Selling on OZbargain

hey i was jus wondering does this site have a place where u can Trade or sell something that u dont want cause i really need to get rid of a pair of shoes >_< Parents Bought Double!!

(Edited by scotty — move to Announcement & Feedback forum)


  • Hey hey. I am sure it is easy to create a For Sale forum but I think it might be better putting it on eBay as people visiting OzBargain are mostly cheapos who would want to get the lowest price for your pair of shoes :)

    • yes? I heard someone calling my name :) lol..

  • lol i tried Ebay it got removed due to Copyright violation >_<!! i dont get why but meh looks like ill hang onto a double i guess :)

    • Copyright violation? Don't tell me your shoes come with 500GB HDD and a bittorrent client built in?

      • Scotty, I reckon we should have our own selling place on here. Just a category called "crap to sell". People on here know how to get bargains, and thus have good stuff to sell at low prices. I know I have heaps of stuff I could sell at cheap prices on here that people might be interested in. Haven't mentioned any of it, as this has not been the site for it. But as an example, I have imported Victoria Secret Lace Lingerie sets that retail for $70, but I got them for $12.50, so that is much cheaper. Easy present for all those wives… see what a hwlp this section might be!!! :-)

  • LOL!!!!

    Na nothing like that said Nike PTY had contacted Ebay saying my Item isn't registered by a Company so therefore it must be removed i still dont get it there is millions of people selling Nike of Ebay why arnt there items removed well if u ask me i say they are Racist!!! :)

  • did u use a photo that u took of the shoes or a copyright image stolen from nike?

  • My own Photo but Those people think its copywright violating so got removed there claim is that im confusing people with Companys and Individuals stupid Claim!!! i swear

  • Could always try

  • Okay. We now have a trading forum — "Selling or Swapping" to replace the old swapping forum for the entertainment book vouchers.

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