• expired

AmEx Offers: 2 Bonus Rewards Points per $1 for Supermarket Payments and 10 Bonus Rewards Points per $1 for Food Delivery Service


2 Membership Rewards Bonus Points per $1 for Supermarket Payments

Save offer to eligible Card and receive 2 Membership Rewards Bonus Points for each $1 spent at participating supermarkets by 31/07/2020, up to a maximum of 20,000 Bonus Points. Limited to 300,000 Cards. Exclusions apply.

Offer valid at participating supermarket brands where American Express is accepted: Coles, Harris Farm Markets, IGA (including IGA Everyday, IGA X-Press and SUPA IGA), Supabarn, Woolworths.
* Payments can be made in-store at Coles, Harris Farm Markets, IGA, Supabarn, Woolworths.
* Payments can be made online at shop.coles.com.au, harrisfarm.com.au, woolworths.com.au.
* Payments can be made in-app via the Woolworths Scan&Go app.

Coles Not valid at Coles Express locations. Not valid for gift cards purchased online. Not valid for payments to Coles Insurance, Coles Mobile.

Harris Farm Markets Not valid at the following locations within Harris Farm stores: Charlotte Cafe, Hudson Meats, Salt Meats Cheese, Sydney Fresh Seafood.

Woolworths Not valid at Caltex Woolworths or Caltex Woolworths Metro locations. Not valid for gift cards purchased online. Not valid for payments to Woolworths Insurance, Woolworths Mobile.

10 Membership Rewards Bonus Points per $1 for Food Delivery Service

Save offer to eligible Card and receive 10 Bonus Membership Rewards Points for each $1 spent in-app or online at Deliveroo, Menulog or Uber Eats by 31/07/2020, up to a maximum of 15,000 Bonus Points. Limited to 300,000 Cards. Exclusions apply.

Offer valid for orders delivered or collected within Australia.

Offer valid for payments via the following apps or websites:
* Deliveroo app for iPhone or Android, or deliveroo.com.au
* Menulog app for iPhone or Android, or menulog.com.au
* Uber Eats app for iPhone or Android, or ubereats.com.au

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

AmEx Statement Offers
AmEx Statement Offers
American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • +1

    Only got it on my mine card but it's more than enough. That's like $10K spend for 3 months grocery if I calculated that correctly

    • Yeh me too. Didn't get it in the additional card, same account.

      • In the Ts & Cs it does state specifically: "Additional Cards are not eligible for this offer."

        • Oops I didn't bother to read the t and c. Thanks

    • Main card*

    • -1

      That's like $10K spend for 3 months grocery

      Are you Catholic ?

  • +5

    I got equivalent on my Amex Qantas card - 1 bonus Qantas point per dollar at supermarkets

    • +1

      Same with my Velocity (lol) cards.

      My DJs Amex also got this offer, so now I'll be getting five points per dollar when I buy stuff from the supermarket; score!

      • -1

        Don’t discount Velocity just yet.

        • Yeah I'm still using them but I did ask the theatre companies to charge my DJs card rather than my Westpac Velocity card haha (I also have over 200K points in limbo)

    • Same. It’s also 5 bonus points for food delivery

  • +2

    Anyone know if you can buy Woolworths egift cards from the woolworths website and get the bonus? A good way to stock up on the 5% off cards and get lots of bonus points.

    • +2

      Not valid for gift cards purchased online. OP has it in the deal.

      • +6

        Thanks. In which case this isn't really a deal for the savy people who always buy gift cards.

        • For instore giftcards sale.

      • Has that changed has it? Thought you used to be able to buy it.

        • +7

          You can still buy Wish gift cards and get a 5% discount (EB etc) plus the normal amex points (eg 3 for Plat edge etc) just cant get these 2 extra bonus points on this offer.

          I know what I would rather… get the normal 5% discount and 3 points.

  • +3

    Any link.this is targeted

  • +1

    I just have the free velocity amex and the offer for me was 1 bonus velocity point for supermarket spend and 5 bonus velocity for food delivery

  • Have the Qantas Amex Ultimate
    Mine was 5 points for Food Delivery and 1 extra point for Supermarkets.

  • +6

    Got it on my Velocity Escape. However velocity points are quite worthless atm.

  • Got the offers on 2 cards and activated. Thanks OP.

  • Thanks OP, on Explorer card

  • Maybe a silly question, but with the bonus membership rewards points, if I chose to have my points accrue as QFF points, is it the same or are membership rewards points a different thing which everyone gets regardless of which rewards scheme they opt into?

    • +1

      Membership Rewards points are different to QFF points. Your offer will be one bonus QFF point per dollar and five bonus QFF points per dollar if you have a Qantas Amex.

      • +1

        Thanks @kerfuffle

  • Combine this with the 3x and 5x multipliers for everyday rewards and there are a lot of points up for grabs

  • +3

    Got the offer for food delivery and Amazon but nothing for supermarket spend..

    • Same here, food delivery and Amazon, neither of which I use, but nothing for the supermarkets. Same for both Qantas and Westpac cards.

      • +2

        Check again. I just checked and the supermarket offer appeared on my card. It wasn't there before.

  • +1

    Need some point redemption bonuses

  • On Velocity amex: bonus = Velocity points (lol)

  • If it didn’t show up for you earlier, keep checking. I got the food delivery/Amazon offers when I checked the app at 9am. Checked again just now and had the supermarket one too.

  • Thanks OP! Got both offers on my Explorer card.

  • +1

    Has anyone had bonuses come up which don't align with your supermaket shop?
    e.g. I Spent $19 at Woolies but the Bonus points that correspond to that date is 10 (should be 38).
    I spent $50 at Harris but the bonus points is 40 (should be 100)

    Anyone else experiencing this?

    • +2

      I don't seem to be getting the correct amount either, unless I missed something in the fine print.

      $48 spent, 96 base points
      Food Delivery Offer, 100 bonus points

      $13.00 spent, 26 base points
      Supermarket Offer, 10 bonus points

      Platinum Reserve Card

      • And the very helpful support line says to wait an additiional 2 - 3 business days and the rest of the points will post. I'm doubtful, unless someone has actually raised it an issue.

        • Problem is if they take this piecemeal approach, we won't be able to track this accurately - perhaps their plan?

        • +3

          Have been advised that the marketing team will investigate and it'll take 5-7 working days and to check back for the outcome!? Can see the offer terms changing so have screenshot both supermarket and food delivery offers.

      • Same issue for me! Seems like a 100 flat bonus for the food delivery offer

    • Same. I spent around $540 at Woolworths. Got bonus points of 20!

      Clearly some teething problems with this. I'll give it a day or two to sort itself out before I contact them.

      • +1

        10 x $50 Perfect Giftcards.

      • No change to any of this for me. Multiple transactions now and only 10 or 20 bonus points being awarded, when 100's or 1000's of point should be being awarded. I'll give it to the end of the week before I contact them.

        • +1

          Same here. They've coded this incorrectly on their back system, or communicated it wrongly. Maybe its capped per transaction and this wasn't disclosed. Either way, I'll wait till later to correct it, going to rack up a ton more qualifying charges by end of the promo period of end of july, so will get it all fixed then otherwise will have call up multiple times.

    • +1

      Same here. Two transactions of about $26 and then $56 over two days and received only 2 lots of 10 points total. Strange

    • This issue seems to have been fixed or doesn't affect my card; I earnt 246 bonus points for my $123 spend across Coles and Woolies on Wednesday (or 615 points in total including the standard 3 points per dollar on my DJs Amex for supermarket spending)

      • Yes, my Wednesday purchase is also correct. Any purchases made prior to this are way off.

      • i got the same issue,my first 2 payments were 10points but my last (and hopefully today) has been correct

        • I made a series of $105 transactions at Coles on Tuesday and only got 10 pts each. Now struggling whether to contact them to have it fixed lol. Probably too risky to stick out now:)

      • Definitely not fixed for everyone.

    • Yep busted on my Explorer as well. One Woolworths shop has not registered (I got an email shortly after but fails to appear after a week, will give it time). Other points seem random - 100 points for an uber eats order (should have been a lot more), 20 points for a Coles order when it was meant to be around 50, etc.

  • +5

    For those following the non award of the bonus points for supermarket shop, I contacted AMEX chat and got the following:

    "I sincerely apologize that some of the points were not credited, there was an error detected which has been detected, the remediation of any missing points for spend dated 1 - 7 May will be awarded automatically
    While points are normally awarded within 5 business days from qualifying spend, in some situations this may take up to 90 days from offer end date.
    Please be rest assured, any points discrepancy will be awarded as soon as possible."

    • +1

      Thanks for following up for us all, I was about to do the same today! Much appreciated.

    • +2

      My points still aren't showing correctly. I realise it can take up to 90 days, but they can surely push this through more quickly if they chose to. I'll be contacting them again to point out that this hasn't been fixed. I'd suggest others also contact them. It's fairly easy to do via the chat window.

      • Took 4 weeks, but all of my bonus points appear to have now been awarded.

  • +1

    Just did this week's supermarket shop, but didn't get the e-mails acknowledging my spend. Anyone else in the same boat?

    (Will update with whether I got the bonus points or not)

    • Got my bonus points but it’s a bit short compared to what I expected (spent $175 but only got 316 bonus points and not 350).

      • Been getting mine accurately since 10/5 but still haven't got the correct points between 1-9th, although I just got a random 306 bonus points, could be for the first week but they owe me more like 800 so not sure what that's about.

        • I have received the missing pts a few days ago without contacting anyone.

  • Anyone get bonus points for their shopping last Monday 8 June? Went to IGA, Coles and Woolies, but no bonus points …

    • Still getting bonus points but also still missing points from the start (1st to 4th June). The emails have been missing for a while (since the end of May) but I got one from today's shop.

      • I got bonus points for my shopping on the 10th, but still waiting on those from the 8th :/

        Went to a Coles and two Woolies this evening; no e-mails

        • Heh, turns out they were credited on the 10th; my mistake

          Getting e-mails again; did a shop at Coles on the weekend and got the qualifying e-mail

  • +1

    Anyone get bonus points for their supermarket shopping from July 1 onwards yet? Nothing here for me so far with my two Coles and one Woolies transaction I made on the 1st … Stopped getting e-mails again too.

    • +1

      No bonus points for me from July 1 onwards also, looks like someone may have stuffed up the expiry date at Amex..

      • +1

        Thanks for confirming! Might hit up Amex then after this week's lot of standard points from the supermarket hit my account and the bonus points don't appear

  • +2

    No emails or points for me since the 28th June.

  • +2

    On Live Chat to Amex at the moment regarding the missing bonus points from July 1 onwards:

    Yes, you are right, I can see the Bonus points issued for the charges made in June but not on the charges made in July 2020. So I have opened an investigation and the backend team will review it to fix it.

    Guess if there isn't any bonus points in ten days, to hit them up again

    • +1

      Got an Amex email after today's shop but still no points since 28th June.

      • Same. Hopefully our missing points show up!

        • +1

          Got bonus points over the weekend for shops on the 15/7 and 16/7 but still nothing for the shops between 30/6 to 14/7.

          • @pele: Same here. I'll give them until next week before following up on it via Live Chat

  • +1

    Slowly getting credited my bonus points from my shops made from July 1; still missing points from July 4 to July 11 or about 750 points. Hoping they all show up by the time the promotion ends on Friday!

  • Still waiting for points from July 4 to 11; don't think I'll be getting them …

  • +3

    Just finished a online chat - see below comments:

    'There was a known technical issue due to which points were not awarded. It has been identified and you will receive the points anytime within 90 days of the offer end date, for the eligible charges. This is the maximum time frame and the points can get added to your account anytime within this period. … If for some reason, the points are still missing, you may chat back with us and advise us about it. We will escalate it for manual adjustments.'

    We'll just need to wait for the 90 days to pass.

    • +4

      In which case, they're probably hoping most people will forget.

      So set your calendars folks for Thursday, 29 October 2020 and let's keep the bastards honest 😉

  • +2

    For those with missing points, check your account. I ended up getting my missing 920 points (from when it wasn't being credited between July 4 and 11) a few weeks ago on the 12th

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