This was posted 4 years 9 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

LEGO Star Wars Y-Wing Starfighter 75181 + SW Resistance Y-wing MicroFighter 75263 $252.78 Delivered from Myer


Price in title shows two Lego kits (75181, 75263) added to cart (No discount when bought individually)
Part of the buy 2 and save promotion (promotion applies when any 2 Lego Kits are selected

This set is hard to find and it is part of the ultimate collector series. Wanted to post it as soon as I saw it in stock 2 days ago, but pretty sure someone(s) would neg it for being a RRP. Fortunately, Myer is currently running the 20% discount when buy 2 or more selected items.

there is a mini version of Y wing you can grab with 75181 to qualify 20% discount…

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Op, please add to the post that to get this price you need to add another LEGO set to the cart, looks like you can add any LEGO set to get the 20% off.

    • looks like you can add any LEGO set to get the 20% off.

      Except for creator expert and ideas

  • Edit - same as above

  • 5.5% cashback from Shopback & Cashrewards too. This is a bloody good looking set.

    • +2

      toys are 1.5% not 5.5%

    • +2

      check the terms, only 1.5%

  • thanks for the edit.

  • thanks OP. my lego collection is getting LOW.. need more stock.

  • Thanks OP got one. eBayers selling this for $350+

    • Got it for $180 from counting the $120 promo item they sent with it . Out of Stock from there now but available overseas sites at lower than $300 .

      • Thanks but - overseas - don't want to deal with returning crushed boxes internationally. If Myer send me a crappy box I can return it in-store once they reopen.

  • Cheers OP, great price for this hard to find set.

    • I wonder where they got the stock - perhaps Lego has brought more into the country and this deal won't look so hot a month or so from now?

      • The product is retired so get it while you can

  • Thanks OP. Just grabbed one (well, both).

    • +3

      Not cool

    • +5

      Rebel scum.

    • Broden? Is that you?

    • -5

      Thankfully as an adult I don’t worry about opinions for others. I am still surprised at downvotes… I never mentioned reselling or anything nor do people know why I bought this many or how many people are in my family and my friends who I’m retail assisting.. (who can’t afford it right now due to pandemic). But yeah I’ll take downvotes but it’s insane how toxic online community is. In future I will refrain from thanking OP publicly

      • +6

        Thankfully as an adult I don’t worry about opinions for others.

        Yet you still felt the need to post a reply in order to convince people that you have good intentions.

        You make yourself seem less credible with every word you type.

        I never mentioned reselling or anything nor do people know why I bought this many or how many people are in my family and my friends who I’m retail assisting.. (who can’t afford it right now due to pandemic).

        Yes I'm sure you have 5 birthdays happening in the next week for 5 Lego Star Wars enthusiasts who you're spending a combined $1,263.90 dollars on in birthday presents.

        "Retail assisting"? You mean your own retail enterprise of flogging marked up goods that you hoarded on Gumtree and eBay?

        Give me a break. Bulk hoarding and reselling has been such a common reoccurrence on OzBargain that we have our own word for it.

        You're a couple of parsecs short of a Kessel run if you think we're going to fall for the old, "Oh no, my 5 grandmothers all love Y-Wings so I bought these for them as I definitely wouldn't be reselling a hard-to-find set that has a profit margin of 60% on eBay or anything."

        • -2

          Who am I trying to convince? And again you and I don’t know each other so not going to try justify myself to you. It’s easy to talk big on the internet. I’m just shocked at downvotes. It’s like people don’t like a discussion/debate but just want to chuck out accusations and offer opinions or judgements

          • +4

            @v7dal: You could have just kept your mouth shut and made your bulk buy without anyone knowing.

            Yet you felt compelled to specifically state:

            These are selling for $350 and these are retired so will not be coming back in stock!

            $350 is the absolute cheapest price (minus shipping) you can find the UCS Y-Wing on eBay right now.

            That you specifically used that figure is no coincidence.

            The Lego S@H cost is $299, which would be the official RRP most in-the-know AFOLs would quote, but stock hasn't been available from Lego for a while.

            The fact that you emphasised the price of this deal relative to eBay pricing and the increasing rarity of this set, is more than enough to make an assumption that you're going to be reselling.

            OzBargainers are fairly good at litmus testing new members that come across as incredibly deceptive and defensive of their questionable judgement.

            I’m just shocked at downvotes.

            Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

            It’s like people don’t like a discussion/debate

            Discuss what?

            Some fool bragging about how he purchased 5 sets of what is inevitably going to be a fairly low-stock deal, just for himself, so that 4 other equally-as-deserving buyers can't have one?

            Yes, it's not illegal to buy 5 Lego sets at once, but just because you're not breaking any rules doesn't mean you're doing the decent thing and that people won't take issue with your behaviour.

            offer opinions or judgements

            Yes, that's the entire point of this site. Offering opinions on what is and isn't a deal.

            Not bragging about your profit margins and looking smug.

            • -2

              @Miami Mall Alien: I said that because I’m trying to inform others to buy it. Why? It’s currently selling for $350 on eBay so by buying it at this price they save $100. I also added it’s retired and you should get it whilst you can (in another comment I responded to someone was asking whether this was a deal or should they wait. Also I said I’m not concerned with what others (ozbargainers) are thinking of me. I do agree I shouldn’t and won’t ever say how much I bought because it’s not worth this hassle and doesn’t actually help anyone. I have been on here for ages and was honestly trying to help.

    • It's a related deal, but it's definitely not a duplicate.

  • +1

    Alright can not resist.

  • Yep…couldn't resist. Thanks OP…other half says…lol

  • Damn it OP. I thought I had managed to forget about this set not being in my Star Wars UCS collection and had myself convinced it was too late to try and find it for a bargain price.

    Really good deal for a retired set that's going for upwards of $400 on eBay currently.

    • Is this actaully retired? I don't think it is?

  • +5

    If only Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker had not left such a sour taste in my mouth that I feel a bit meh to all things Star Wars now. Part of me wants to buy this but it doesn't feel as iconic as the Falcon or a Star Destroyer. Think I'll pass to compensate for the guy who purchased 5 above in the hope someone who really wants it gets it instead of those looking to flip it on ebay.

    • +1

      I only buy Star Wars products 2nd hand so Disney and Lucasfilm don’t get any money from me.

  • I wouldn't count your chickens till deliver eg the Hogwards Castle at $416 they cancelled my order and had to request multiple times for them to refund me . They don't auto refund cancelled orders . I know of some people who never got refunded on some previous deals they never had in stock .

    • Agreed about counting chickens as I have probably had about 3 lego deals cancelled by Myers over the last few years… how they cannot get their stock systems working properly I do not know but have to say they have always auto refunded my previous cancelled orders without any issues. Worth a punt if you want this model but agreed, don't get too excited until you get that email telling you it has at least shipped.

  • Ordered 1 last week from Myer at RRP. This deal is to hard to resist, so I pulled the trigger again and will return the first one when it's arrived! Thanks OP

  • Thanks OP! Missed out on the Big W $199 and had no hope in seeing it again at rrp. This is still a good price.

  • Nearly pulled the trigger on this, had it in my cart and everything. Decided against it, sold most of my lego sets the past 2 years keeping mostly the high end ones like the UCS sets.

    previously had the non ucs y-wing rogue one version, don't feel like this is much more of an upgrade to it, plus i just don't like the overall look of the y-wing exposed internals and all.

    I am looking forward to the UCS a-wing i like the look of it more, however its slightly overpriced so i'll definitely be looking for a discount on it.

  • bought, thx op

  • Maybe sold out? Bugger!

  • +6

    Damn! Missed out, to the guy who bought 5 above!

    Up yours!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • My order has just been cancelled. No explanation or anything

    • how many did you buy?

      • Only 2. I might call them to find out what happened

        • +1

          What time did you order?

    • +1

      welcome to ordering from myer

      • Got dispatch notice today! :)

        • Same message :)

    • My order has just been cancelled. No explanation or anything

      That does happen with Myer and David Jones unfortunately and I suspect there wouldn't have been much stock of the Y-Wing as the set first released in May 2018 and is probably on the verge of being retired (2 years is roughly how long most sets remain in production), and even the Lego S@H store hasn't had stock of it for quite a few months.

      That being said, it seems myself and a few other people who placed our orders quite late relative to when the deal was posted (around midday yesterday) still got shipping notifications.

  • +1

    Ordered 2 of them at around 1.00pm yesterday, just got tracking details. :)

  • Order mine around 12.00pm yesterday, Got shipped this morning!

  • Mine was cancelled…. Ordered around on 11:15am, I want to know why.

    • Odd. My order was placed around that time as well and I got a shipping notification.

      I'm guessing they're allocating stock based on proximity to nearby Myer branches and this isn't being fulfilled by their online warehouse, so it doesn't seem be handled on a first-come, first-serve basis but whether any Myer locations near you actually have any stock on hand (judging by the lack of consistency between order time and order fulfilment from the other users who reported their orders have shipped). They could be trying to clear all remaining stock of the Y-Wing.

      • Good thinking If MYER is worried about maximum profits they would cull expensive delivery locations and also make more filling orders for more than 1 .

  • Ordered one at ~11:45am yesterday and got tracking today… for the mini Y-Wing… lol.

    • I also received a shipping notification for the mini Y-Wing first (around 6PM yesterday) then followed by the UCS Y-Wing today.

  • Mine just got cancelled and refunded to PayPal automatically, ordered at 17:30. RIP

  • Just had my order shipped. Ordered around 1210.

  • Mine updated to shipping notification today.
    Ordered 1pm.

  • +2

    Finally! my order is shipped. yes, i am the poor OP who only got his order shipped this early morning….

  • +1

    Mine arrived this morning, it came from one of their distribution centres (DC), so is in mint condition, bubble wrapped etc..noice!

    • Mine was shipped from their Sydney DC, so hopefully same.

  • Sweet mine shipped from the Eastern Creek DC in Syd, arriving today!

  • Mine arrived today as well. Both sets came from nearby Myer branches.

  • Still in progress, feel like would be cancelled.

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