But I don't see that it would apply to the "hard" (I use the term loosely) rubber on the sole
Thanks for the reply but due to financial circumstances I was unable to afford a second pair
Hence my comment about re-soling. I was only walking on a concrete footpath 2x10min per day and they lasted about 4 months. I am a heel striker. I've had the front wear through too though.
Tbh most shoes are perform the same. The general industry seems dodgy and it needs to stop.
Thanks Op… i've been wearing JM for a while. I actually switched to JM because I felt they lasted longer than other shoes. Just bought an extra pair from this deal… we'll see how it goes.
Does anyone know of any brand which sell dress shoe of size UK 5 or 5.5? i have tried size UK 6 but it still a bit big for my feet. It is a pain looking for them size :(
Ive worn Julius Marlow for the past 5 years and they are pretty decent for the price when you get them on sale.
Pretty happy with how long they last with daily wear.
for the price, cant argue. bought 3, thanks.
Good deal, agree durability is not the best but its still good for the price. Two pairs will last over 1 year.
They look good too.
I recently grabbed a pair of burgundy Underhills from JM. They've been wonderful to wear both work and social. At $58 I'll grab a pair of Cognac Hijacks too, thanks op.
Thanks Op got one.
I moved to a nice looking pair of Doc Martens as my go to work (office) shoe. 7 years daily and still goin strong.
Reviews not looking good but +1 for the price