My in-laws would like to travel from Adelaide to Sydney by car to visit us, and they have an essential reason for that.
I wonder if anyone has done that in the recent days of COVID-19 era, in either direction, and could share their experience.
As they would have to transit through Victoria, would they have to stop and self-isolate there in Victoria for 14 days, then continue their journey to Sydney and self-isolate here upon arrival, before they can eventually stay with us?
Travel by Car from Adelaide to Sydney via Victoria in Covid-19 Era

Last edited 19/05/2020 - 21:10
Do the border control officers just take your word for it?
I don't think victoria or NSW have the 14 day quarantine restrictions in place for interstate visitors. look at…
I drove from NSW to adelaide via victoria 3 weeks ago, not checks at vic border, but police at the SA border and require 14 days into SA.Thanks for sharing your experience!…
They can avoid Victoria by Driving via Broken Hill.
I was going to say the same thing… why even bother going to Vic? Just go straight up through broken hill and across…
Tks, this might be the way to go. How much time does it add, say comparable to Mildura route that I ususally take?
syd-adl via Broken Hill is 1659km or 18h23m
syd-adl via Mildura is 1410km or 14h52m
@Donaldhump: Hi My son is trying to do the reverse come from Sydney to Adelaide. Is this road sealed and a decent highway. Is it only 4x4 drive?
Is it really that essential/urgent if they are willing to spend 28 days in isolation?
To each their own. I've already told them I myself wouldn't travel for the same reason they've got.
C'mon, tell us… need a laugh.
It's not laughable, no matter what angle you'd look at it.
To each their own
No its not, there is very CLEAR guidelines on what is 'essential'…
Then they would probably fall under
"8 — Passing through Persons who pass through the State by the most direct and practical route and means."
To take it further, they sold their unit in Adelaide right before the outbreak. They planned to go back to Europe, to the place of their origins. Now the sale has been settled and they have no place to live and no international flights out of Adelaide. Not to mention they have way much less chances to contract the virus here than overseas, especially if they stay in SA. I'd rent in SA if I was in their shoes. They don't want to.
@uk3000: That would justify why they are in Victoria, not sure it justifies why they are moving from Sydney to Adelaide. And yes you have attempted to justify, not entirely sure I follow, but the later doesnt meet any other requirement
These rules do not apply in this case. The restrictions are on entering SA not leaving. They are free to leave SA and travel through VIC to NSW with no need for any isolation periods.
They would want to carefully assess the term essential, as unless its medical (highly doubt it - what does Adelaide have Sydney doesn't) or work, it isn't essential.
Agree. I gave some more details above.
Can even drive to Renmark and go through chowilla regional reserve and avoid Victoria, is a sweet drive if looking for something different
Come on, give us the goss. They will never know.
To avoid any hassles crossing SA-VIC and then VIC-NSW I would drive via Renmark and have just one border crossing instead of two.
We just did this drive after leaving our job is SA, didn't see a single police car the whole way, from our research we had no quarantine requirements. I do believe if we were to head back the other way and re enter SA we would need to do the 2 weeks.
There are no restrictions whatsoever on travelling between NSW & Vic. The borders are unchanged since before coronavirus outbreak. No border control officers, no checks etc etc.
There are currently no restrictions on movement between VIC and NSW so no need to worry about border crossings. My family made this trip twice a few days ago. There were no stops or checks along the way.
Interstate travel in VIC and NSW does not require 14 days isolation - only international arrivals needs to isolate.
You also do not need an excuse for making this trip as you are now allowed to visit family and friends (with number restrictions that vary by state)
Probably best to recommend them to stock up the car with food and drink before leaving. Some smaller towns do not yet have all of their cafes / coffee shops etc., open as yet.
The risk of community transmission of COVID-19 is also lessened if contact with others is minimised.A good advice, ta.
Just drive off road and you don't have to worry about checks or stops…
Recently travelled though NSW to Victoria:
No restrictions. Just like normal. Nobody cared. And the fuel was cheap!
If you're just driving through victoria for a matter of hours you would not have to wait 14 days.