Free mask at the great asia food store for over 65s and pension card holders. Free
Address: 222 Little Bourke St, Melbourne VIC
Free mask at the great asia food store for over 65s and pension card holders. Free
Address: 222 Little Bourke St, Melbourne VIC
Why funny? Masks selling for around $1 to $2 each
Doh too young
Looks like a cheap mask from Daiso 50pc for $2.80- they won't stop COVID-19! Seems like marketing, getting customers inside the store?
Of course it is pure marketing like most things businesses do these days. Cheaper than paying for facebook and google ads and more effective. Let people do it for you. And works better than throwing away the extra supply that they couldn’t sell now that the hype is over.
Are there going to be new floating islands in Pacific composed of disposed masks? Given provenance, some country may claim as own territories.
A P2 or N95 won’t stop covid. Nor will a P3 or N99 mask. These are better than nothing.
Nice work ATangk. This is a surgical mask for…… surgery. Not to stop any particulates from coming into your Body!!
IF you have Covid - 19 this MAY reduce the about of particulates you exhale into the Air but WILL NOT PROTECT YOU!!
If you need to wear a mask…. because you are a F&$@ing Moron or someone that has no will power but to be a sheep and have believed the media propaganda.
P2 Australian Standard or N95 American standard masks will minimize the account of particulates you inhale and exhale
Says the sheep who didn't do their own research.
A P2 mask will not
stop any particulates from coming into your Body!!
IF you have Covid - 19 this MAY reduce the about of particulates you exhale into the Air but WILL NOT PROTECT YOU
the 95 in the name implies it will filter out 95% of these particulates. A surgical mask as pictured above will do around 80%. Neither is foolproof, but both are better than you spitting your nonsense far and wide, because that is how the coronavirus loves to travel.
Any mask will stop you from touching (the majority part of) your face
Is something better than nothing? Yes.
Is it better to eat one less donut? Yes. Is it better to invest more more dollar. Yes. because you never know if it might save you. It's why we wear seatbelts. When was the last time you actually needed a seatbelt? But the time you do need it…you'll be glad its on.
The mask aint perfect by any stretch of the imagination. But it might stop that one bit of covid-19 infected moisture drop that would have got in had you not had a mask. It might stop you touching your face.
Something is better than nothing. If not…there's absolutely no point in all the lock downs. Because all these things on their own add up.
It is marketing. But how do you tell it is a cheap daiso mask? Why cannot you think it is a kindness to help people rather than purely business? A sugerial mask cost nearly nothing but works. That helps Asian countries control the virus.
From where????
Great Asia Food Store
For some reason I read this as the other kind of face mask
Took me a while to realise which face mask you were talking about. Yeah, pre covid-19 I would've read it the same way
Same. I assumed it was one of those mud/'detoxifying' mask.
Seems to be a very dangerous store
What happened at the store?
Apple Stores are giving out free face masks too, to anybody.
This is a convenience, not a deal.
Should hand sanitising stations in shopping centres, or even the paper towel and window wash area at a service station be deals?
Where? I thought they closed
They are open.
My local shops even provide soap in the toilets… Why ever pay for soap? It's 100% off! Lots of stores have hand sanitiser now too.
Just take an empty bottle - now thats a "deal" ;)
Wow people really get sarcasm these days
Nice! Will tell grandma to come out of isolation to collect a free mask at the shops!
If this encourages additional elderly who are desperate/ill informed to come out of the relative safety of self-imposed isolation I will have to downvote in their interest, especially if it was created with the purpose of advertising their store
i don't think any elderly would even try to make to the shop just for the sake of getting a free face mask.
this is for people that has already had the need to visit stores for groceries.
Would be safer for elderly people to stay inside rather than go out and get one of these masks. They don't appear to be correct spec to protect against the virus in the first place.
Good on them!
my guess? They purchased squillions of these masks at the peak, now they are worthless and are trying to make the best of a bad situation.
no deal
They purchased squillions of these masks at the peak, now they don't know what to do with them
Exactly my thoughts. Now they're trying to make $$ out of the cheap masks that they hoarded, pretending to be the saviour.
Trying to make money by giving them out?
By advertising the cheap masks as ("to fight covid19" - lol no, you won't be fighting anything with that paper mask), and thereby possibly luring in people who may want the free stuff.
They should have said free cold roll to all nhs to avoid negs
Its a joke in this thread the people that think old folks are specifically going to go out and get a 50 c mask.
Visit the real world pls .
Surely the over 65 yr olds know better !
If xiaomi was the one giving the free mask it'd be upvoted a trillion. Go figure …
Oh what rubbish. Go away.
It's free, and with good intention. Not something that will lure the vulnerable ones who weren't going out before into going out now.
no need to be cynical =)
It is hard to be kind to others at these days. People like to guess the 'evil' reason behind it rather than believe it is a kindness.
If you think masks doesnot help,donot wear it. But the store manager think it is useful and try to help the old people with same thoughts. What's wrong about that??
You are right, not sure why but maybe cos great asia helping. The media currently pretty anti asia.
Like if the local RSL or centerlink handing there out people may be less sceptical.
The media currently pretty anti asia.
Some media are against China, but not necessarily against the entire continent of Asia. Like, it makes no sense.
Nah i read ABC news. And people from places like taiwan, vietnam, japan etc. Received discrimination from biggots who said stuff like "go back to china". So these non-chinese asains for some reason is part of chinese in the eyes of the biggots.
people from places like taiwan, vietnam, japan etc. Received discrimination from biggots who said stuff like "go back to china". So these non-chinese asains for some reason is part of chinese in the eyes of the biggots.
You've gone from "all of media" to "some bigots on the street". They're two completely different things. Someone out in the street not being able to tell apart a Japanese from a Chinese is not the same as "All media is against all of Asia".
In fact, the average Australian media wants us to be bolster friendship with countries like Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc. all of which are in Asia.