This was posted 4 years 9 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

15% off Naturehike Cloud Up 2-3 Person Backpacking Tent $119-$177.65 Delivered + More @ Naturehike Official Amazon AU

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Cloud Up 2 Person Tent :Activity time: 2020-5-13 5:35 am to 2020-5-13 1:35 pm

We also have deal of other products in our store:

15% off Cloud Up 3 Person Tent :Activity time: 2020-5-13 5:40 am to 2020-5-13 1:40 pm

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Naturehike Official
Naturehike Official

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  • destination: backyard

  • Specs say 1.9kg, so I guess it's "with skirt"

    Packed weight:About 1800g (20D), 1900g(20D with skirt), 2050g (210T).

    Color: ●Grey/Light Green/Forest Green(20D fabric) ●Orange/Green (210T fabric)

    Is 210T a hardier material?

    • I believe nylon is significantly stronger than polyester so I assume it can be thinner and therefore lighter,..

      • +1

        They also do 1 and 2 person versions of these. I have the 2 person 20D with no skirt. Brilliant tent. This has expired, but keep eye on it, they come up from time to time on Amazon limited deals, also available on Aliexpress which is where I got mine from. 2 person 20D is about 1.2kgs.

  • This deal's got me pitching a tent.

  • Does anyone know of a good 1p tent that uses 1 hiking pole?

    • +1

      NatureHike do some one pole tents that use your walking pole as the tent pole. Have a look around on aliexpress. I have a few naturehike items including tents and all have been great quality, especially for the price.

      • Offtopic but… Do you have any recommendations for cheap hiking poles?, like sub-$100, I've never used them before so I don't want to spend too much just in case I don't stick with them.. Cheers :)

        • +1

          Cascade Mountain Tech Carbon Fiber $90+
          Cascade Mountain Tech Aluminum $40+

          Popular models based off the hiking community.
          Stay away from the twist lock models. Get the quick lock kind. If you're on the heavy side, I recommend the aluminium poles.

          • @Nivlac: Thanks, they look much better than the cheapies in the local "budget" camping stores…

            It's looks like the only option is Amazon at around $64 with 1 month delivery :(

            • +1

              @FLICKIT: Yes, sadly the backpacking gear choices we have here in Australia are pretty bare boned. And most of the good stuffs are ridiculously overpriced compared to overseas.

              Nways, I'm reading $47+ on my Amazon app for the cork handled version. Strange that you are seeing $60+

              Also, get the cork handled version.

              • @Nivlac: It looks like the Tassie National Parks wont really open for another month so the delay isn't a big deal really:
                Order Total:$63.76

                • +1

                  @FLICKIT: Hmm apologies, I assumed you had Amazon prime.. maybe you can try the trail 30days for free? Saving you $16

    • +1

      Depending on your budget, Height and how ultralight you want to go, they certainly are a number out there to choose from.

      But since we're on ozb, I assume you are budget oriented. Have a look at the:
      Lanshan 1 & Lanshan "tower of pisa".

      Both are highly regarded for their price to performance ration.

      • I've looked at the lanshan before, it's exactly what I want but I'm 185cm do you think it will be too small?
        Right now I use a 2p tent that ways over 3kg and doesn't fit in my hiking bag so I strap it to the bottom.

        • +1

          Yep, that's why I added the second suggestion on the previous post. Check out the leaning Tower of Pisa model, it's been reported to shelter folks that are over 6.3 foot tall.

          That Said, Depending on your tent pitching skills, there have been reports of people your height being happy with the LS1

        • +1

          lanshan 1 is a good tent for the price but it is cramped, especially once you add a sleeping mat. for what it weighs and how sturdy it is, you mght be ok with your feet touching the mesh or maybe having it close to your face, i dont mind personally. but yeah its a small tent

  • Already expired?

  • i have the cloudup2 and it's an amazing tent for the price. I paid about $170 about a year ago

    • +1

      It sure is. I think I got mine for about $130-$150 back when our dollar was better. Did you get the upgraded version? I can't get over how high end it is from a cheap chinese mob.

      • oh yes should have mentioned got the upgraded version. not that i can compare to the older style but the amount of room you get in a 1.3kg very durable tent is crazy! this baby survived several nights howling wind in NZ without a scratch

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