Hi all, just got an old 08 Mitsubishi lancer wrote off due to an accident. Bloody roo! Only got $1500 payout.
Still pondering if I should go for another lancer? One thing that put me off is the paint job from Mitsubishi is very poor quality, many around my year have faded clear coat all over too. Otherwise, it has been superb mechanically. Should I go with more popular brand like Toyota instead? Or any other suggestion?
I do a lot of country living, so fuel efficiency is a big factor.
Alternatively, guess I could use my home loan equity to buy a new car? That right? Guess that will be the cheapest way to finance a car?
If you travel regional a lot then don't get a new car. Too much depreciation with all those kms.
If you feel comfortable in the lancer then look for something similar to your old car.
The I guess there is always a Corolla or Camry.