• expired

[PC, Steam] Free Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation at Humble Bundle


Free while supplies last or until 3am AEST on Monday the 11th of May. There is also a key redemption deadline of 3am AEST on Friday the 15th of May after you've claimed the game. As usual with Humble Bundle freebies you need to subscribe to their newsletter if you already haven't to be eligible.

Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation is a sci-fi RTS with Mostly Positive reviews. There's two free DLC that are automatically added to your account when you activate the key. Steam store page for information:


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closed Comments

  • +7

    I tried playing this when it came out but couldn't get into it, I thought it could be my next supreme commander but it isn't. Hope supreme commander 3 comes out one day, we need more true RTS games, enough with tower defence gimmicks.

    • +1

      Hope supreme commander 3 comes out one day

      Nah the original studio has closed twice over, everyone who made those games is long gone. I hope someone makes awesome new RTS games rather than clinging to ghosts like Command and Conquer or Warcraft (vomit)

    • Supreme Commander (and Total Annihilation) were my favourite games for so long. I've always been on the search for something similar. I'm a big fan of RTS but haven't really got into turn-based or tower-defence style games.

      Can anyone suggest any other RTS games (post-Supreme Commander) that come close?

      • +1

        SC2 is a pretty great RTS. It's free to play now.

        • For some reason Ive always gone back to SC1

          • +1

            @darkly: There is a mod called Mass Recall which allows you to play all the original Starcraft and Broodwar missions in using the SC2 interface and improved graphics. Its called Mass Recall. And with Wing of Liberty (first episode/part of Starcraft 2) being free to play it means anyone can get it.

        • +1

          Unfortunately it didn't have any wow factor. Having it fully online really killed it for me. We want offline LAN games…

          My copy still on shelf unfinished

      • Try Zero-K. It's free and open source. On steam.
        It's very much like SC2, however it runs a lot better. The graphics aren't crash hot but the gameplay is great.

      • You can try Zero-k. It's free on steam. Not the best visuals, but I've spent a fair bit of play brutal bots with friends, getting wrecked by them.

      • Try Dune 2

    • Now that you mention it, I played all the old RTS like tower defence. Build towers around my base, stay safe while mining, build one big force, go out and kick everyone's butt.

      Makes me kinda sad to realise that :/

      Actually SC2 wasn't as bad but only because your big force could be wiped out. And warcraft 1 because it was pretty punishing if you didn't attack quickly.

    • +2

      Try Planetary Annihilation, it's a casual version of Supreme Commander and you can build your own Deathstar.

      • PA is great!

        Would be better if the community was bigger, but its still there now the rights have been sold to someone who's actually interested in keeping the game running.

        Usually just play with a few mates but its a lot of fun - playing with mates too you can implement your own bizzare rules which keep it interesting, alongside the map editor

  • +5

    Awesome, i love meself a good benchmark

    • +3

      turns out i already had it lol, key for whoever wants


      • Code already used, thanks anyway. :)

  • +3

    Oops, I already have it in my library.
    Here's a key for someone:

    • +8

      Thank you, used it :)

      • +9

        Well that's a first!

  • lol Lysander taking back his comment, to be fair his edit was about an hour earlier than you posting this so unless you saw this deal way before then…

    • I'm sure he will feel better when he gets lots of upvotes on his helpful weekly epic free game update, because it is so hard to just open the epic launcher every Friday to see what is free.

      • +3

        Too hard for me.

        Some of us work and have kids. If I dont get an ozb reminder, I forget. Frankly if I couldn't redeem via mobile I wouldn't even get the freebies as I rarely have the chance to turn on the pc.

      • +1

        Was his comment along the lines of "I already posted this. Give me the credit"?

        He posts about 8 things a day of varying quality and none are all that exciting

        • Was his comment along the lines of "I already posted this. Give me the credit"?

          Kinda, although I don't know if OP saw Lysander's post long time(longer than an hr since this was posted an hr later after Lysander's edit) before posting his which would mean he took some time trying to type out his post where Lysander didn't have it and then finally posted it only for Lysander to say "Hang on, I already have this, so it's a dupe of my post." and the site to update showing Lysander has done so, or OP wanted to post his deal regardless, even after searching old posts or not…for that feel good deal posting experience for helping the community! Yeah.

          Lysander kinda reminds me of easternculture if he's still around, at least in regards to posting ego.

  • +12


    • +10

      Seriously I get negs for giving a free code out?

      WTF is wrong with this site.

      • +3

        Because you just gave your code away to a bot who will then illegally on-sell that key.

        • +1

          You don't know that. Only 1 post above someone benefited.

          • +2

            @scuderiarmani: Don't know what? That there isn't bots that scrape websites for emails, key-codes, address information etc.? Almost every website would ask you NOT to post such information and just because some benefited, doesn't mean others didn't miss out (as noted in other comments).

            EDIT: Here, took me ~3s on Google to find a script that'll search reddit for stream keys and notify you: https://github.com/fstanley/reddit-steamkey-bot

      • +4

        You got my up-vote mate even if it went to the bots. The neggers can go suck a lollypop.

  • +14

    Guys, please don't post keys here - they'll mostly just get taken by bots.

    Just say you've got one, and ask people to send you a private message.

  • -4

    Could someone please PM me if they have a spare key. Cheers :)

    • +13

      I am curious to know why you wouldn't sign in (or create an account) and get it yourself?
      It's still available and free to do.

  • +1

    I have spare key if someone wants one, by pm.

    • +2

      I can grab one for you, will PM

    • +1

      Claimed. Thanks Radial7. :)

  • +1

    Damn, it seems I missed out. Is anyone else giving keys away please?

    • +4

      I've sent Aequitas a key

      • +2

        You're the best! Thanks

  • +2

    I got one key as well (didn't realize I already owned the game) - PM me if needed.

    • +1

      And claimed by CheapSkateLau

  • Just got one thanks OP

  • If anyone has a spare key it would be greatly appreciated….:)

  • +2

    I have a spare key, for the first to Pm me

    • Gone to @Ashola

  • +1

    key taken :)

  • +1

    thanks Jace88 got it

    • enjoy!

  • Could use a spare key - had my eyes on this one for a while.

  • Any1 with a spare?

  • +3

    Why are peeps asking for spare keys when you can just grab it yourself? Don't you just need an email account to do so?

    • Been wondering this myself

    • +2

      Getting a second key so they can sell it on g2a or reseller key websites and make $1. Cant be traced to them if they are getting it from someone else

    • Well I'm already subbed to humble newsletter but didnt get this email…

      • If you go to the page you can redeem the game by virtue of being a current newsletter subscriber; you don't have to be a new subscriber.

    • Oops - thought you needed a subscription or something. Thanks for pointing out 😊

  • I also have a spare key if anyone's in need of one. PM me.

  • If anyone have 1 spare key, I would be grateful.

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