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Samsung Galaxy S II [B/W] - $29 + $30 on 12 Month Plan - VODAFAIL (Vodafone) $708 (or Potentially $594)

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The Samsung Galaxy SII
Also available for the White SGS2
Amazing phone as everyone already knows.

The Plan
Vodafone Cap - 12 Months Plan
$29 Cap - $180 calls + 200MB data
$(29+30)*12 = $708

That's pretty cheap for Australian stock Phone with 2 years warranty
Plus you get a free sim to mail to your enemies(T&C apply)

Otherwise you could instead give the SIM to someone with good Vodafail coverage( there exist some places in Canberra with good coverage )


MBC gives back $84 so even if you are not with MBC it comes to around $634(ie $74 cashback), cheaper than Mobiciti or Allphones($699)

Buckscoop can also be used to avoid the $10 fee for MBC thanks to hweita

Use CRICKET for extra $30 off thanks to hweita which means it will come to $604/$594

Also if you are a RACV/NRMA member, call them and quote "10% off monthly access fees", keep NRMA number handy and ask for the discount to be applied to it. Don't use the autoclub page to sign up since it cost $26.1 + $35 for this plan for another extra $34.80 off

Mod: Added vodafone to title.

Referral Links

Referral: random (37)

Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Also apply "CRICKET" for $30

    Use Buckscopp cashback to avoid $10 fee

    708 - 30 - 84 = $594! Awesome price

    • Damn, this really is good considering other deals were a similar price but didn't include a year of contract :o

      • Definitely… but seeing the huge amount of hate for Vodafone on Ozb perhaps the contract with them places negative value on this deal lol

        • Oh yeah. Could never go on their network where we live. This should be good for someone though :)

  • +14

    How many S2 deals have been posted in this week?

    • +7

      The new iPhone must be coming. :)

    • yep, everyone is really pushing them… must be massive kickbacks from samsung. I went into 4 different stores looking at mobile phones, and every single one of them kept pushing the S2's… even after I expressed no interest in them. might have something to do with an agressive marketing campaign to try and take a chunk out of apple before iphone 5 (and also a kick in the nuts due to their legal fight overseas).

  • i want htc evo 3D deals!!!

  • Um you can get the galaxy s2 for $45 infinite + $10/month handset repayment on a 12month contract. Total $55/month unlimited calls text etc. Not advertised, just go in store.

    • fair enough $660. But didn't find it anywhere in Canberra though.

      • +1

        Oh i didnt mean in terms of saving $4/month, but rather that you go from a $29 cap to the infinite plan for less dime.

        • What you said was indeed quite ambiguous =)

    • Reallly…!

    • cheaper if u buy plan online

    • The Galaxy S II is $45+$30 on a 12 month plan. Total minimum cost is $900. Don't know where you got the $10 payment from.

  • Buy 3 pre paid sim card

    Port number over to Optus Plan ($100 porting credit from Optus)

    $49 cap plan on $0 upfront

    • You can't buy 3 prepaid anymore.

  • Nice one OP, seems like a really good deal for those wanting a GSII. $594 is pretty much the standard price of a GSII these days anyways, so might as well get $29/month credit with it.

    • Is that 594 for non-aussie stock? Reason I ask is 2 year warranty for the phone is always good - only applies to Australian Samsung stock though

      • mobiciti sells for $640 and the white for $690. You get the white or the Black for this price.

  • Is this locked to Vodafone? What is the unlocking fee?

    Unlocking fee $50 or $25 if you use vodafone.com.au/unlock

  • why do they call it vodafail? seems silly?

    • +4

      Using Vodafail now, reception is terrible where I live (Sydney's Northern Suburbs) - people literally can't call me sometimes when I'm at home =(

      • +2

        Same boat as shani123. I get 1 bar of reception in my own bedroom. So damn fail.

      • +27

        i thought i had that problem as well, turns out i just have no friends :(

        • +1


        • +1

          AHHAHAa nice you made my day

      • +1

        I love how Vodafail has become the commonly accepted nomenclature on Ozbargain.

        • +2

          From my short time with them, I could accept a rename of 'Infinite Plan' to 'Infinite Pain'

    • +6

      Fail (verb): when a fone company can't spell phone

      • +2

        Haha, example of fail is when I went into the local Voda dealer and asked an assistant to show me his phone - ironic how it said Telstra on the top-left. Tried next day with a different assistant, saw Optus on the top left!!! Compared both times to my phone and the Telstra phone had 3 more bars and the Optus phone had 2 more - vodaFAIL

    • +2

      Am 100% unable to call or be called in the local shopping centre due to inadequate capacity of the network. My brand new phone lasts less than 2 days on a charge because reception is so poor it is as if it has to contact Mars to get a signal.

  • +1

    Where is the $45 + $10 for 12 month plan. Is that in Voda store the staff will offer this ?

  • +5

    A word of warning to those about to use MBC with this:

    I applied for my plan exactly like this, going online to get it done, via MBC. However, the application was rejected by Vodafail, and MBC couldn't give me the moneyback deal. This of course would only come to light a full 2 months after I applied to Vodafone, and thus would be too late to cancel already. Just so you know, there's a good chance your moneyback MAY fail, and you won't get that $84 back. Just don't count your eggs before they hatch.

    Good luck!

    • +1

      If you are talking about the legendary Legend deal. That was a pricing error by vodaphone and they respected, by giving that deal, as it was quite tough time for them. But did not give any cash backs.
      Here, I dont see any pricing error.

    • +2

      MBC is a crap shoot. I've been burnt before. Ordered an Apple Laptop and printer from Online Apple Store because the printer came with 100% cash back. The printer shipped before the laptop and they only counted the MBC on the laptop.

      I made a complaint including all the details, but it got rejected by the network and MBC couldn't care less. So if you do get your money from MBC, think yourself lucky.

  • +1

    I heard that you could call their customer reps to negotiate a better deal over the phone? So although this is a good deal I would still call before signing up online…

    • +1

      AFAIK, that's not true unless you make a racket and get the supervisor. Please correct me if I'm wrong though.

      • -7

        No harm just try I guess. Not that I am going to buy this phone though, I have been saving for the iPhone5.

  • +1

    What is a hweita?

    • +3

      Check the first comment. It's the name of the poster.

      • -2

        The description says "… via hweita", thought that we need to contact him/her to get those extra discounts. Apparently, that's not the case, right?

        • +1

          Correct, read the first comment, hweita mentioned to use the code CRICKET to get $30 off. So you just type CRICKET in the promo code area.

  • im currently on this contract for like a month already, plus 10% off for second contract with vodafone

  • i can verify the buckscoop cashback works better than MBC cause back when Voda had that HTC legend deal in Dec money back through MBC didnt work for anyone but I did it through buckscoop and got the $84 cashback, although it took close to six months.

    • +1

      i missed out on that cashback @ MBC too :(
      now steve need to work harder!

  • is the 10% link from NRMA/RACV still applicable?

    • NRMA/RACV cost $29 + $35 which is why I didn't post it here because after 10% it would be $26.10 + $35, which $61.10 compared to $59 here

  • i'm pretty new to this mbc thing. can someone link me to the site or just briefly tell me what its about?

  • -3

    Can u ppl please stop using the VODAFAIL term. its a bit childish now.

    • -2

      No. It should be the official name to be referred to from now on.

    • -1

      And the term ppl isn't?
      On a bargain note, it's great to see the SGSII drop in price!

  • I got this phone in June but the money back part failed. I did apply to moneybackco to look into it but still haven't received any money back and doubt I ever will. Just a word of warning to anyone considering this deal simply because of the money back - its not guaranteed and Vodafone may reject it at their discretion.

  • I ordered mine yesterday with 3..29$ plan and 5$ handset payments and 4$s for 700mb data..but thats 24 months plan..am just worried now how its gonna go with switchover to vodaphone

  • +3

    'Vodafail', 'Hardly Normal' 'Wank Best'…all these names were funny the first 3 million times people used it. Now it's just OLD and NOT funny (or clever)

    • But it is still true :D

      I don't remember what Vodafail or Hardly Normal were called before.

      This is the norm now unless there is a huge shift in their business practices.

    • +4

      Bankwest? What have they done to deserve such a name?

      • +1

        i think gimme just let out his practices instead

  • so has anyone confirmed the SG2 on infinite 45 plan 12 month contract and $10/month repayment?

  • Be prepared of not getting $84 rebate when you use "CRICKET" promo code

  • +1

    Really nice deal. And it looks like all the areas I'm in daily have been upgraded to the 850 band. So the coverage should be good. I ended up selling my iPhone 4 to pay off my Telstra contact and getting two of these on the $45 infinite plan on a 12 month contract.

    Edit: If any of you are on the gold coast let me know I can try to get you the same thing in store.

    • what was the handset repayment on your 12 month contract?

  • 12 mth infinite plan extra $30 for handset when I asked in stores:(

    • In Parramatta, the voda rep said he will match the online price if I am moving my number to Voda..Try & ask them to match the offer.

      • which online prices are you referring to?

  • So for the NRMA discount do we go through the whole procedure online and then call Vodafone to add the 10% off? Or can everything be done over the phone?

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