Is My Car Going 5000 Rpm @ 100 Kph a Bit High?


EDIT: Thanks to all responders who weren't just trolling

I've just bought a V6 Ford Cougar 2000 SW 4-Speed Automatic and I didn't notice it on the test drive (engine being so quiet), but now I see it revs at 5000 rpm at 100 kph and still doing 4000 rpm at 80 kph. The gears seem to be shifting normally, but this seems to be unusually high rpm. I'm not sure if I am counting the gears correctly, but others are saying it is shifting normally too.

Transmission fluid is at normal level.

EDIT: I'm convinced from the replies that it may not be shifting up after all. It definitely seems to get to 3rd, but then not top gear (4th). Therefore is this likely the torque converter or is it electrical, like the transmission solenoid?

Possibly related, I have also a noticed a slight amount of white smoke coming from under the bonnet after I turn the engine off or if I've stopped with the engine idling for a while. I believe the smoke could be residue from the power steering leak that I've fixed already, but would that be the right colour of smoke?

Also, there may be a faint hiss or maybe whistle while driving, which could be just in my mind.

I appreciate anyone who may have some insight to lend here, thanks.

closed Comments

  • +7

    That's way too high, take it to a mechanic immediately.

  • …revs at 5000 rpm at 65 mph and still doing 4000 rpm at 50 mph.

    Does the speedo read in MPH?

    • *I forgot to convert units there: 65mph = 100 kph and 50mph = 80kph, it's a kph speedo

      • -7

        km/h, not kph.

  • +1

    Sure it's using all 4 gears?

  • +2

    Beware of Cougars if you are a young lad

    • +1

      I can't tell with some Asiatic women man

  • +6

    Is it a Mustang? I’ve heard you’re not supposed to rev them over 4000…

    Anyway, memes aside, 5000rpm is way to much for that car to be doing at 100km/h. It sounds like it isn’t shifting into 4th and is stuck in third. Youll need to get a transmission specialist to have a look at it.

    The oil burning off should have only have happened for a little bit, but it may pay to get in there with some degreaser and wash the whole engine bay or go looking for other leaks. Oil leaks, if severe enough can lead to fires. But yes, power steering fluid does make white smoke, but you need to confirm where that smoke is coming from. Next time, open the bonut and have a look.

    Hissing/whistling noise could be a leaking door or window seal or possibly an outside trim cutting through the air. Hard to know without listening to it.

    Oh, and my condolences on buying a Ford Cougar…

    • Yes I was wondering if the transmission specialist will charge me more than what I paid for the car ($2000):D Although it was registered with RWC, I guess a 'safety certificate' does not always tell you the full story.

      The smoke is coming from the lower part of the engine bay. It was a sticky leak and caught the underside of everything including the exhaust. I degreased and hosed after fixing the leak, but possibly not enough.

      • +8

        I went out and worked it out for you using the specs for your car, and if it is doing 5400rpm @ 100km/h, the vehicle is stuck in 2nd gear. In 4th, what it should be doing is about 2,400RPM.

        Gearbox 2nd gear ratio = 1.57
        Final Drive ratio = 4.06
        Tyre Circumference (215/50/R16) = 1.951m
        100km/h = 1667m/min

        (((m/min / circ.) x FD) x 2nd) = 5,460RPM engine speed

        It may just be a simple problem that the shifter is selecting 2nd gear hold as it may have come out of adjustment or it could be that the valving inside is not allowing the trans to shift. Either way, at least get a mechanic to have a look over it. If it's a quick fix (cable/linkage adjustment), get it done. If it's a huge job (trans rebuild), scrap the car.

        • quick mafs

        • Thanks, I appreciate you working out that data

      • Auto rebuilds aren't cheap unfortunately, and plenty of people never get them serviced properly, mistakenly thinking the regular mechanics take care of it in scheduled servicing when many just check the fluid level, tick a box, and move on.

        I'd agree it is either stuck in a lower gear, or the torque converter is shagged and slipping or perhaps both. Even if it is a simple fix, there's a likelihood they'd find other stuff on its way out as well with an older car. It might cost you heaps to get the main problem and the soon to be problems fixed now, but if you like the car and want to keep it for a decent amount of time (over 2yrs maybe?) it'd be cheaper to get it all sorted in one go than pay the minimum now and then have to pay the rest plus extra labour in 12-18mths.

        (note, time windows pulled outa my rear just as examples - also not an auto transmission specialist or proper mechanic at all, just relatively experienced amateur parts swapper)

        • Yes, I'm always wary of taking such cars even for a RWC, due to some mechanics not being trustworthy, but prefer to get all such issues worked out early as possible

  • +2

    This is at least a very responisve forum

    • +6

      The world's premier automotive forum

  • Sounds like the torque converter isn't locking up. That's probably least of your worries with a 20yr old Ford Cougar though..

    • I suppose it's a risk, but I really like cars from that era, and I always try to get a manual if one's available

      • +2

        I was just playing mate. I'm all for people having vehicles they are passionate about, regardless of the type or era they are from.

        The car should have an O/D (Overdrive) button near the shifter somewhere. Can you tell if that makes any difference to the RPMs if it's pressed on and off when driving at 100kph? And when you do press the button, does it bring an 'O/D off' or similar light on the dash?

        • There's no light on the dash to indicate, but I found the OD button.

          I mistakenly assumed that the Economy/Sports button next to the shifter was the OD.

          But the button is hidden underneath the shifter knob.

          So that was the fix!

  • +1

    "Torque converter isn't locking up", is this serious?

    • Yeah it could definitely be the TC but only a mechanic will be able to tell you.

  • Is the transmission solenoid tough to get to?

  • 4 gears only?

    In my manual car, if I was to go at 100km in 4th gear it'd probably be around 4000 RPM.

    Have you tried counting the gear changes?

    • +2

      4 speed auto is pretty normal for a 20 year old car

    • I certainly could have miscounted the shifts, in fact it may only be shifting to second gear: 60kph @ 3000rpm

      • Hmm maybe try again and make sure that it's actually in 4th when you're driving at 100km/hr. If it's going into 4th and it's still at 5000 rpm I'm not sure what the issue would be.

        • +1

          What kind of demon car does 5000rpm in 4th at just 100 km/hr??

    • +2

      My VX commodore 4-speed auto only did 3000rpm at 100km/h in third. 5000rpm is insane. The gear ratio differences must be huge.

      • Usually 4 cylinders will have shorter ratios. Daughter had a manual Mazda 2 that would sit over 3k in 5th. Would be close to 5k in 3rd.

        • +1

          Good point, didn't think about the cylinder count.

          But OP is a 6-cylinder, so 5000rpm is still insane for 3rd gear. The torque converter will be generating massive amounts of heat which will kill it quickly.

  • I certainly could have miscounted the shifts, in fact it may only be shifting to second gear: 60kph @ 3000rpm

    • +1

      Can you manually change it up thru the gears? It sounds like it's stick in 2nd or 3rd to me. No over drive, that's for sure.

      • At this stage, I'm almost scared to even attempt such 'stunt driving', because what if the transmission is on its farewell tour?

        • +2

          If it's gone, it's gone…

      • It's current set on E-Economy as opposed to S-Sports

  • +2

    Look for an overdrive switch? Some older autos only run on 3 gears unless the overdrive is used? I thnk 3rd gear on these cars is 1:1 ratio and 4th is higher thus being an "overdrive"
    Usually the switch is on the actual gear shifter? You might have a light on the dash also?

    • +1

      It's currently set on E-Economy as opposed to S-Sports, so which one of those is the overdrive?

    • My extraforumular research suggests you might be onto something there, Australian Preparer. This is certainly exposing my lack of experience with autos, I only just understood what OverDrive is, and if I really am that stupid, I might just go and OD.

      • So was it the OverDrive switch?

        • Yes, E-Economy vs S-Sports switch next to the shifter was irrelevant as it turns out. The Overdrive button is hidden beneath the shifter handle, and basically it locks out 4th gear.

  • +3

    It must be making a hell of a racket at 5000rpm.

    • No its very quiet

  • You need to ask?? Doesn’t the sound of your car compared to others give you a hint? OR - TURN YOUR STEREO DOWN!!!!!

    • Turn your caps lock down, the car is quiet even with the hood up, more so with the hood down and in the cabin NO STEREO

  • -4

    Didn't think to check the owner's manual?
    You did check that before purchase, right?

    • +2

      Why would he check the manual for gear RPM's before a purchase. Would you???

      • Have you seen an automotive owner's manual?

        Near the front, there's all these diagrams and photos showing where every button, gauge and control is located. They're often numbered. Sometimes they have handy lines pointing to things.

        They also comprehensively list the features of the car.

        It's usually in the glovebox.

        • Of course Jimbo, it would be good if one automotive owner kept it there for the benefit of the next automotive owner

          • @CaesarVes: Wow.
            Even my $400 Lancer had a manual in the glovebox.

            I'd never buy a car without one. Has dealer, original owner info and if used properly, early service history.

            Then again, you did buy a Cougar. Good luck!

      • Right,I've never been advised to do that or know anyone who has

  • Maybe the shifter is faulty and is actually in 2nd.

  • The overdrive (fourth gear) solenoid wouldn't be working properly. What you've described is it being stuck in third gear hence the high RPM at 100km/h.

  • The revs are way too high for top gear at 100kmh. Your trans is getting stuck in a lower gear. To confirm: As the trans climbs through the gears, the tacho will drop as the next higher gear is engaged. Just watch the tacho and count the drops as you accelerate to cruising speed and you'll see which gear its getting stuck in. This is just to confirm the trans is not getting up to 4th gear, because whatever the case, you will need to take it to an auto trans mechanic for diagnosis/repair.

  • +2

    What was it op? Shifter in 2nd instead of drive?


    Due to my unfamiliarity with autos, I had assumed that the Economy/Sports button next to the shifter was the Overdrive.

    But the actual button is hidden underneath the shifter handle.

    So literally solved at the press of a button.

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