The current 15% off sitewide sale at Johnny Appleseed brings the DJI Mavic Air 2 Fly More Combo down to $1,614.15, which I think is a pretty awesome price. Stock is expected on 19 May. Good luck finding a bigger discount in the next few weeks. RRP is $1,900.
[Pre Order] DJI Mavic Air 2 Fly More Combo - $1614.15 Delivered @ Johnny Appleseed

Last edited 01/05/2020 - 14:13 by 1 other user
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What's stopping you?
cos its non essential. Unless need to buy sausage at bunnings.
You can do it from home.
need to buy sausage at bunnings.
no sausages at bunnings
@jv: Within the confines of your yard. But if you cross over to someone else's property then it's a big no no.
@stumbows: There was someone flying their drone all around my area the other day. Over major roads. First time I've ever seen that.
@stumbows: Why is that? As far as I know you just have to stay under 120m, stay 30m away from any unprotected person(s) and stay LOS right? I fly around my suburb often and so do others. You can fly over roads and houses as long as people are in their houses and cars, or if not, you don't go within 30m of them.
So tempting! Time to sell my mavic mini fly more…
Ditto. Wonder how much we can get for the Mini Fly More…
I was tempted to trade up. But..! Check the new mini firmware update. We now have manual WB, ISO and Shutter speed controls. Added 24fps 2.7k mode. And other improvements. Pretty good firmware upgrade for a basic drone.
im gonna buy this, is fly more combo worth the extra 350 bucks? anyone tell me pls xDDDWell, it's worth the money as it gives you 2 extra batteries.
But,… usually you'll fly a few times then put the drone into your storage:)
Yeah i have the mavic air 1 and no kidding flew it like 5times over the last year, i should probably sell it
Me too… And I also purchased DJI care every year…Just feel it's a god product, but rarely use..
Damn this hits close to home.
so true……
Usually the flymore is good value. 2 batteries, charger, case are good value
For extra batteries, propellers and ND filters set, I'd say it's worth it.
thanks for help guys. you guys make me spend extra 350. cheers!
besides the 2 battiers what else do u get in the fly more combo?
Thanks OP, but I don't have money at the moment:(
We are in the same boat!
$509 For DJI Mavic mini also which is cheapest I've seen
D1store near me just price matched so im on my way to pick one up
Thanks for pointing this out! Ive really been looking for a goos mini fly more deal but shipping brings this back to over 700 for me :(
..Dont think theres many hobby stores near me thatd price match something like this either sadly.
EDIT: D1 Store just price matched online… without postage.. might wanna check that out yourselves!
JB hifi should price match. At least I can't see why not
@Captain Hindsight: That's decent. I had jb hifi in mind as I have gift cards there from cashing in velocity points.
DJI is a Chinese-owned company. Any data sent back to its China-based headquarters can be accessed by the CCP.
Why was this comment down-voted?
It's fact. The CCP can access and spy on this data if they wanted…
Are you going to avoid using all products manufactured by Chinese companies as well? like 99% of laptop, apple products etc? Or you only concern whether company itself is from China or not, but ignore where their products are manufactured? Curious about what device are you using right now?
CCP are monitoring my Kmart fleecey pants
Are you going to avoid using all products manufactured by Chinese companies as well? like 99% of laptop, apple products etc?
Why are you asking? Are there reasons why I should be concerned about electronics made in China as well?
There's a difference between made in China and Owned by Chinese state companies (see ccp) which is what XN is referring too.
@nomoneynoproblems: Because everything thats apparently bad about China for stealing your information is only speculation, concerns (as the article actually says) or apparent risks. None of this was every verified or proven.
Unlike however, the NSA and PRISM and proven by Snowden's leaks that no one ever talks about anymore because Murica.
Oh.. we better friends with Murcia than the Chinese? I'll leave that conclusion to you on why this is the case despite China being number one partner to Australia and contributes a huge % of our GDP.
@bchliu: Hmmm handing over data to an authoritarian regime, what could go wrong. I wonder what would happen if the ccp had Mack Hortons folks information, probably more 50 cent shills tracking their every move.
Snowden just confirmed what everyone else knew. The Patriot ACT didn't exactly make things a secret.
Hmmm handing over data to an authoritarian regime, what could go wrong
That's a presumption. Again, if there were concrete evidence as much as what Snowden delivered, then it would be proof and not speculation "concern".
Snowden just confirmed what everyone else knew. The Patriot ACT didn't exactly make things a secret.
Nope. Just leaves less room for Murican shills to deny. But then again, they deny everything anyway much like their president does.
Just calling out the hypocrisy..
there was an interesting forbes article about xiaomi and this today, it seems they may be way above apple and cie for this, but meh just about anything that connects to the net is a backdoor for some crap
Have you heard of the Five Eyes?
Australia technically doesn't spy on us but it gets other countries to spy on us so they can say they don't.
Have you heard of the Five Eyes?
Australia technically doesn't spy on us but it gets other countries to spy on us so they can say they don't.
Had a guy in school we nick-named Four-Eyes, and he couldn't have spied for shit!
Had a guy in school we nick-named Four-Eyes, and he couldn't have spied for shit!
Well, that's the sign of a good spy - they give a false impression of themselves…
actually I think Australia is the only modern country that DOES spy on it's citizens.
Who gives a shit??!
If it was a mobile phone I would probably be concerned… but it's a drone, who cares if they know I flew over a beach or something?
who cares if they know I flew over a beach or something?
Not just that.
It's also how you fly it, your location, the metadata, etc.
Data is valuable, and combined with artificial intelligence technologies, who knows how it will be used.
is the CCP going to critique my drone flying technique?
@kantspel: Would an army or police force be interested in a more efficient manoeuvre for their drones?
What about wind stablisation techniques?
Would an army or police force be interested in a more efficient manoeuvre for their drones?
What about wind stablisation techniques?
Erm, didn't you say CCP owns them? If so, they already know their own drone's capabilities…
@[Deactivated]: ahaha dude you've been reading too much of aussie media. China aren't uniquely evil. They're a nation, similar to other nations. If you're going to get so up in arms about their "spying", you shouldn't be buying any American products. Their surveillance is on record.
@kantspel: Yes, I read "aussie" media… I am an "aussie" with part Chinese heritage.
CCP =/= China (people).
The Chinese people are being ruled by a dictator who can't be voted out. Chinese people are not necessarily evil. The majority are everyday people, but some (not all) have been conditioned by the government to be a bit heartless. "So long as you stay out of politics and don't speak up, I, the CCP, will give you shiny things". How China's rulers control society.
The CCP, however, is evil, authoritarian, and play dirty. Their agenda is to rule the world. That's my view, you can hold yours.
American companies will fight the western government to defend our civil liberties: Apple refused to unlock iPhone for FBI.
Any Chinese-owned company will have to hand over any data to the CCP on request: CCP's data ecosystem.
I know all data is being collected. Who's hands do you want your data to be in? Not the CCP. Any Chinese-owned company = CCP.
Even if you have a Chinese background as well, we're in Australia, right? You enjoy Australian freedoms, do you not?
Here's some Chinese-centric media as well: Dr Li Wenliang punished for revealing the truth.
@[Deactivated]: Their agenda isn't to rule. There's been no colonialism or intervention in China's rise. Can you say the same about the US, the British Empire, the Roman Empire?
Their agenda isn't to rule. There's been no colonialism or intervention in China's rise
How do you think I got my Chinese heritage in my bloodstream? We all know about the US and Brits' histories. Are you in denial over China's domination and attempts (historically and current)?
Historically, things were bloody. Currently, things are economic.
History repeats itself: China still bullies its Asian neighbours.
Oh, and here is the CCP being "helpful"/opportunistic: China extending it's debt traps to African nations.
Yet again, a Chinese debt trap for Pakistan.
Chinese imperialism ("colonialism") is historical and current.
If you prefer the CCP, I'm sure they're happy to take you in and give you teeny bits of shiny things in return for your 100% obedience. Perhaps it'll make you happy to have a CCP-branded CCTV inside your home.
@[Deactivated]: Where has been Chinese colonialism? Sure there are land disputes, but thats minor compared to actually sending your military into another country to kill its people and loot its resources. "Debt traps" give me a break. African nations have sovereignty. If they want to take loans from China, they can. Do you view African nations as infantile, and unable to make their own decisions? There isn't any sort of coercion, or forced structural readjustments akin to IMF loans. The media has got us all for a spin.
@kantspel: Did your parents teach you this? Did they also teach you that the Jewish holocaust never happened?
Potential mainland Chinese invasion of another country: Taiwan
Do you view … nations as infantile, and unable to make their own decisions?
No, I think they are naive, that they are fooled by the sneaky snek that is the CCP.
Every nation should be wary of China's intentions
Their agenda isn't to rule. There's been no colonialism or intervention in China's rise.
Please make an informed comment, or read up some history first.
@Buy2Much: I have. Where has been the Chinese armies that have come in an invaded other lands? Hasn't happened. Unlike the US and British Empire, whose history is littered with colonialism and int the US's cases, continued military interventions to this day. Anywho, ozb is probably not the place to discuss these things, so I'll leave it at that 😅
I have. Where has been the Chinese armies that have come in an invaded other lands?
Really? It shows how ignorant you are. Without going back so far in history, everyone would have heard about Tibet and the current South China Sea situation.
There's no point in continuing the debate being so one-eyed…
Yes, God forbid. The Chinese know about your location.
Yet you willingly provide this info 24/7 to google and apple and the affiliates?
Privacy is dead. It's just how much they wanting to analyse. Not just China, basically any government or big tech companies…
Privacy is dead
I kinda agree. It's unfortunate.
I'm thinking the only way to gain back privacy is to live off the grid.
But it doesn't mean we can't resist the Big Guys encroaching our space and eroding privacy even further. Like, everyday Chinese people are so used to the CCP pushing them down further and further that they just have to accept CCP surveillance cameras being installed inside their own homes!
That is not the "normal" that I'd be willing to accept.
So they are going to see what? Your footage of the local sporting field or your topless neighbour bathing in her backyard………
Unless you are flying near Pine Gap data sent to China is irrelevant.
data sent to China is irrelevant.
No, data is a resource. It's the most valuable kind in today's environment (personal and business). I replied to a comment above, which shared your line of thinking.
Also, the CCP is all about domination. Here is how they're treating innocent Chinese civilians: CCP surveillance cameras installed inside people's homes.
Some Chinese people are too scared to speak inside their own homes, for fear of revealing personal data to the government.
The "value" of drone data is metadata. You, a human, might not be able to analyse the data as well as an artificially-intelligent machine can.
And what if your footage accidentally captured something that the AI picks up to be interesting and useful to the CCP?
You're getting downvoted a lot, but I think that's unfortunate. There's a massive tendency for people to gloss over privacy invasions in all things and try and say "it's only a drone", or "you're already giving away data to Apple" or similar. But you're absolutely right in saying this data is incredibly invaluable if you want to profile people, a group, or a country.
The smart people are doing just that. The not-so-smart people don't care they're giving up that information, because in return they get happy feels from products.
There's a fine line for us to think about the balance between technology we buy and how it can be used against us by anyone (our own government included). But that's not what most people think about.
Yes, but it is also the best quality and best value consumer drone ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Simply disable your device from Syncing to internet. My Mavic 2 hasnt been online in over a year now, no real way CCP or DJI can data from it online.
Come on, just a drone. How do you know DJI collecting data? How do you know Apple and Google don’t?
I know they all do. It's just who's hands do you want your data in?
American companies will fight the western government to defend our civil liberties: Apple refused to unlock iPhone for FBI.
Any Chinese-owned company will have to hand over any data to the CCP on request: CCP's data ecosystem.
Your data can be used to profile you. This is why it's always being collected. This is powerful in the wrong hands because it can be used to manipulate you, your social group, the country.
Your data is not safe with Chinese companies. It's baked into the Chinese legal system.
I don't anticipate that I will have time to fly the craft. I will wait for a few years for it to come down in price.
DJI… an excellent example of great hardware plagued by poor software
I disagree. Software is not perfect but DJI has one of the best, if not the best drone software in the market atm. I am one user. But do check the online reviews/forums for others opinions.
ive gone through 2 generations of phantoms, now using mavic 2 pro. Connection issues and calibration issues are constant. Sent my phantom 4 pro back for repair due to keep having compass errors (spent $300 fixing it…) Camera livefeed would randomly cut out midflight (stuck on grey screen) even though the aircraft controlls are still responsive. Luckily all the times that's happened, the aircraft was still fairly close to me within eyesight, I basically flew it back blind. I agree DJI is best, i wouldnt by any other brands, software still lacks severly compared to its hardware, easy check is to just read it's app reviews.
Probably due to signal interference where you fly, or distance too far. Video is a bandwidth hog so can be lost well before you lose control on the remote. That problem was more likely on the Inspire 1 with older comm technology but I rarely see on Phantom 4 Pro or Mavic Pro 1 or 2 with Ocusync. And I did fly quite far with the Mavic Pro's. If I did lose video, I'd hit the Home button for autonomous return, safest way to get back. The new Mavic Air 2 also use Ocusync so should be reliable too.
@Buy2Much: I basically only fly my drone in the wilderness (beach, mountain etc) to capture backplates for VFX uses. There's no cell tower anywhere close. All im saying is DJI's software/firmware is still iffy and unstable alot of the times.
@AssBargain: My experience has been positive with the various DJI models but it's good to hear other people's experiences and how they use them. I do read people saying that the DJI Android app is not as refined as the IOS one so not sure if that's your case.
@AssBargain: There were significant issues with DJI quality control (Source). Generally they only send high quality overseas and sell their junk in China, but it's hit and miss. They have improved in recent years. Sounds like you had a streak of bad luck.
@AssBargain: Have you applied the wi-fi "fix" if you have an Aussie model DJI?
I have an Air 1 fly more combo. Last Christmas holiday I was flying in El Nido Phillipines out into the sea. I was new to the scene and found that the picture and control would be lost after 250-300 m or so, when people on Youtube was getting distances of 2 km!
Then I learnt that if you apply the fix so that the drone thinks you are in USA, the Wi-Fi mode switches to a stronger source and signal and distance improved. I took it out to 500 m or so before turning back without any issues.
huh? name 1 other drone maker who has better software?
i never compared dji to another brand?? Read my above reply.
Hmmm, I would be super keen if it wasn't for DJI releasing in 2020 a new app that allows random people to track your 2020+ model drones. …Will allow the public to see where it takes off from, its flight path and the email address of the pilot so they can email concerns directly to them.
is the product getting more matured/peaked now? I hate the fact that they slowly releasing the 'features'. Products like GoPro until hero 6-7 they are much better, almost peaked in a personal usage pov (not super pro level).
Absolutely lost track of drones in recent times. What models out there are generally considered the dogs nutsack? 1, 2 & 3 say. TIA.
Seems like a reasonable deal. I reckon this might take a long time to actually arrive in store though.
Never bought from these guys before. Anyone know how they are? If order gets delayed what's their cancel policy?
They have been good in the past. Haven't dealt with them in the last year or so.
They have been around for a long time (back when GPS software was installed on a PDA before smart phones existed, then you add the GPS antenna), so should be reputable. I have bought from them in the past, they are knowledgeable with their gear.
Oof. Paid $1250 for the Air 1 earlier this year. Is this worth the upgrade if i can sell the 1 for an ok pirce?
Sell it now and get on this. I sold my Mavic Pro Platinum specifically for this.
Whats the process of selling 2nd hand electronics? How to deal with the buyer not happy with the product?
When I sold my drone, he actually came and inspected it. I also flew it for him and made sure he was happy with it. Advertise it via Gumtree or FB Marketplace, and put it at a price where it’s enticing for the buyer. Do not post it out, this is a device that needs to be shown to the potential buyer so there are no issues.
Air 1s are going for 700-950ish on eBay if they are Fly Mores
The 3 stand out things that would convince people upgrading from Mavic Air:
1. Much longer flight time 50% more.
2. Ocusyn 2.0 which is much more reliable (previous was not even Ocusync)
3. Much longer range 10km!Let’s not forget the camera specs, big upgrade. Almost on par with the far more expensive Mavic 2 Pro.
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Been very itch to fly my mp2 back to air again.