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Vanguard Veo 2X 235CBP Ball&Pan Head Tripod (Carbon Fibre) $159.67 + Delivery @ NoFrills eBay


For a carbon fiber tripod, the price ($159.67 + Delivery) is good.
Same tripod made of aluminum is priced at $210.67
Possible pricing error from Nofrills/Ryda.

Details at manufacturer's page

Seller realised. After all it is pricing error. Its sold out

Original Coupon Deal

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closed Comments

  • Price?

    • +2

      Sorry forgot to add the price. Fixed now.

  • Price in title please

  • Price in title/description

  • +1

    price after coupon is AU $159.67

  • Nice price. I don't think it is price error, as it within $10 to another seller after discount code https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/VANGUARD-VEO-2X-235ABP-ALUMINIUM….

    • That is not carbon fibre. Veo 2X 235ABP

      • +1

        You are right. I'd better get on this deal quickly.

    • this one is the aluminium model

  • +1

    Don't even know if this is actually what I want but still bought it

    • +1

      Mmm does anyone know what might happen next? I bought and paid before the seller changed the price.

      • +1

        They'll likely still post it to you. Otherwise, they may cancel the order but I'm sure they'll do that today as they only supposedly sold 5 of them at that price. I just missed out, so if you're having buyers remorse, feel free to message me!

  • +3

    Recommend against the Vanguard brand due to quality and warranty support issues.

    I was out on a night shoot, second time using a new $300 Vanguard tripod, and whilst I was extending it, part of a leg just pulled out of the rest of the assembly. Putting it back in didn't work as apparently there must have been some sort of inner plastic or rubber gasket between the two pieces, without which the leg wouldn't lock, that must have fallen out either when I was putting away the tripod the previous night/morning or when trying to extend it that night. I spent 5 minutes looking around for "something that looks like it might go between two tripod legs" without success. The broken tripod really limited what I could do on that shoot. :-(

    And then both the vendor and the manufacturer dinked me around on refunds, each pointing to the other for resolution.

    I don't treat my equipment poorly. In 20+ years of using tripods, I've never experienced a broken one. I've had a couple Manfrotto's for years, and never had a problem with their functionality, but needed something a bit stronger than those lighter weight legs because I needed to work with some larger lenses in low light. The Vanguard was on sale, so it was my solution. Never again, because I need greater reliability and vendor/mfgr backup when there are issues.

  • +1

    The store has caught on to it and fixed the price LOL. Good spotting though.

  • +2

    Added to cart and went to buy some discounted eBay gift cards. Tried to submit the order but got the 'seller updated listing' message. Bugger! Hope they honor the price for everyone who bought one before they caught on!

    • I don't think they will honor the price. The remaining quantity was less than 10 before they updated the price.

      EDIT: Now it is 0.

  • OOS

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