This was posted 4 years 9 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Shure SE215 Wireless Earphone Special Edition Blue $139 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Recently saw Shure SE 215 wired with clear case going for $129 and the wireless version for $229.
And then found this one by Amazon for much cheaper.
Don’t know how good are they though.
For those who have them please do share your view.

Edit 18/5: 852pm marked as sold out.
Edit 1/6: 2pm - Available again.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +42

    Don’t know how good are they though.

    You mean you are not shure if they are good or not.

  • amazing IEMS for the price but i heard the wireless connection ones are shit.
    you are better of with the wired ones - my last one lasted 7 years but had to change cables 3 times til one of the earpieces starting to fail - plenty of cheap after market cables on ebay not not as good as the og cable.

  • +2

    The bluetooth module alone is worth this. Already have the wired version. Pretty decent IEMs

  • +3

    I bought these for $120 including postage off eBay 2.5 years ago. They sound great, using them almost every day during the commute which is a testament to their build quality. I replaced the cable about 6 months ago ($20 cheapie from China) so hopefully will get another couple of years out of them.

  • +4

    Definitely a bargain.

    I have the se535 but have been looking at the BT2 Bluetooth adaptor. Just the adaptor itself cost around $200.

    And these are not the bottom of the range of shure IEMs. There just a notch above. Definitely a bargain in my opinion.

    I've bought one. Thanks!

    • +1

      So tempted for the adapter too, but have so many headphones already…

    • *they're

    • Ok.. These just got delivered and the verdict is.. People commenting on this thread are absolutely right…

      The sound from this thing is mud city.. It's pretty horrible.. But luckily I only wanted this for the BT2 module to use with the se535s..

  • +1

    BT1 or BT2?

    • +1

      These are the BT2 cables

  • +1

    Great find, been on the look out for this.

  • Best entry level IEMs for the price

  • +1

    Bought one. Thanks OP

  • +1

    I've been using a pair of Beats X the last 2 years. How do these compare ?

      • +1

        SE215 use Dynamic drivers too

        • +1

          You are right, the SE215 uses dynamic MicroDriver. Don't know where the Reddit op got his fact from…

      • +1

        I more just meant how do the compare to Beats X sound quality wise ?

      • +4

        Beats X is not suitable for IEM if that's what you are after.

        that guy was talking about studio monitors, they're looking for flat, reference tuning with fast transient response. most people find these to be very bad as earphones to listen to music on, they're literally flat and boring.

        Dynamic drivers do not respond as well to transient sounds such as click tracks

        this is so incredibly misleading. if only designing earphones was this easy - just use BA drivers! the average BA tends to be better at transient response if you measure open air, but there are also great DDs which beat even the best BAs, and it can go any direction once you account for the nozzle and back volume, it's really a non-factor in the end design.

        there are some DD driver IEMs which really do compete at the very highest sound quality (not strictly most expensive, mind you), and a huge amount of IEMs with BA drivers that sound like absolute garbage, only throwing in the BA for marketing purposes.

        either case, the SE215 actually sounds objectively bad (it's very muddy, it's hilarious he tries to push it as a monitor).

        you'd be better off going with Sony MH755 (~$50), Simgot EN700 (pros?) (~$100), Blon BL03 (~$70), FA E3000 (~$70), Tin T3 (~$70).

        Source - have personally tried almost 200 earphones, though mostly concentrated at the higher end, I do also try many budget and/or hyped iems for broader recommendations.

  • +2

    Excellent price just for the BT2 adapter alone.

  • Damn. Missed out.

  • +1

    Is it sold out? Not showing up…

  • +1

    I have the 425's which i bought 2 years ago for $325 they are great.

  • +5

    Guys this is my first comment in ozbargain and se215 does not worth a hundred dollar. I have tried all se215, 315, 425, 535, 846 ( I currently owned 846) , earpods is better than 215 in my opinion

    • +1

      Why do you think airpods are better?

      • -1

        i second his thoughts. of all the shure iems, only the 535 is one i would even consider using as a daily driver if you gave it to me for free. the rest have jarring flaws that make me question my sanity. but then again the 535 is way overpriced for what is scraping the bottom of acceptable quality.

        and yes, genuine apple's earpods and airpods (and pros) are actually really great earphones.

        • I prefer silicone eartips compared to the airpods though, do you know any earphones that are better than the shures? What jarring flaws are there? Just looking to get some bluetooth earphones.

          • @POSITIVEVIBESONLY: yea i get what you mean, the pods really don't have noise isolation. 215 is mud city, 846 has some incredible phase issues in the bass region, the rest don't have singular noteworthy flaws but they really don't sound good either.

            if you're looking for bluetooth, i'd recommend lypertek tevi (~$150) or apple airpod pros (~$350) (if you have an android phone so you're not forced to update the firmware, a lot of people report that the update makes them worse). the sony xm3s are also seeing some great prices recently, and is a safe bet if you want something on a 'budget' (still ~$200 on sale though) with local warranty.

            • @xrailgun: Thanks I didn't know people rated the xm3s so highly in terms of sound quality. Is there any IEMs you would recommend, as much as I like the wireless earbuds, I do like having the option to replace the battery.

              • +1

                @POSITIVEVIBESONLY: as mentioned in another comment above, for around the price of se215, you should look at some reviews of these (real reviews, not just flowery language because the manufacturer sent it for free. as a general rule of thumb, if the review mentions clouds, butterflies, or water, it's probably not a real review)

                Sony MH755 (~$50), Simgot EN700 (pros?) (~$100), Blon BL03 (~$70), FA E3000 (~$70), Tin T3 (~$70).

                • +1

                  @xrailgun: Thanks so much! great to see another perspective and some insight from someone who's knows more. I'll check them out and see what I think about them

                  • @POSITIVEVIBESONLY: just so you know about the recommendations xrailgun had (which were quite good)

                    The Tin T3 is often said to be worse than its predecessor (the Tin t2)

                    The Blon BL03 are classic chi-fi - very cheap, and its recommended to change the cable and the tips so you can get a good experience (this is not very difficult to do)

                    I personally have the Tin T4 and absolutely love them - you can get them for ~150 from an aus reseller and the quality is insane for the price (this is coming from someone who used to have the se215)

                    you can even get bluetooth cables, true wiresless bluetooth adapters, or bluetooth DACs (e.g. Fiio BTR3 or BTR5) to make them wireless.

                    Hope that helps!!

                    • @yrain: Damn thanks for the info! I'm tossing up between the T2 or the T4s right now, do you think T4s are worth double the price?

                      • @POSITIVEVIBESONLY: It's hard to say, I haven't tried the T2s unfortunately!

               this is a good website to compare them both. The T4s have more bass which I really appreciate. I used to have the se215 and unfortunately they are not as comfortable, but I can still definitely wear them for hours on end without wanting to take them out.

                        If you aren't too keen on spending double the price but still want bluetooth potential, it might be worth getting the T2 and spending the remaining $ on a bluetooth solution that you prefer! There are plenty of advantages/disadvantages to them all. I personally have a fiio BT cable (no longer in production) which has lasted a year or so, and has now only started to become a little bit unreliable.

            • @xrailgun: Any idea where to buy the lypertek tevi in aus?

              • @Herb Utsmellz: i doubt there'd be true local stock on these 'random' chinese stuff, probably best bet is Amazon, eBay, AliEpress, etc.

    • :'(

  • +6

    Don't get me started on the rabbit hole that is ChiFi….

  • I have these, they're good for listening but terrible for calls

    • Are you talking about adapter or the actual headphone pieces?

      • +1

        I bought the wireless bluetooth version of these. It's probably the microphone, people say my audio quality is bad when I use these in calls.

        • Thanks, that was going to be my use case… do you have this version with the BT2 adapter? or the old BT1?

          • +1

            @Azif: I bought mine a while ago, it's the BT1's. On closer inspection, the amazon ones look like they have the new ones, maybe they improved the call quality.

  • Am I the only one who saw the thumbnail and thought it was one of those colourful see-through mini fm radios that were all the rage in 2002? Aka these…

    • Yes

  • +1

    They are 79usd on amazon usa, but wont allow shipping directly to australia. Stupid amazon.

    • For months they were $49 USD from Shure, but I couldn't find anyone honoring that price who would ship to Aus.

  • +2

    KZ ZST is similar/better sounding for a fraction of the price.

  • There are still available at Addicted to audio with free express shipping…
    I still have mine bought four years ago used extensively for motorcycle riding before upgrading to a sena and still beats sena in terms of audio quality due to being an in ear headphones. The cables are quite short and would recommend upgrading to a longer one but these are extremely durable

    • thanks! lost my SE535's and Blutooth adaptor recently and missed this deal. :( I guess these will tide me over until I see a good deal.

    • I think those arent the BT2 versions as mentioned in

      Cant really compare the Sena to an IEM for sound quality and likewise the IEM wouldnt have the same functionality as the Sena. If only there was something in between

      • ahh, i had the BT1 connector with my SE535. It's perfectly fine for audio despite what people commented. I will wait however.

        • The bt2s are a huge improvement over the bt1s.

          • @garetz: Definitely, but the BT1 was useable.

  • +4

    I'm sorry but there are many better deals for entry level IEMs

    The SE215 was good a few years ago, but has been vastly outclassed by chinese IEMS such as the Tin T2, BLON-BL3 (and a few KZ and Fiio alternatives)

    You can also get bluetooth cables for ~$30-50 to make them wireless.

    • Didn't spend much time, but did a quick comparison with the Tin T2 vs Shure SE215. Most people say the Shure has a better sound profile and is more comfortable. They are cheaper however ($75~). I would stick with Shure personally.

      • +3

        Crinacle is a pretty well-respected reviewer and ranks them much higher over the se215s.

        I personally own both the se215 and the Tin T4 (which is an improved T2) and I prefer the Tin immensely over the shures. The one point that's really valid is the comfort - these are not nearly as comfy as the shures unfortunately. I have also spent hours reading reviews, comparisons, etc when I was looking at upgrading from my se215s after the MMCX connector broke in one.

        The shures are INCREDIBLY muddy. They do a decent-ish job with bass but when you compare them to any other quality headphone you realise how much you're missing out on. Of course they are better than the run-of-the-mill cheapo headphone you buy from kmart, but they are not the standard ~$100 recommendation for IEMs anymore for a reason

      • I love my (many) Shures, but for a closet audio buying addict like me, nothing compares currently with the world of "Chi-fi" (Chinese IEMs). The thrill of finding a great value, amazing sounding piece almost out of nowhere is like going on a treasure hunt.

  • +1

    Back at $139 - Temporarily out of stock but able to order.

    • Ordered a pair now they're on backorder.

      To be honest, I won't use the SE215s, but my SE315s would appreciate the upgrade to the new BT2 cable.

  • Deal is still alive. There's 9 left at the time of this post.

    • dang missed it (though I really shouldn't have, somehow this page popped up for me)! how did you see this?

      • Amazon analytics decided to show it to me after I clicked on this deal 2 weeks ago and didn't buy.

  • Got these just last Friday and been using them. A bit hard to put on at first since I'd never used IEMs before, but they sound amazing!

  • Wow, pretty good price. I had the wired version six years ago and they were the same price. Would recommend buying some ComplyFoam tips if you buy these, stock tips are fine but the comply ones are even better.


    Same one?

    Showing up as $290 for me on Amazon

    • That one is not the bluetooth version.

  • Concept is attractive but really if you think about it, MMCX connections are bloody weak, you do not want to be swapping in and out high end earphones.

    Settle for something with a 3.5mm jack like Fiio BTR range or Sony SBH products, and you achieve the same thing but keeping the wear and tear on the plug only.

    • Really dependent on manufacturer. Had a poor experience with my original pair of SE215s. Had to change the cable/earpiece every 6 months over its life. Shure SE535s lasted 5 years before the one connector became dodgy. CA Lyra II is onto its 3rd year with no issues. And with how the connector is reinforced on the Sony IER-Z1Rs, that connector is never going to break.

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