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[eBook] Free: "Trump's Happiness Code" $0 @ Amazon

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Author: In Trump’s Happiness Code, I set out to show you about the exciting secrets to Happiness that you need to know to start a fully happy life basing on the experience of President Donald Trump. There is something about Donald Trump’s character that makes you stand up and pay attention.

It is by far one of the most comprehensive, practical and effective books to help you achieve your goals in career, relationships and personal development immediately.

  • What is the foundation of Happiness?
  • The 7 secrets to happiness of Donald Trump and the way he used to win the Presidency.
  • How to obtain the desired career and stable finances.
  • How to become confident and motivated immediately.
  • How to raise and nurture emotions that advance toward the goal.
  • How to have a good physical and mental condition.
  • To learn how the head of the White House thinks and manages.

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closed Comments

  • +124

    Grabs popcorn 🍿

    • +4

      Came here to write exactly this.

      • +25

        And yet, you've forgotten your popcorn 🍿

        • -2

          On the internet can you only be anti trump and pro diversity. If you the opposite then your life gets ruined.

          • -1

            @Bryanalves: Oh yeah. Because the pro Trump crowd have zero representation on the internet. Are you a parody account?

    • +47

      Pretty sure one of the chapters mentions its not popcorn you should be grabbing….

    • +3

      No! Burger and coke. Plus no exercise except for golf

      • +4

        I thought it was KFC ….. with a knife and fork.

        • +2

          Or McDonalds when you have guests and want to impress

    • +6

      I enjoyed 50+ comments: all fighting left vs right.

      No-one even read the description:

      I set out to show you about the exciting secrets to Happiness that you need to know to start a fully happy life basing on the experience of President Donald Trump

      I wonder if it's a Troll, or just a guy who doesn't speak English?

      • +7

        Its just tronald's english

    • +1

      Popcorn. You have no popcorn.

      You, my friend, are fake news…

    • +2

      You need to grab happiness by the #&×v€$

  • +103

    I think his happiness code is "I don't take responsibility for that"

    • +41

      I have total authority, and I don't take any responsibility.

    • +20

      "That" never happened.

    • +4

      And here I thought his happiness code was grabbing women by the ;) lol

      • Grab them by the "wink"?

      • +6

        Surely if the president of the US can say it out loud, you don't have to censor yourself when quoting him :-)

        • +6

          The mods will kill me lol

        • +3

          OzBargain may not be fancy, but like basically everyone else, we have some lines we don't cross.

      • +4

        His mantra for happiness is #FakeNews if it criticises him.

    • +2

      I think his happiness code is "I don't take responsibility for that"

      he stole that from Bart Simpson

      • Clearly someone offended by the "I didn't do it" mantra :)

    • +7


    • Fake news. Next!

  • +100

    Of course it's free. The only people who would want to read this crap are his supporters. Unfortunately they can't read

    • +8

      You took the bait. I got a free book.

    • +30

      That's the kind of talk that lost the dems the election

      • +6

        A little price to pay to speak the truth

        • all i want is the truuuth, just gimme somee truuuth

        • +8

          A little price to pay

          looks again

      • They lost because women don't vote for other women.

    • -1

      Or are dead from Covid.

    • You are hilarious and very original.

    • The Trump Derangement Syndrome is strong in this one!

  • +5

    Tremendous! Yuge! Best!

    • +5


      • Ghina

  • +1

    Got it, thanks. I'm sure I'll get around to reading it at some stage.

    • I'm sure you always have too much time on your hands to read it… Feast your eyes!

  • +2

    If I want to be happy I just read his tweets (with an impending sense of doom too)

    • And the comments 🍿

  • +6

    Hey. at least it proves the point: the best thing of life is always free!
    By mentioning his name, I already start laugh.

    • +2

      Do you? Really?

      You don't find it absolutely depressing and suffer a severe pain in your head?

      • +10

        Username checks out

      • -8

        not our country who gives a crap

        • But surely you'd like to peruse such an enlightening tome, if only to give you a slightly more cosmopolitan view (and vocabulary) of the world beyond your back door?

        • not like the millions of infected over there that are running around on beaches and protesting and voting won't come here ever :)

    • +1


  • +7

    First step to happiness :

    Storm the cash back providers armed with your anti aircraft gun and demand the same 7% that the left wing elite gardening department gets

  • +32

    1. Treat everything as a transaction that is never honoured
    2. Screw anyone who us not in the Trump tent
    3. Always follow the OPM factor and you never lose your (own) money. (OPM = Other People's Money)
    4. Include all transactions as tax deductions on your Tax Return, even if they aren't eligle. As President, you decide whether to hand in your returns for scrutiny…

    just for starters… add more to the list… just make sure that they are not honest and/or morally ethical.

    • +43

      You forgot:

      • Be born rich
      • Never have to take any responsibility for your actions
      • When in doubt, there's always money in the banana stand family charity.
      • +3

        Here's a plus for referencing one of the great shows. Give yourself an A+

        • +3

          That show took such a dark turn after Michael changed his name to Marty and moved to the Ozarks.

          But alas this is not the thread to talk about power hungry, delusional men who manipulate others.

      • +3

        Don't forget "foot spurs" to escape conscription

    • +1

      I think point 4 is a little far fetched. He has the right to not show his tax returns just like anyone else does. Also, if he is doing anything dodgy tax wise he will pay the price for it.

  • +6

    It must be a good book as nobody knows more about happiness than Trump does.

    • +3

      Where's the /s

  • +5

    Have they updated the procedure from using an ice-pick to something involving an anasthetic and not as much bruising around the eyes? If not, I'll take the Full bottle in front of me option.

  • +2

    Trump's first 50 page tweet!

  • I err apple-ogise :)

  • Who wrote it?

    • +3

      It's pretty obvious by the brilliant prose it was ghost written by Dr Seuss

      • +2

        Trump wears hair.
        Tax receipts where?
        Trump steals daughter's underwear.

    • +2

      "John Triumph.". If you believe that, you'll want the book.

  • +1

    How to be an utter cnut!

  • +12

    Low energy TDS sufferers gonna hate.

    • +5

      Trumps Deranged Supporters?

      • +2

        like magic he reveals them

      • +15

        Trump Derangement Syndrome. It's a form of Cognitive Dissonance

        • +2

          Convention normally is that any new syndrome is named after the first disgnosed with it!

        • +2

          It's a form of Cognitive Dissonance

          Is it though? Are you sure it's not just a tired meme? Its persistence as a meme serves as conclusive proof that his supporters prioritise "trolling the libtards" over pointing out real absurdities or cognitive dissonances.

          You won't hear me dispute the degree to which some segments of the US media hyperventilates about Trump, but their "derangement" is their own problem. It has no bearing on normal, rational people who recognise that Trump is a brilliant comedian, a woeful head of state, and a disaster of a role model.

          • +1

            @Simon Wright: The role of a political leader is not to be a role model, it is to the keep the country secure, grow the economy and keep people employed. Trump has one of the best records of any president in that regard.
            All the other stuff is just emotional fluff.

            • +1


              keep the country secure

              Aside from a small number of mostly symbolic gestures and "emotional fluff" to make some individuals in the military happy, Trump has not done anything to impact the security of the country. In any real sense, the security apparatus of the US is unaffected.

              grow the economy and keep people employed

              Despite the perceived enormity of their role, Presidents have very little control over economic conditions. Congress has the bulk of Government control in the economy—but absent a massive global economic crisis their influence is still less than most people assume.

              Trump has one of the best records of any president in that regard.

              If you window your view of the US economy to the Trump presidency, I can see how you might see it that way. The reality: for the past three years the US economy has merely tracked the pre-existing trajectory of the so-called "Obama recovery" combined with international influences. Which is exactly what you'd expect because, as I said in the previous paragraph, US presidents don't really have much influence over the economy anyway.

              I don't really understand why people think it's any other way. It's not like Exxon or Verizon were going to tank their business because the President was controversial.

              All the other stuff is just emotional fluff.

              The role of POTUS is expansive and includes international affairs, foreign policy and evolving national security threats. These are serious. Meanwhile the current POTUS is overly focused on Twitter, cable news outlets and campaign rallies. If that's important to him, fine. But none of this ought to matter to any president with anything resembling an agenda—which Trump clearly does not. Were he doing his job, he shouldn't have time for any of that.

              • -1

                @Simon Wright: Some odd comments there.
                Compare Trump's record on foreign conflict to Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter etc etc. His is better. Less conflict, more peace.
                Obama called North Korea the biggest threat to US security and Trump dealt with that immediately. Denying his efforts to resolve that is cognitive dissonance. Orange Man bad etc.
                Regarding Jobs and economy, your comments are laughable. Obama got credit for post GFC recovery but Trump's doesn't get credit for the stronger growth since he came to office?
                Trump has overseen the strongest economic growth and record low unemployment on record. Denying that is Cognitive dissonance again.

                The twitter stuff is just fluff, that serves another purpose which is part of a greater strategy which can be found if you get past the MSM narrative. Trump has the clearest agenda, Make America Great Again. Bring jobs back and make the American economy and borders strong. He is delivering exactly that.

                Powerful people don't become powerful by accident. You've clearly bought into the MSM narrative that Trump is a clown and I'm guessing you'll be genuinely shocked when he wins again in 2020.

                • +1


                  Obama called North Korea the biggest threat to US security and Trump dealt with that immediately.

                  He tried dealing with it, and I give him props for giving it a go. Unfortunately he didn't achieve anything—which is why he doesn't talk about it any more. North Korea played Trump just like they played Obama, Bush and every US administration before them. All Trump got was a photo-op of him standing as an equal to a tin-can despot. Cool, I guess.

                  (And FWIW that's not what Obama said. He described North Korea as a top national security priority. Not the biggest threat. And none of us are privvy to the detailed intelligence which may well paint a very different picture than what is publicly known.)

                  Obama got credit for post GFC recovery

                  It's like you've got amnesia about coverage of Obama between 2010 and 2016. They couldn't stop talking about how the economic recovery only benefited Wall Street and not Main Street. That was a fixed media narrative for at least five years. You don't remember?

                  You've clearly bought into the MSM narrative that Trump is a clown

                  You've clearly bought into the narrative of binary thinking, that one can only see Trump as a clown or the greatest president. Trump isn't a clown, he's a brilliant showman. I object to Trump because he's fundamentally lazy, disinterested in policy, distracted by politics and a sore winner. (I also don't agree with his party's policies, but I'm not American so the consequence of domestic policies don't really matter to me.)

                  Besides, what mainstream media? Fox News is the largest TV news outlet in the USA. Conservative voices dominate radio. Conservative TV broadcasters dominate local news. Newspapers have minuscule circulation. The mainstream media narrative is that Trump is a great President. Aside from the echo chambers of CNN, MSNBC, late night comedy and a couple of newspaper mastheads, US media leans heavily conservative.

                  I'm guessing you'll be genuinely shocked when he wins again in 2020.

                  On the contrary, I'll be genuinely shocked if he loses. Trump is a genius campaigner who frankly deserved to win the 2016 GOP primary given the mediocre competition. He won the general because his opponent was terrible. What's sad is that he hasn't stopped campaigning for the 2016 election.

                  What the DNC failed to internalise is that Trump didn't win, Hillary lost. She was so terrible that she lost what should have been an un-loseable election. Meanwhile, the DNC managed to pick the absolute worst candidate running in 2020. Dems were so busy with their pointless impeachment crap that they forgot Trump completely knee-capped Biden through his son and Burisma.

                  And further, Dems failed to learn the bigger lesson of the 2016 election which was that the public has gotten sick and tired of political dynasties, corruption, and politicians in it for themselves. Setting aside that President Trump has come to represent everything that Candidate Trump purported to stand against (e.g. nepotism, self-dealing, and too much golf) to half the country he still represents a stick in the eye of the old establishment.

                  If anyone represents the old establishment, it's Biden. He'll lose so hard.

                  The twitter stuff is just fluff, that serves another purpose which is part of a greater strategy

                  Okay, now I'm thinking that you've gargled Scott Adams' erect penis a bit too vigorously.

                  • -3

                    @Simon Wright: "Unfortunately he didn't achieve anything"

                    When was the last time NK fired missles over Japan? It's comical to think that this very real threat hasn't been reduced under his watch.

                    "You've clearly bought into the narrative of binary thinking, that one can only see Trump as a clown or the greatest president."

                    I never said he was the greatest, just doing a pretty good job by most objective benchmarks. Interesting that you jump to that assumption though…

                    "Fox News is the largest TV news outlet in the USA".
                    You are probably confusing cable news with all news. CBS and ABC have the highest ratings in the US.

                    "Okay, now I'm thinking that you've gargled Scott Adams' erect penis a bit too vigorously."
                    Is this what passes for a counter argument where you live? I'd be interested if you have particular points you disagree with rather than petty insults.

                    As I said cognitive dissonance. You have a belief and any objective evidence that shakes that belief is automatically ridiculed (see above).
                    Trump is doing a decent job. Prior to Covid, the borders were as strong as they've been, economy was the highest ever, and unemployment the lowest on record. If you can't admit those objective facts, and those contribute to a decent record as leader, then it says more about you than him.

                    • +1


                      When was the last time NK fired missles over Japan?

                      I'll entertain your naive one-dimensional understanding of North Korean political strategy, while disregarding your pedantic qualifier. The last time they performed missile tests that exceeded their national borders was 2 October 2019. Japan asserted that the missile traversed their EEZ.

                      CBS and ABC have the highest ratings in the US.

                      This shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the US television marketplace. CBS and ABC are networks, not broadcasters. The broadcasters ("affiliates") are companies like Sinclair and Nexstar who represent marques like CBS and ABC in particular areas. These networks are predominantly conservative relative to their regional politics, and produce local news which have strong viewership within their respective areas.

                      Is this what passes for a counter argument where you live?

                      I never said it was an argument, nor implied that it should be interpreted as such. Interesting that you jump to that assumption though… You have a belief and any objective evidence that shakes that belief is automatically ridiculed. Clearly you're a victim of cognitive dissonance.

                        • @1st-Amendment: Nice. Once you've stopped pretending to be a first-year philosophy student, you could start engaging with the conversation. As soon as you have any original thoughts of your own, feel free to share them here.

      • @tmcn85 TDS = Trump's 'Deplorable' Supporters
        to quote Hilary 'Lock Her Up' Clinton ;)

  • +14

    Just can't believe this is free….I mean….so many lessons to be learnt from this masterpiece

    • +5

      I am actually in tears, that's how happy I am to be provided this opportunity to read this masterpiece!

  • +62

    It's a beautiful book. It might be the best book ever. Many people say it's the most tremendous thing they've ever read. It's gonna make a lotta people happy. They're good people too.

    • beat me to it

    • +1

      It might be good it might not. Who knows? We shall see

  • +2

    He always sounds so happy.

    • +6

      Was going to say. Hands up anyone who sees or hears Donald Trump and thinks there goes a happy man.

  • +3

    Tips on Pornstars?

    • Golden showers and be sure to get it on film using russians

  • +12

    "this is the best book. it uses the best vocab. has the most best grammar. it's simply the best. widest expression of best thoughts and ideas. truly the best. uses the best words, has the best sentences. produces the best results." ~ Donald T-Rump

  • +3

    I wonder why its free

    • +3

      I've been struggling with that question all day, I'll bet it's going to keep me up tonight also.

      • +1

        well, did it keep u up? Please tell me, the suspense is killing me!

  • +2

    I like real comedy, therefore I prefer reading Trump's tweets instead.

  • +4

    You know you've made it when there is toilet paper and toilet scrubbers made in your honor, he's the peoples president.

  • +6

    If this book were available in a bricks-and-mortar bookshop, in what section would it be located?
    Fiction, or Needs-help-but-not-self-help?

    • +3

      They couldn't put it in a bricks-and-mortar, there's no spine.

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