I like talking money (investing – shares, housing etc) – some of the best investment I’ve had sparked from a simple conversation –However, I have found a lot of people find money take offensive.
I’m going to say off the bat in my experience people don’t like advice (even if it is GOOD ADVICE) and I’ve learnt in time to not give it. – don’t get me wrong I’m not financial expert but in all honesty I feel like a lot of financial experts/advisers have no idea or are giving advice based on self interest (ie. commission for selling certain products).
The easy example is home loans the amount of people I’ve had tell me over the years there interest rate is literally 0.5-1% higher than mine and that there broker or mate at the bank or who ever set them up with, a poor deal but if you even try to explain why they are getting ripped off they see you as the enemy? Or the person who is ripping them off….
The more complex examples are investing in shares, property or managing credit card debt – I have literally talked to people my age (30) buried in Credit card/personal debt!
But if you try to give them a little bit of advice they think you are having ago at them? – now days time I keep my mouth shut unless I know the person I'm talking to is open about the topic but I do feel like if the topic was less taboo perhaps we all might manage their money a little better?
What is it about ‘money’ that offends people? Personally if someone told me a way I could save a bucket of cash I would at least hear them out?
Do you find talking about money offensive?
I'll update this the only time I've given advice not asked for is when someone is complaining about there financial situation too me… ie 'I don't have money to go on holidays'or 'my kids are too expensive' etc
I guess it isn't a direct question asking advice but the comments seem to be mostly around unwarranted advice but Almost always any general advice given sparks from people complaining about there negative situation but when you try to help your the bad guy?
I guess just reading the comments makes me realise how sensitive the topic is…
The problem is unlikely to be the topic of money.
Just by reading your post, I bet you're subconsciously (or consciously) displaying a condescending or arrogant tone while you're talking to people, along with a bit of humble-bragging. No-one likes being spoken down to or being told what to do.
Truth is, people often don't mind good advice, but the way that advice is delivered can make a huge difference.
Also, your circumstances are likely to be different to someone else's, so you shouldn't just get something that's worked for you and try to shove it up someone else's nose (because it may not work for them).