Need a few suggestions. Loosing too much time to diagnosing/fixing this issue! And a bit sad for the middle of my three boys who use this PC for fortnite only to not be able to play when his brothers/friends are online and the system glitches out. [they have strict(mostly!) time limits]
During gaming, fortnite specifically, the screen will at random times go black. Keyboard (Rizen) and voice (earphones) and HDD light all still work. If I force restart (hold power button down) it sometimes even boots into low res grayscale, which is fixed by rebooting a 2nd time.
On logging back in, I get the error message "Display Driver failed to load" in the win10 side panel (along with the many other instances of the same error)
Random. Usually after a little while of playing - 30 mins +. sometimes everything works perfectly.
Previously could not trigger error in Benchmarks, but tonight managed to run Valley benchmark and it triggered the blackscreen failure.
Problem started in late April.
Fixes tried:
* Reinstall driver (Driver version is 445.87 / dated 4/15/2020)
* Lower resolution/quality of Fortnite.
* Opened casing for better airflow (took the side panel off, even though it isn't really hot)
* Updated the registry from here… *TdrDelay = 8 DWORD]
* I can't rollback to older driver versions for some reason.
How would I know if it is the card? It could possibly be the MB as well, as the MB is quite old. The Graphics card was an ozbargain special from Amazon US and only about ~3-4 years old. Also note some sites says it could be a power supply issue - the PSU is about 5 years old. Can I test the power or MB?
Any help will be greatly appreciated. And my middle boy won't feel so left out (or the growlign from the eldest in sharing the primary pc).
This system is my previous gaming system I have upgraded over time (held up quite well to date).
CPU: Intel i5 2500k
Mobo: Asrock Z68 Extreme Gen 3
RAM: 16 GB DDR3 (upgraded 3 years ago)
GPU: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 960 4GB (upgraded 3 years ago from 570 )
SSD: Intel 240 GB
HDD: Western Digital Green 3TB 5400RPM
Case: Coolermasterr Silencio Tower case
PSU: Coolermaster Extreme2 725 (Upgraded 4 - 5 years ago after PSU fail from power spike)
OS: Windows 10 Professional
Typically you'd test the system components one by one and by process of elimination you can work out which part needs replacing.
For CPU and memory testing, AIDA64, Prime95 + Memtest will test those without touching the GPU at all. If these tests pass, suspect the GPU is bad. Note that Memtest86 can take several passes to show errors, meaning that you should preferably leave memtest running maybe 3-4 hours to get a more accurate result.
To test GPU only you can use Heaven or Furmark. Try not to let your card overheat during this test, leave the side panel off and monitor the temps as well using a tool like MSI afterburner
Of course before you start a long test you may also want to check for little things like dust buildup, a GPU fan that's not spinning or a cable that's not plugged in properly.