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[eBook] Free "My Dad Is a Loser (The Barry Loser Series)" Kindle version $0.00 @ Amazon US & AU

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My Mum is a Loser (The Barry Loser Series) also free

Dad AU
Mom AU

Thanks OzBargin

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Remember when barry used to play for the swans…

    • +1

      you have recalled data record very well, trusted scientist

    • +1

      this book makes so much more sense now

  • +4

    My kids love this book.

    Their mum got it for my birthday…

    • +1


      JV gender switch.

      Remember when you used to be the mum…

    • +2

      Their mum got it for my birthday…

      I hope your wife's relationship with her dad improves

      • I hope your wife's relationship with her dad improves

        We are not Tasmanians !!!

  • +19
    • Thanks for the aussie links

    • Always wanted to ask, are you a bot or hooman?

      • +1

        a booot

      • +7

        Not a bot. My amazon Kindle account is Au so needed Au links, figured others might be in same situation…

    • +2

      I don't know why the op links are always us this is ozbargain deal link should be aus add us link to description thanks for aus links

      • +4

        Because, a lot of people had amazon kindle setups before came about as well as a lot of people felt amazon US had better kindle freebies / choices of books. So still stick with US Amazon for kindle. Thats what i do.

  • Appropriately titled books for today's children.

  • +2

    Mothers day next weekend sorted :)

    • I heard it was going to be rescheduled.

  • -4

    The kid's parents bleated on about how much they love their children but this obviously self-serving rubbish if you look at the world the parents left for their children.

    According to NASA, the Earth will no longer support human life in 50 to 200 years.

    • +1

      What? The world is a wonderful place to live and getting better every day. Have a look at for some perspective.

    • Unfortunately, the ability to love your children is not always bundled with the ability to see how your small-scale actions affect the large-scale long-term living conditions on your planet.

    • +1

      According to NASA, the Earth will no longer support human life in 50 to 200 years.

      Lol, who gives a sh*t what NASA says?

      They can barely keep the ISS resupplied these days without extensive Russian assistance, let alone scrounge up enough funding for manned missions again.

    • +1

      NASA was actually relevant about 50 years ago, quite amazing.

    • According to NASA, the Earth will no longer support human life in 50 to 200 years.


      I'm all for reducing our impact on the environment but some people just make up alarmist messages about how quickly it will happen - Just like in the 90s some people said by 2020 the sea levels would have consumed the eastern seaboard and the hole in the ozone layer would have killed everything… … …

  • serious, as I dad Do i really want to read this to kids? To say I'm loser???

    Looks like good for mums not dads, vice versa on the book titles.

  • +2

    Ridiculous. Anyone who gives this to their children will deserve the treatment and behaviour they will receive back from the ungrateful brats they produce.

    • +1

      Exactly is what I thought. Seriously people have to think little deep on the environment they grow with. The words they listen, and if you ask them to bring a beer, be ready for them to drink beer too. Same goes with abuses.

  • +1

    I first read it as first glance as

    My dad is a lobster. Got the B in Barry mixed in.

  • +2

    Never mind, I worked it out. Thanks!

    Maybe a dumb question, but how do I download? Is there a link to down in .pdf, epub, >> mobi? Sorry never bought/download a book from amazon before.

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