just wondering if anyone knows what the cheapest speed limited yet unlimited mobile plan is.
vodaphone has $40 per month then its limited to 1.5mbs after 10gig
anything cheaper?
just wondering if anyone knows what the cheapest speed limited yet unlimited mobile plan is.
vodaphone has $40 per month then its limited to 1.5mbs after 10gig
anything cheaper?
Once you hit the 1GB allowance does it shape it?
is 64kb enough to power maps directions?
@OzBozo: you can use google maps offline. download your area whilst on wifi, then you can use it offline. obviously no up to date traffic though
still be ok . u got internet for basics. but not enough to waste time on youtube and crap. would be good for the mind
64kilo bits or 64 kilobytes?
64kb/s is the killer, otherwise 1.5Mbps with my experience with Telstra doesn't actually feel speed limited, I've got to try Vodafones speed limited cap of 1.5Mbps unless some beats me to the punch?
would you consider prepaid and telco hopping?
$15/90days/60Gb on Catch + $4.90/30 days/40Gb on Kogan. that would be $20 for 4 months. Repeat 3 times and you would be spending $60 per year on telco charges.
$40/1gb per month? what?
64kbps? what? that's sound like my dial-up modem speeds in 1998!
btw i live in a regional area. Never had issues with reception. I use around 10gb per month.
Do you need the voice calling? If not, I think you should look into tablet plans.
E.G Vodafone gives $30 for 30GB Unlimited data, which can be cheaper if you have more services with them. Albeit, it is a 12 month contract.
OP's phone would need to be dual sim though as you cannot receive calls on the data only plans I believe.
Unless this is intended to be used as home internet and in that case (I'd assume) it would be in a 4G modem
So far from my experience Telstra's mobile data $15/month 5gb data then shaped to 1.5 Mbps
doesn't feel like it's speed capped when web browsing, watching youtube also streaming at the same time on my Fetch TV box
So wondering how is Vodafones 1.5Mbps speed cap is like, anyone try them and share their experience?
I wonder if location or signal would have anything to with my experience, mind you Telstras normal speed at my place only reaches up to 25Mbps
$10 a month on Belong.