Does anyone knows where can I buy Milk tea around Sydney?
Where to buy Milk Tea?

Chatime… yuck
thank you for this link, will check on them! I've tried both Gong Cha and Chatime before they are quite okay to me. depending on the flavors! :)
thanks for this link will check on them! :)
Almost any Westfield
im quite scared going out for the meantime yet. :) but thanks!
You must be joe king.
Related to Joe Exotic?
his name is john not joe though. (kidding) hehe! :D
Around Sydney? You do know how big Sydney is, yeah?
Gong Cha and Cha Time come to mind as major franchises that have set ups in nearly every shopping centre. This doesn’t include all the independent and smaller franchises that are available… if you can’t find one, you aren’t looking very hard.
oops ya sorry in new south wales. :) Sorry I am new in Australia less than a year, thank you for sharing!
Cabramatta. Suburb with the most milk tea shops in NSW.
wow! this is a nice place but is it too far?
That depends on where you are … From Chatswood, yes. From Fairfield, no
Is the next question "where can I buy a spoon in Sydney?"
hahaha not really, sorry about that. New in NSW Sydney pardon me
hahahhaha! Hi Taro, can I have a drink from you I've been craving for sooo long! :D
Asking for a "friend" eh?
Ya, friend will also do. :) Who can tour me around Sydney after the lockdown! :)
Don't drink asian milk tea. It's so unhealthy for you. Just use a teabag and some milk.
And ridiculously overpriced for what it is.
Woolworths has Old town white milk tea. 12 satchels for $7
Have u tried before? Is it nice?
It is the best milk tea I tried on the markets in term of instant milk tea, my suggestion is put a bit more water than suggested as it is too sweet.
Spend $7 and report back please.
Its hard to find. But u gota look.
Took me 6 months and it was driving me nuts but i finally found a place that sells coffee.Ya that's why, good for you! :)
will start finding mine. . finding now..
Go to an Asian store and see if you can get the Aik Cheong Teh Tarik 3 in 1 (green packet) I find that's pretty similar to milk tea taste. Should be around $5.50-7 for a pack of 15
oh> is it a home made like instant juice one? how about those pearls and bubbles? :)
Not sure what you mean by instant juice, I wouldn't say it's home made but it tastes pretty damn good. I bought a packet of uncooked tapioca pearls ($3, a packet will last you many bbt serves worth), Presoak however much you want in a cup for a few hours then it only takes a few minutes to "cook" (no presoaking takes 2 hours on full boil for me) strain and then spoon some brown sugar and mix while it's still hot. It's obviously not as great as store bought bbt but it's pretty good and it saves me $7 a cup!…